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Featured PLA offensive in Pangong resumes, Chinese take two hilltops on Indian side

Looks like India launched a massive attack on Chinese positions South of Pangong Lake. So far, PLA retook one or two peaks but at least three more peaks are held by India. India wants to use the occupation of the peaks as a bargaining chip in the negotiations but those plans will fail. The negotiations between PLA and Indian generals are about to end without results. Then the full scale Chinese counter attack begins tonight! By tomorrow morning, Chushul will be liberated.
Bargain chips? I hope those chips don't blow Indian up :enjoy:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
1971 is an unparallaed event in world military history, not in any single war 93000 surrendered.... we need to remind you that .... and also a new country was born... so India is a father of a nation.

coming back to your keyboard skills...

A. SU-30MKI shot down first -- keep that in your dreams :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
B. Panic all over your communication when PAF scored that kill -- paf was in its own airspace and not daring enought o cross the LaC, forget about IB. We did that just 24 hours before.... and came in 80 km. Dont you ever forget that
C. Mi-17 Search & Rescue dispatched for the SU-30MKI pilot - :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
D. Mi-17 friendly fire shot down by Indian SAM. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
D2. Full use of EW spectrum against India by PAK which resulted in zero communication & radar jamming.
E. PAF successfully delivers ALL payloads at their designated targets --- deliver means dropping it in some open field and threatining is bravery then you are the best... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
F. PAF successfully retreats across the LOC -- you never crossed LOC, let alone IB. We did both... its like you are bombing 80 km inside Indian territory... can you dare that and still take your planes in one piece back to your base? keep dreaming....
G. Mig-21 Bison (Fully upgraded) shot down as it crossed the LOC. -- not before it took down the doosra banda :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
H. Mig-21 pilot captured by Pakistan Army and paraded around for the world. -- if that was India then we would have not let him go for a year... your imran had to announce on the floor of parliament to release him unconditionally.
I. Indian gives PAK a missile threat (Brahmos etc), a stupid move as neither Pakistan & India have any capability of finding out if the missile is nuclear tipped. What were the Indians trying to say? that they are not a match for Pakistan conventionally? That Pakistan beat India conventionally? We should down your aircrafts, we bombed the living shit out of your lands and we proceeded to go back without hinderance. ISI gives a counter missile threat that makes lil' India run back to its cave.

---- Indians crossing the IB was also a big event, that was enough provocation for a war even country like Zimbabwe .... but you chose the warning.... the war that you always wanted was served on a silver platter to you by India... all your dreams of sending the bumb to India and bring the Gazwa e hind was just a step away...

but then you will thump your chest with a false win... if that is what makes you happy then we cant help.

every military action has some clear outcome to decide if it is success or failure..... bombing Balakot had motive of sending a clear signal and kill our enemy... we did both.

it took you two months to rebuild the place and then take the journos there and show nothing is happened.... LOL

dude, you are too new for these debates and pdf has a nasty habit of going into its heart.... dont take this to your heart... use your head... and then press that reply button.
Why you are banning them?
You are killing the excitement on PDF let them come with whatever trash they can bring, we can counter thier narrative, it at least brings thier sick mindset in open 😜😜😜
Man what has happened to your mind, it's a conflict between China and India and u are living in the past about pakistan?
What if, this time half of your army surrenders to China?
Imagine it???? Lolzzz
And what if india becomes a state of some small parts from UP to MD? 😉 😜 😜
Bargain chips? I hope those chips don't blow Indian up :enjoy:
I think areas did not have permanent deployment most likely patrol posts. That's why they say no casualties and no fighting took place. China took 2 hill post. Remember they shouted victory before 20 got slaughtered? And 60 captured? Lol
Why you are banning them?
You are killing the excitement on PDF let them come with whatever trash they can bring, we can counter thier narrative, it at least brings thier sick mindset in open 😜😜😜
Man what has happened to your mind, it's a conflict between China and India and u are living in the past about pakistan?
What if, this time half of your army surrenders to China?
Imagine it???? Lolzzz
And what if india becomes a state of some small parts from UP to MD? 😉 😜 😜
They are crying when they cannot rebuke of our victory. It's like a thousand cuts in their heart. :enjoy:
This is the buffer zone where India had captured the heights. Both India and China claim these territories.
what stops you? try it now. lets bring this war on the door of pakistan.

pakistan didnt lasted for a week in 47, 65 an 71... lets see how long they want to last this time.....

one thing is missing, Pompio is giving statements from America... imran is so silent threat the threat of Brahmos is still fresh in his mind...

Currently they are making sure there is plenty of tea for all the Indian guests. I suggest get rid of the tea altogether and just give them what they get in Indian armed forces for food: pani waali daal and sukhi roti.
dude it seems pdf got you.... you went really hyper. and used all features of microsfot word it seems in one single post.... :lol: :lol:

your editing skills are awesome .... nothing is useful here in this post.... try one more time and give me something to think about.... this is all crap...

