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Indian interference and proxy war against Bangladesh


It can be translated in one sentence. CEC of Bangladesh and Indian political Councillor have summed up a blueprint in one and half hour closed door meeting to destabilize Bangladesh.

The current EC is a veritable arm of BAL maggots . U know BAL wants to go for one party elections as they removed CT system from the constitution and as a result BNP lead allaince along with all other parties have so far refused to participate . Blood is being shed to make way for democratic elections and kick out a dalal facist regime which in all intent and purposes is being controlled from Delhi's south block. Its your security establishment VS the people of BD . You country is the only one backing this hopeless facist regime in pursuing their wet dream. Well only nutters can back nutters. SO much for the diplomatic foresight of supa pawa India. :enjoy:
The current EC is a veritable arm of BAL maggots . U know BAL wants to go for one party elections as they removed CT system from the constitution and as a result BNP lead allaince along with all other parties have so far refused to participate . Blood is being shed to make way for democratic elections and kick out a dalal facist regime which in all intent and purposes is being controlled from Delhi's south block. Its your security establishment VS the people of BD . You country is the only one backing this hopeless facist regime in pursuing their wet dream. Well only nutters can back nutters. SO much for the diplomatic foresight of supa pawa India. :enjoy:

Good, that means they are gonna win the next election :tup:, may bhagwaan bless honorable PM Ms. Sheikh Hasina Ji
Good, that means they are gonna win the next election :tup:, may bhagwaan bless honorable PM Ms. Sheikh Hasina Ji

An election where the only contesting party is BAL. :rofl: Such regimes never last. Forget that- BAL can't even carry out this one-party election given the situation in the country.
Bangladeshi sovereignty under Indian threat!

In my last report, I have expressed anxiety over then future political crisis in Bangladesh, now the time has arrived. The situation seems grieve than the expectations. Both the government and opposition parties kept their rigid stance over their own grounds.

But, there is a presence of larger dark cloud in the Bangladeshi sky. Not only its domestic political and socio-economical stability is under threat because of the power struggle between two largest political parties, but recently it’s been revealed that Bangladesh’s sovereignty is under cross border threats as well, at the same time.

This threat is coming from Bangladesh’s biggest neighbor and the regional power India.

As the election date is coming near, therefore, Indian newspapers, like renowned ‘Indian Times’, started to publish articles with such title as “Bangladesh is in a violent phase and India must do all it can to see a friendly regime return to power”.

India is patronizing current BAL government to secure their several interests like, Securing Indian control over the North-Eastern Indian States who holds considerable demand for secession and situated in the borders of Bangladesh, to use free transit route inside Bangladesh along with the intention to secure and create ground for Indian investments on power sector. Indian government is aware of the fact that Bangladeshi public do not want to serve Indian purpose on their own costs. The recent Indian project to build an environment damaging power plant with an agreement with BAL government in Bangladesh’s biggest forest faced with severe protests all over the Bangladesh.

The upcoming election of Bangladesh is an extremely important one for the country’s future orientation. Superpowers like U.S, China and India, all are concerned with their own interests in the future Bangladesh.

In the other hand, global power U.S seems to take more pragmatic stance which is not in line with India. Bangladeshi opposition party BNP already restated that they will keep their stance with U.S in the war against terrorism in the region. Also, the reason behind U.S stance is as of 2nd November, Bangladesh leading newspaper Daily Star published a recent public poll where it shows that 55% votes are to be casts on BNP’s ballot and only 28% to the BAL. Not only this poll, but every other polls on electoral issues are clearly demonstrating that more than 50% of the population is supporting the opposition, U.S has no reason to ignore public demand.

After a visit of U.S ambassador to Dhaka Mr. Dan Mozena to Delhi and Indian reactions to his visit made it clear that this different stance behind Bangladeshi political parties created a conflict between U.S and India.

The disagreement between India and U.S over the upcoming Bangladeshi election is serious to the extent that, Indian newspapers in their articles openly demands India to intervene in Bangladesh, in words like, “This, in a way, revives the pre-1971 scenario where a similar situation forced India to back the Bengali insurrection and militarily intervene in East Pakistan, braving threats of a US naval intervention.”

