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Indian intelligence agencies assist attackers to attack the Chinese Consulate in Karachi

If Indians want to teach Chinese lessons, Indians should attack the Chinese Embassy in New Delhi directly. Indians please don't be despicable villains and stop provoke relations between China and Pakistan, because Indians are doomed to fail and the despicable attacks by Indians will only further increase the unity and willpower of China and Pakistan.
attacking a foreign embassy in a foreign soil itself is an act of war! China should amass soldiers on its indian borders!
Yup China . . please listen to "Toyata Pajero" owner Umair @Roybot

LMao, meanwhile Ajit Doval is in China for talks :azn:

It's time to declare india as a terrorist state and treat as the rogue pariah state that it is...
shiv sena is declared as a terrorist organisation by Pakistan. Guess what that news made them happy.
From what I accumulated the best way to deal with these belligerent indians is to troll them and shatter their ego.
Nothing pisses them off more than when you talk about their sadistic nature and remind them how miserably they fail at torturing others. I am responsible for most indian trolls having a meltdown on this forum:lol:
shiv sena is declared as a terrorist organisation by Pakistan. Guess what that news made them happy.
From what I accumulated the best way to deal with these belligerent indians is to troll them and shatter their ego.
Nothing pisses them off more than when you talk about their sadistic nature and remind them how miserably they fail at torturing others. I am responsible for most indian trolls having a meltdown on this forum:lol:

Good strategy.
Pakistani police: Indian intelligence agencies assist attackers to attack the Chinese Consulate in Karachi
Overseas Network 11-25 11:24


Pakistan Police Investigation Site (AFP)

Overseas network November 25th Local time on the 23rd, three illegal militants tried to break into the Chinese Consulate in Karachi, Pakistan, failed, and was killed in the subsequent exchange of fire. On the 25th, the Pakistani police revealed the latest investigation progress, pointing out that 13 suspects had been locked, and the attack was carried out with the assistance of the Indian Bureau of Investigation and Analysis.

According to Pakistan’s “Dawn”, the investigation into the attack on the Chinese Consulate in Karachi made progress on the 24th, and the Pakistani police locked Harbiyar Marri, the leader of the separatist organization “The Balochist Liberation Army”. He is considered to be the mastermind of the entire attack.

Pakistani police officials said the attack was carried out with the assistance of the RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS WING (RAW) in order to try to combat diplomatic and economic relations between China and Pakistan.

According to the data, the Indian Bureau of Investigation and Analysis was established in 1968. It mainly conducts external intelligence missions through intelligence and reconnaissance, collects and sorts out political, military, economic, religious and other intelligences of the other side. It also has rebellion, subversion and certain anti-spyware missions.

A preliminary investigation report by the counter-terrorism department of Sindh, Pakistan, shows that the police currently have locked up 13 suspects, namely Habir Mali, the exiled leader of the Balochist Liberation Army, and his 12 assistants. The list is as follows: Harbiyar Marri, Aslam (Aslam alias 'Acchu'), Bashir Zeb, Noor Bux Mengal, Karim Marri, Capt Rehman Gul, Nisar, Gaindi, Sheikhu, Sharif, Hamal, Munshi, and Shedil (Agha Sherdil).

The report said that three illegal militants who tried to attack the Chinese consulate had been in contact with these people during the crime. The police also found the flag of the Balochist Liberation Army on the body of three militants.


Picture taken by three militants under surveillance video

On the 24th, the Sindh police continued to investigate at the scene of the incident, and the anti-terrorism department official Raja Omar Khatab revealed the details of the attack.

Hatab said that after being hit by the police and hiding in a nearby bungalow, a militant died of excessive blood loss. The other two associates held grenades and tried to break into the reception room for visas. At the reception, there were at least nine people. A woman quickly closed the door to the reception room and a guard closed the main armored door. In order to break through the armored door, the suspect even tried to use the C-4 explosive. Fortunately, he was not successful and was shot dead by the police. However, the grenade thrown by the suspect blew up two police cars, and three cars parked outside the consulate were on fire.

In the exchange of fire with the militants, two Pakistani police officers were killed and a father and son from Quetta City who wanted to apply for a visa were killed.