I can see the burns on you

How about you respond to my statements? No? Got nothing to say so trying to get me down with kiddie $hit. ;)

The only thing that is crap is the wild theories coming out of you! Lol
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
1971 is an unparallaed event in world military history, not in any single war 93000 surrendered.... we need to remind you that .... and also a new country was born... so India is a father of a nation.

coming back to your keyboard skills...

A. SU-30MKI shot down first -- keep that in your dreams :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
B. Panic all over your communication when PAF scored that kill -- paf was in its own airspace and not daring enought o cross the LaC, forget about IB. We did that just 24 hours before.... and came in 80 km. Dont you ever forget that
C. Mi-17 Search & Rescue dispatched for the SU-30MKI pilot - :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
D. Mi-17 friendly fire shot down by Indian SAM. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
D2. Full use of EW spectrum against India by PAK which resulted in zero communication & radar jamming.
E. PAF successfully delivers ALL payloads at their designated targets --- deliver means dropping it in some open field and threatining is bravery then you are the best... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
F. PAF successfully retreats across the LOC -- you never crossed LOC, let alone IB. We did both... its like you are bombing 80 km inside Indian territory... can you dare that and still take your planes in one piece back to your base? keep dreaming....
G. Mig-21 Bison (Fully upgraded) shot down as it crossed the LOC. -- not before it took down the doosra banda :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
H. Mig-21 pilot captured by Pakistan Army and paraded around for the world. -- if that was India then we would have not let him go for a year... your imran had to announce on the floor of parliament to release him unconditionally.
I. Indian gives PAK a missile threat (Brahmos etc), a stupid move as neither Pakistan & India have any capability of finding out if the missile is nuclear tipped. What were the Indians trying to say? that they are not a match for Pakistan conventionally? That Pakistan beat India conventionally? We should down your aircrafts, we bombed the living shit out of your lands and we proceeded to go back without hinderance. ISI gives a counter missile threat that makes lil' India run back to its cave.

---- Indians crossing the IB was also a big event, that was enough provocation for a war even country like Zimbabwe .... but you chose the warning.... the war that you always wanted was served on a silver platter to you by India... all your dreams of sending the bumb to India and bring the Gazwa e hind was just a step away...

but then you will thump your chest with a false win... if that is what makes you happy then we cant help.

every military action has some clear outcome to decide if it is success or failure..... bombing Balakot had motive of sending a clear signal and kill our enemy... we did both.

it took you two months to rebuild the place and then take the journos there and show nothing is happened.... LOL

dude, you are too new for these debates and pdf has a nasty habit of going into its heart.... dont take this to your heart... use your head... and then press that reply button.

Have you recently discovered this skirmish? Did you just wake up or were you living under a rock? Or did India's *** whooping make you extremely delusional?

The rest of your country men ran out of here with their tails between their legs when they argued on this last time.

I should be a gentleman and let you read up on what is what because sweety, I don't want to whip your tushy on this, especially since India ran out of BURNOL last year in Feb.

Go on, you have a head start, present your proofs. If you do not present anything, that means you were just full of $hit.

They are crying when they cannot rebuke of our victory. It's like a thousand cuts in their heart. :enjoy:
Man it's so refreshing, let them come so we can at least enjoy all of it, cause PLA is ready to make next massive move ASAP so, let them enjoy thier little fake victory for some time and when they ill get next beating then it ill be an epic event here on PDF 🤣🤣🤣🤣
During these tussles and games of cat and mouse, I have learned one thing conclusively.
The Indians build a false narrative to save their backsides. They write and in now modern era create so many videos and talk shows contents that they start to believe in their own lies.
Then they try to push their lies as established history.

Considering what is happening at the moment. What Chinese are doing boldly.
How cowardly Indians are behaving.

There is absolutely no doubt that whole of Indian history is pack of lies.

Like during this conflict they have claimed to kill 44+ Chinese in Galwan. And how they have bombed Balakot and killed 300+ in the SirGKal strikes.

Top all of that 56ers lies that not an inch of Indian land is occupied. As it happens it is now over 1000 sq km.
Take that Modi and Godi media.
Well above all the rants, pls go and chcek PLA is mounting its offensive from all sides not just in laddakh that ill start from dokhlam then sikham then mezuram, then they ill cut u out from all sides and that great water bomb hope you know about that well? 😍😜😊
No 1971 crap lies will save you?
No dam prapoganda of ughir Muslims will save you?
You have to fight your asss off this time 😘😘😘😜
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Sources say, the PLA now occupies Helmet Top, as well as a nearby feature called Black Top, both of which are on the Indian side of the LAC. From here, Chinese soldiers can observe and track Indian movements across the Pangong lake and as far away as India’s tactically vital Chushul garrison.
It reminds me about battle of laoshan between vietnam and china in 1984. At that time, China occupied a mountain from vietnam side to track vietnamese soliders movement

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