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Indian Foreign Affairs News & Discussions (non-US & Pakistan related

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im sad... i couldnt eat shwarama meat... becoz i cant eat meat at home... my mom doesnt cook food.... my family is vegetarian... so i eat chicken outside... my parents dont know i eat chicken... hi hi hi.... we call the flat bread roti... roti is round shaped & made of wheat... i eat roti with milk very morning... after i come home from school i eat rice in after noon.... but i love aloo parotha very much... its kinda combining potato & wheat, and frying in hot oil... its very tasty... mom makes it by her own hands... you know i watch a lot of movies... i love bruce lee and jackie chan... recently i watched enter the new dragon... i thought it was chinese but my frenz told me its thailand movie... superb action... but why r you saying so..? :)

How strict is your family? What happens if they find out you eat meat? Will they disown you or hit you? Yes, roti. So aloo parotha is the crispy thin bread thing.

Enter the new dragon, from Thailand - do you have a link? I like Bruce Lee, he is popular everywhere. I watched some old bollywood movies from 70s that was imitating Bruce's style, very funny! :wave: I also like watching movies, all sorts of movies. :pop:
How strict is your family? What happens if they find out you eat meat? Will they disown you or hit you? Yes, roti. So aloo parotha is the crispy thin bread thing.

Enter the new dragon, from Thailand - do you have a link? I like Bruce Lee, he is popular everywhere. I watched some old bollywood movies from 70s that was imitating Bruce's style, very funny! :wave: I also like watching movies, all sorts of movies. :pop:

i dont know... but mom gets angry... if i do anything without her angry i know its fine... but roti is thinner than parotha... i'ill enter the new dragon links on ur thread... :)
i dont know... but mom gets angry... if i do anything without her angry i know its fine... but roti is thinner than parotha... i'ill enter the new dragon links on ur thread... :)

Why doesn't your mom want you to eat meat? I thought Hindu only forbid Cows. Is your family a strict Buddhist? :partay:
Xebex you are amusing mate seriously if he was being funded in the 60s then this is clear proof that he is not a good monk, but a fake monk who promotes violence. This is against the teachings of Buddhisms and demonstrates that this monk doesn't give a flying monkey's about peace. The link I gave you was suppose to show you that he is a shady Character and that his giddy and smily face is all a hoax to decieve people in what he truly is. The CIA supported him, which is a known fact, how do you not know that the money which was given to him was was not used for terrorism. the fouth link I gave you was to show you that his followers used explosives to kill people. All of this demontrates that he is a puppet of western powers to destabilise China.

when I said that the Chinese killed Tibetans and that they deserved it I weren't refering to the video which you posted, but was saying that those who are prosecuted in Tibet are enermies of the State and have been finianced by the CIA as the source shows it. Also if you see my post I said "Yes your right the Chinese have killied Tibetans" notice the past tense I used, I was not referring to the video. Any way since you brought that up I could reverse this and say can you give me a source which suggets they were innocent.

My God I am repeating my self as a parrot what is you opinion on the Dalai Lama stance on Dorje Shugden, will you answer it this time or can't you compriend the question.

hmmmm.......first of all sorry mate,"Have killed" is NOT past tense, its present perfect tense.:cheesy:. Even if u were trying to put a past tense there that too doesnt make sense according to ur arguement that u werent refering to my video.LOL. Because Chinese shot them down in the past.LOL.

U can not escape from the reality, I referred u a video and i am keep asking your stance on China's act on shooting down tibetans. Now dont try to skip off topic as u did before.

secondly can i proove they were innocent?? yes sure i can!! as long as u have nothing to proove that they were terrorists backed by CIA and failed to provide proof of CIA link with those specific people, they remain innocent. Its just common sense.

chinese government itself told they will investigate this "shooting tibetan" incident. Nobody said a single word about terrorism and CIA and that include chinese officials.:disagree:

^^Now tell me wether or not they are terrorists. Just bcoz china is the close ally of Pakistan u dont have to defend China on their evil acts. u r blinded by the China-Pakistan realtionship but rest of the world is NOT.Howmany proofs u want from me?
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Admal Keyani, we dont buy ur "Dalai Lama the evil" stance while we have enough video footage that shows the brutallity of Chinese government. I dont know in what base u r keep supporting Chinese stance even if i provide u with some brutal footages. realize the truth and grow up.

with regards to the Dorje Shugden issue, i have given u another video footage which is actually a clip from the interview with Dalai Lama. U can hear his point of view from his very own mouth. His words are loud and clear as far as ur question is concerned.
Admal Keyani, we dont buy ur "Dalai Lama the evil" stance while we have enough video footage that shows the brutallity of Chinese government. I dont know in what base u r keep supporting Chinese stance even if i provide u with some brutal footages. realize the truth and grow up.

with regards to the Dorje Shugden issue, i have given u another video footage which is actually a clip from the interview with Dalai Lama. U can hear his point of view from his very own mouth. His words are loud and clear as far as ur question is concerned.