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan condemned the attack on the Chinese consulate on the 23rd and ordered a thorough investigation of the incident, pulling out the evil intentions hidden behind it. Imran Khan said that the incident was an attack on China-Pakistan friendly economic cooperation, but this evil force could not destroy the "higher than the Himalayas and deeper than the Arabian Sea" China-Pakistan bilateral relations.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Yan Shuang also said that the Chinese side strongly condemned the violent attacks against diplomatic consular agencies and expressed condolences to the detained security guards in Pakistan. (Overseas network Yang Jia)

This article is a copyrighted work and is strictly prohibited from being reproduced without authorization. Overseas vision, China's position, landing on the People's Daily overseas version of the official website - overseas network www.haiwainet.cn or "Hai Ke" client, one step ahead to obtain authoritative information.
中国领馆遇袭 巴警方:印度情报机构协助袭击者
海外网 11-25 11:24



海外网11月25日电 当地时间23日,3名非法武装分子试图闯入中国驻巴基斯坦卡拉奇领事馆未得逞,并在随后的交火中被击毙。25日,巴基斯坦警方透露了最新调查进展,指出已经锁定了13名嫌犯,而袭击是在印度调查分析局的协助下进行的。

据巴基斯坦《黎明报》报道,中国驻卡拉奇领事馆遇袭一案的调查24日取得进展,巴基斯坦警方锁定了分离主义组织“俾路支解放军”的流亡头目哈比亚尔·马里(Harbiyar Marri),认为他是整个袭击事件的策划者。

巴基斯坦警方官员称,这次袭击是在印度调查分析局(RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS WING,简称RAW)的协助下进行的,目的是试图打击中巴两国之间的外交及经济关系。


巴基斯坦信德省反恐部门的初步调查报告显示,警方目前锁定了13名嫌犯,分别是“俾路支解放军”流亡头目哈比亚尔·马里和他的12名助手。名单如下:哈比亚尔·马里(Harbiyar Marri)、阿斯拉姆(Aslam别名'Acchu')、巴希尔(Bashir Zeb)、努尔(Noor Bux Mengal)、卡里姆(Karim Marri)、雷曼·古尔 (Capt Rehman Gul)、尼萨尔(Nisar),甘迪(Gaindi)、谢赫(Sheikhu)、谢里夫(Sharif)、哈马尔(Hamal)、孟希(Munshi)和谢迪尔(Agha Sherdil)。








中国外交部发言人耿爽也第一时间表示,中方强烈谴责针对外交领事机构的暴力袭击行为,同时对巴方殉职的警卫人员表示哀悼。(海外网 杨佳)

All these claims are made by Pakistani people and Pakistani police. Chinese government has yet not claimed that Indian intelligence agency was behind the attacks. Pakistani federal minister had previously claimed that India was behind killing of Chinese businessman in Karachi but it turned out to be something else.
Attack on Chinese consulate can be a replay of Karachigate bombings of 2002 when the Pakistani establishment took revenge from France for canceling kickbacks in submarine deal by killing 11 French Navy Engineers.
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All these claims are made by Pakistani people and Pakistani police. Chinese government has yet not claimed that Indian intelligence agency was behind the attacks. Pakistani federal minister had previously claimed that India was behind killing of Chinese businessman in Karachi but it turned out to be something else.
Attack on Chinese consulate can be a replay of Karachigate bombings of 2002
Pakistanis are the ones who are investigating so of course the claims will originate from within Pakistan! DUH!!! :crazy::crazy::crazy:
Pakistanis are the ones who are investigating so of course the claims will originate from within Pakistan! DUH!!! :crazy::crazy::crazy:
Unlike Pakistan in India whenever there is a terrorist attack we provide evidences to all the countries having embassy in india.
Also since it was an attack on Chinese embassy, China can ask for details of investigation and evidences from Pakistan.
Unlike Pakistan in India whenever there is a terrorist attack we
here, I'll complete the sentence for ya...

"blame Pakistan"!

at least we are investigating unlike india! india's idea of "evidence" is used tooth paste tubes while ours are actual comm intercepts and government documents like kulbhushan's passport with a fake indian name!

Pakistan and China are investigating together and will violate your bungholes together at the time and place of our choosing...

bas tel ki shishi tayyar rakh apnay bunghole kay liyay...:laugh:
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