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Indian girl commits suicide over alleged gang rape

I understand where you're coming from, which is why I virtually never post on threads such as this. It is embarrassing to say the least when my countrymen are involved. Forgive my bias, but I respect the Mods of this forum and always assume that they are good people who would not hesitate to stamp out threads like these. The fact that many Indians feel otherwise, I hope, has to do more with a disconnect, then genuine malice. Again, I am surely biased and feel free to call me out on it. On the other hand, I will not hesitate to criticize those Pakistanis that make this issue and others like it, into a laughing matter. Point scoring on a topic this horrific is terrible; it may be an Indian victim today, a Pakistani tomorow, and Chinese the day after. Situations like these should be used only to show how evil society can be, if the proper rules aren't enforced and the vulnerable not protected; it should be an eye opener, not just for India or Pakistan, but the planet as a whole.

The only reason I chose to comment on this thread, when I would normally ignore it (since no amount of reason can extinguish the flame of trolling), is that good members such as yourself end up paying the price. I'm sure it means little to you, in exchange for speaking your mind at this time...but I'd like to point out: the rest of the forum suffers and misses out on members like you, when they leave or are banned.
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ohhh so sad she dead i hope culprits will face justice :frown:

To be frank, nothing gonna happen.. People will do some lip service and destroy some public vehicles.. After that they will forgot all about these and go back to their lives.. Only the girls family lost her child.. Indian politicians know about it.. This case will be ended up as one of the thousand cases pending in Indian judiciary..

@KRAIT: Wasting your time dear... Let them enjoy!! After all what if some one died or raped, its happened in India right? So they have the right to enjoy..

Welcome to the morally decayed society and a forum!!
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@Pfpilot I respect you sir and I have read your posts. I won't mention you again.

What's the point on posting on a forum where my suggestions, my objections are ignored every day. What happened on this issue was already predicted by me and explained to the Mods. They could have avoided this mess. But they chose not to.

Thanks for your post. No need to reply. I don't want to bring you in these pathetic threads.

@KRAIT: Wasting your time dear... Let them enjoy!! After all what if some one died or raped, its happened in India right? So they have the right to enjoy..
Welcome to the morally decayed society and a forum!!
Who cares buddy. I am fractured and plastered. I have all the time to kick these people and give them their own medicine.
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Who cares buddy. I am fractured and plastered. I have all the time to kick these people and give them their own medicine.

Still nothing gonna happen mate..Going by the trend, all your posts will be deleted and you will get banned probably.. All these pathetic posts will be here.. No surprise there..
Leave this thread? MF***ker

only a spinless creature curse womenhood specially mothers. it proves what the Chinese poster said was right. Nothing can reform you as long as you do NOT respect women.

RIP dear Indian Sister.

If Subcontinent does not drown in shame today then be sure that we still have shamless men roaming around.

But be sure many more brave women like you will fight on these shameless men.

dont have words to express the pain over her death .

speechless :(
Change begins with admission of problem--even in some 'enemy' forums.

RIP to the innocent woman. There is a profound gloom in my and my American wife's heart this evening--she broke the news to me. She keeps asking me: Why? Why? She thought of India as a different kind of place.

There is no 'enemy' country when it comes to issues like this. We all shared your pain when the malala incident happened, and we Indians as a society need to introspect and criticize ourselves at this point. Issues like this transcend national boundaries or religious affiliations. Nobody - and I mean NOBODY - deserves the kind of treatment that this poor girl and her boyfriend got. Criticizing themselves is an alien concept to people of certain nationalities, which is why you see them taking potshots at India even on such a thread that Indians started to criticize Indian society. (At least, I hope that was the intention.)

I don't care whether this is a Pakistani forum or for diplomatic niceties like that. If we don't admit at this point that there is a deep rooted problem with our people and our society regarding women's rights, then there is no hope for us. This case may have received a lot of media attention and public fury, but let's face it - one rape happens every 22 minutes in 'mera bharat mahan'. We have taken every opportunity on this forum to boast about each and every achievement of our country, and we would be hypocrites if we don't admit this. Also, such brutal incidents are only the tip of the iceberg - the small privations that EVERY woman has to undergo almost every day of their lives if they step outside - when will that end? Sure, we can hang or castrate a few rapists. But who will put an end to the moronic eve teasers and gropers on every bus and train in the country? We need to collectively hang our heads in shame for the way half our population is forced to live. SHAME ON US.
only a spinless creature curse womenhood specially mothers. it proves what the Chinese poster said was right. Nothing can reform you as long as you do NOT respect women.