Just last week, an Indian Air Force’s MI17v5 Helicopter touched the Bangladeshi ground after 42 years, now these demand to Indian intervention into Bangladesh to bring BAL to the power again left no space to ignore the seriousness of the situation as also recently another Indian daily published from Assam published the news of a budget approval from Delhi to spend money in Bangladeshi election, and the amount is way bigger than the amount they spent in last Bangladeshi election’s budget told by 'The Economist'!

India is simply being over confident and seems to exercise power across its border, any Indian activities, covert or overt will not only be a illegal act of violation of Bangladesh’s sovereignty and add extreme tension in the already severe conflicting domestic politics, but also can put millions of Hindu minority’s security under serious risk in Bangladesh.

So, the Bangladeshi political turmoil caused by the fate of upcoming election already been so severe because of the conflict between two most powerful political, and now it added the international dimension to the problem. I hope, at the end the will of Bangladeshi people should win.

Bangladeshi sovereignty under Indian threat! - CNN iReport
indian seem to be getting their way in Bdesh lately; in the name of "justice" many anti mukti-bahini elements are being arrested and put to rot in prisons simply b/c of their links to religious groups....all this b/c of votebank politics and upcoming election

i hope all patriotic Bengalis will make sure that witch of a prime minister will not get her way in the next election....awami league are the biggest stooges, it would be funny if it werent so tragic and serious 
she's even attacking the Nobel Peace Prize winner Mohammad Younas -- the guy who basically 'invented' the concept of micro finance for rural farmers.....

he did more for Bangladesh and bringing good name to Bangladesh than that witch of a lady ever could!
The current EC is a veritable arm of BAL maggots . U know BAL wants to go for one party elections as they removed CT system from the constitution and as a result BNP lead allaince along with all other parties have so far refused to participate . Blood is being shed to make way for democratic elections and kick out a dalal facist regime which in all intent and purposes is being controlled from Delhi's south block. Its your security establishment VS the people of BD . You country is the only one backing this hopeless facist regime in pursuing their wet dream. Well only nutters can back nutters. SO much for the diplomatic foresight of supa pawa India. :enjoy:

BNP will come to power this time & I am dying to congratulate you. We will have party here,OK? :partay:
All these only add fuel to the anti-India fire raging. And buries the Sheikh Family Inc deeper.
anti India is not big deal, but yeah sheikh family should not be in danger.. I hope we can get her family out if things turn too hot. :cheers:
I sincerely hope BNP comes to power in next election just to see what happens.
anti India is not big deal, but yeah sheikh family should not be in danger.. I hope we can get her family out if things turn too hot. :cheers:
I sincerely hope BNP comes to power in next election just to see what happens.

Sheikh Hasina and her family are wanted criminal from committing genocide to looting billions of dollars to conspiring against Bangladesh independence and sovereignty. India sheltering her and/or her family will directly and legally implicate indian role in genocidal and anti Bangladesh activity. If india as country willing to take burden then so be it.
Sheikh Hasina and her family are wanted criminal from committing genocide to looting billions of dollars to conspiring against Bangladesh independence and sovereignty. India sheltering her and/or her family will directly and legally implicate indian role in genocidal and anti Bangladesh activity. If india as country willing to take burden then so be it.
genocidal? when did she commit genocide against her own people?
India should help if her family is in danger due to political reason in a civil war or coup like situation(not if a judge gives a verdict that she should go to jail for corruption etc which is internal matter of bd)
anti India is not big deal, but yeah sheikh family should not be in danger.. I hope we can get her family out if things turn too hot. :cheers:
I sincerely hope BNP comes to power in next election just to see what happens.

In a similar way, I want Modi to come to power in India.
In a similar way, I want Modi to come to power in India.
what will happen if Modi comes to power(wrt bd)... he has no known views about bd... but most members claim BNP is going to go against India... I want to see how it works... :)
what will happen if Modi comes to power(wrt bd)... he has no known views about bd... but most members claim BNP is going to go against India... I want to see how it works... :)

Not just to see what his policy is against BD...

I also want to see if he can bring true reform to the Indian economy.
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