Let's move on fellas. Don't take things out of context. I can show you even worse brutallity in hands of US, Indian and Dalai Lama ----> fact remains DL is violent, responsible for numerous killings and a huge human rights violator. Recently the violent riots and arson that killed over a dozen innocent people. This was filmed by foreign (white) tourists of DL supporters looting, hitting, and killing. Because he was a foreigner they didn't think that his video would be distributed on internet. It wasn't until a long time later did police arrive. That as because this was a PRE-MEDITATED TERRORIST ACT.

Please visit anti-cnn.com

Also many of his videos has shown to be fake, and that is very bad sign! :devil: Terrorism comes in all shapes and sizes, the more evil ones show their faces in public (DL, Henry Kissinger, etc). :chilli: Another thing, DL does NOT speak for Tibetan Chinese or Buddhists.

Fact remains is that Buddhism is supposed to be apolitical, non-violent and truthful. DL is none of these things. We don't support the fracturing of India, so why do this to us? It's time we move ahead. :cheers: Life is too short my Indian friends.... do you want to live like this forever? You may, but I'm certain most people would rather live in harmony. :smitten:
I fail to understand as to how anti-cnn.com is anything remotely near a credible source.

Daila lama has been in India for 50 years now and till now he has not caused any trouble, he is revered and respected world over.And to prove that he is peaceful you can see the Nobel prize he won for world peace.

Now if you want to say that all the above videos are staged and premeditated the would you mind explaining to us ...as to why the Renpoche who was appointed by the PRC chose to escape from "PEACEFUL CHINA" and come to India?

The truth is you have been brain washed by by your media to believe that Dailai lama is evil.
The whole world seems to believe other wise.
TV channels are reporting that Delhi HC has ruled that consensual sex amongst gay people is legal.

Judgement day: Will homosexuality become legal?

It would seem that they found a back door (no pun intended!) to making this legal. This way the court has taken the action, sidestepping the government.

If the government had tried making it legal by passing a law, it would have run into difficulties with various groups. Now it appears that the government may (if it feels like it) make it illegal by passing a law -- that would be even more difficult.

So in effect the courts have set policy for the country instead of parliament (Again).
Delhi High Court legalises homosexuality Buzz Up Share
Twitter Delicious Myspace Digg Stumble Upon Facebook Thu, Jul 2 10:56 AM
New Delhi, July 2 (IANS) In a historic judgement, the Delhi High Court Thursday decriminalised homosexuality by striking down section 377 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).

A bench of Chief Justice Ajit Prakash Shah and Justice S. Muralidhar said that if not amended, section 377 of the IPC would violate Article 21 of the Indian constitution, which states that every citizen has equal opportunity of life and is equal before law.

Section 377, a law from the British Raj era, says homosexuality and 'unnatural sex' is a criminal act.

I think india is moving towards self distruction. Indian law dont care about minorities's religion ,culture and tradition.Muslim should start Jehad againt these non islamic laws.
Poor Indians do not care about their country's three-quarters of the poor!
Always think of themselves as a powerful country, is arrogant and ridiculous to the national

congrats to all the gay memebrs here . you can roll it now - but dude it away man!!!!!!


- i think its a good decision to allow homosexual their right for tha sake of humanity and free will.

But with power coem responsibilty - i hope they know waht this right means and how to keep it intact.

-------------as for the rant by mr fundamateist - its called - democracy and freedom - to choose for your self. you should call it FASAD NOT JIHAD - DONT ABUSE ISLAM - WITH YOU PREPOSTEROUS THOUGHTS.
Indians are not qualified to criticize China.
Be concerned about terrorist interest in their own country and dirty, poor, poor country people laugh!
Please close your mouth,
Poor Indians do not care about their country's three-quarters of the poor!
Always think of themselves as a powerful country, is arrogant and ridiculous to the national


how true you are!.....atleast post your beautifull comments in the correct thread at the correct place,giving a reason to discuss......
Indians are not qualified to criticize China.
Be concerned about terrorist interest in their own country and dirty, poor, poor country people laugh!
Please close your mouth,

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