India's Daughter: she said she wanted to live

Fighting with great fortitude and courage after sustaining grievous injuries, the 23-year-old medical student had expressed her intention to live and wanted her tormentors to be brought to justice.

"I want to live," the girl had told her brother and mother when they first met her on December 19, three days after she was brutally gang-raped and assaulted in a moving bus in south Delhi.

During the entire process of her treatment, the girl remained communicative through signs most of the time, spoke to her parents and gave statements to a magistrate not once but twice.

The paramedical student was courageous and brave throughout the treatment period and even expressed some thoughts about her future when psychiatrists assessed her thrice during her 10-day treatment at the Safdarjung Hospital.

She also gave a "brave statement" to a Sub-Divisional Magistrate on December 21 in which she gave details about the incident and the sequence of events which was also corroborated with the statement given by her male friend who was with her in the bus.

When the statement landed in a controversy, she again narrated the incident to the magistrate and expressed her wish that the men who brutally raped and assaulted her be brought to justice.

Doctors have been lauding the spirit of the girl calling her "brave" especially as she withstood the extensive treatment that she underwent since December 16.
only a spinless creature curse womenhood specially mothers. it proves what the Chinese poster said was right. Nothing can reform you as long as you do NOT respect women.

RIP dear Indian Sister.

If Subcontinent does not drown in shame today then be sure that we still have shamless men roaming around.

But be sure many more brave women like you will fight on these shameless men.

dont have words to express the pain over her death .

speechless :(
What? I didn't even quote you,but that idiot who is trolling on a thread which isn't good for it.
I dont think anything will save india! it is rotting to the core!

Yes, EXACTLY, This is what Ravana said thousands of years ago, but than He Died & India was Saved.

Again, At the time of Mahabharata it was said, but war ended & India was again very much there.

Alexander said this again in 320BC conquest of the world, but he also died & India was prospering.

Again Gauri, Ghazni, Mughals invaded India & everyone said "India can't be saved" but ALL rulers died & India survived.

British even claimed that if they leave India, India will be FINISHED forever but even after 65 years, India is the world's largest democracy, 10th largest economy, a potential world power & it is the UK itself which is getting increasingly saturated & look upto India & Indians to save itself.

Mate, if this massive plundering, lakhs of killings, looting, riots, conquering, change of rules, British imperialism, etc. could not challenge the very idea of INDIA, do u think a rape will make this great republic FALL??

Mate, INDIA is THE MOST OLDEST CIVILIZATION to be still present, Greeks, Romans, Persians all have long gone but India is still there. Sorry to disappoint u, but INDIA is TOO GREAT a country to be challenged by a rape.
Still nothing gonna happen mate..Going by the trend, all your posts will be deleted and you will get banned probably.. All these pathetic posts will be here.. No surprise there..
Its better to get banned and give these pathetic posters taste of their own medicine.

Who wants to be on a forum where people call us friends but are insensitive about our issues.
Yes, EXACTLY, This is what Ravana said thousands of years ago, but than He Died & India was Saved.

Again, At the time of Mahabharata it was said, but war ended & India was again very much there.

Alexander said this again in 320BC conquest of the world, but he also died & India was prospering.

Again Gauri, Ghazni, Mughals invaded India & everyone said "India can't be saved" but ALL rulers died & India survived.

British even claimed that if they leave India, India will be FINISHED forever but even after 65 years, India is the world's largest democracy, 10th largest economy, a potential world power & it is the UK itself which is getting increasingly saturated & look upto India & Indians to save itself.

Mate, if this massive plundering, lakhs of killings, looting, riots, conquering, change of rules, British imperialism, etc. could not challenge the very idea of INDIA, do u think a rape will make this great republic FALL??

Mate, INDIA is THE MOST OLDEST CIVILIZATION to be still present, Greeks, Romans, Persians all have long gone but India is still there. Sorry to disappoint u, but INDIA is TOO GREAT a country to be challenged by a rape.

He does not deserve civilized discussion
RIP for the poor girl.
Embarrassing day for Indians everywhere.
And for the posters who are using this as point scoring topic.

BTW thanks for your words. My post is not made for you but other posters.
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