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Indian intelligence agencies assist attackers to attack the Chinese Consulate in Karachi

So how come you haven't sent the evidence to China yet? Why is China silent on this issue. Why is it just Pakistan so far?
Looks like clutching at straws to me.
Oh that's nice. And what makes you think the investigative offices of Pakistan and China aren't already talking and exchanging evidences? Sounds to me like someone east of the border is having an anxiety attack. :lol:
No proof, no names on Indian side. Should provide at least a basis for accusing another country.
Could also be Americans or Afghanis.
Oh that's nice. And what makes you think the investigative offices of Pakistan and China aren't already talking and exchanging evidences? Sounds to me like someone east of the border is having an anxiety attack. :lol:
I'll believe that when I hear it from a valid source, not from the local police who's looking to blame anyone and anybody after they fumbled the ball. Till then, as far as the world and anybody who matters are concerned, India is in the clear.
There should be a joint Covert Ops desk manned by ISI & MSS with only ONE task: Set India ablaze.

NO... Pakistan security should never take part or plan any covert killing ops. as does Indians, Iranians and Americans.
Any such attempt, would akin to suicide for the last standing professional institution.
The amount of allegations leveled on Pak army by India, Iran, Afghan and US without evidence are colossal, so any such move would confirm seal on all those allegations from history.

Foremost, security institutions need to understand the nexus, of BLA, TTP, Target Killers (Hashashins) etc.
We can't simply react to BLA while ignore all the rest, from Gilgit to Gawadar / Chaman to Karachi.
Once we are able to identify the enemy and their nexus in Pakistan, than we are able to plan a correct counter strategy.

When it come to military responses from Pakistan, than it should be decisive and poignant.
We don't do stuff like planting IED and blowing away rail lines /electricity poles.
I'll believe that when I hear it from a valid source, not from the local police who's looking to blame anyone and anybody after they fumbled the ball. Till then, as far as the world and anybody who matters are concerned, India is in the clear.
Oh but we don't need your belief in anything...the accused doesn't have to believe anything presented against him when he's proven guilty, he's just taken to the gallows regardless of whether he believes it or not and then it's bye bye cheap mexican beer! 8-)
Looks like India need to be given another lesson
Looks like India need to be given another lesson

Yes. Perhaps another Mumbai type incident will put them in their place.

Pakistanis are just so stupid. There's simply nothing linking India to this incident, except PDF and some made up headlines offcourse. The fact is that Pakistan is regarded by the world as an aggressor against India, a state which uses terrorism whilst India maintains its squeeky clean image. If Pakistan is serious about India being the cause of terrorist attacks on its soil, it needs to beef up its intelligence gathering. Right now it is an absolute failure at that
Oh but we don't need your belief in anything...the accused doesn't have to believe anything presented against him when he's proven guilty, he's just taken to the gallows regardless of whether he believes it or not and then it's bye bye cheap mexican beer! 8-)
So where's the proof then?
And please don't give me the 'it's being worked on' line. You have already accused us so you must have the proof at hand.
LMao, meanwhile Ajit Doval is in China for talks :azn:

LMao, meanwhile Ajit Doval is in China for talks :azn:

i hope chines will kick on his stinky ***

Ofcourse. It was China's consulate after all. But where in tarnation has China accused India?
It's only Pakistan so far and well ....frankly.....Pakistan is Pakistan.

Any particular reason for setting us ablaze or just the usual cr*p?
Cause so far, only Pakistan has mentioned some vague connection between the consulate attack and India.
and someone is workbig on 75 billions projects. and he don’t know who is doing this and who has more problems with this project and who’s government has openly said it is against indian befits in region. i can expect this from indians. as i never had experience to face a indian with working brain.
Indians usually start blaming pakistan sometimes before the attack
India a terror facilitator will feel the brunt after this blatant aggression. There is a hefty price to be paid. India cannot escape retribution. China and Pakistan stand united against shitland India. The Indians will find out soon enough what it means to support terror.

China can't afford to piss off india and india knows it. China is already in the bandwagon against Muslims in several regions. She is no longer a clean guy.
There should be a joint Covert Ops desk manned by ISI & MSS with only ONE task: Set India ablaze.

To be honest I am kinda confused about Chinese strategy towards CPEC and their public narrative. Soon after attack Chinese spokesperson was telling Pakistan to ensure their citizens safety! It's like rubbing salt on the wounds. It's our citizens who are dieing, its our country good name whoes coming up in media for all the wrong reasons, its our law and order which is getting disturbed, all because we have decided to put our weight behind China. The level of support India get from America, financially, trade, access to western civilization, and more importantly, the way American deep state work with India to destabilised Pakistan, China is simply no where to be seen to establish that level of cooperation with Pakistan. We are expected to take all sort of hits while China can stay in background.

This attack should have been the last straw the broke the camel back. Yet Chinese response is hardly encouraging. Imagine if Pakistan was involved in hitting American consulate in Bombay! What would be American response.

If China wants to become a world power it should start behaving like one, standing firmly with its allies and taking its allies enemies as it's own.
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