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From another fan of Dalai the dictator as usual. You

You think whoever is against Dalai the dictator must be a communist or Chinese...!?!?

Have you seen my videos I posted in this thread?


Do u have any point to make here otherthan showing us funny faces??

just like u asked, have you seen my videos i posted in this thread?
Do u have any point to make here otherthan showing us funny faces??

There is a long dispute among the Tibetans in exile in India concerning the devotees to another religious figure called Dorje Shugden. These people chose to workship Dorje Shugen for some reason while the Dalai Lama ordered religious persecution against them and used various means in his power to cleanse their worshipers from his group of followers including the use of secret police and assassination. The Dalai Lama and his group in India has a unofficial status of regional government where they control the education, monasteries, policing, even employment.

The Nobel prize winner Dalai Lama ordered persecution of the worshipers of Dorje Shugden even when he is in exile. Imagine what he would do if he had control over the entire Tibetan Autonomous Region.

Need proof? Here is an appeal letter written by the followers of Dorje Shugden to the then prime minister of India. It is a scanned image with certified stamps so you know that no one had fabricated it. I don’t even know this matter existed until it surfaced recently again. In fact, the followers of Dorje Shugden will stage a protest against Dalai Lama when the Olympic torch passes India. How ironic!


Do the fans of Dalai the dictator need more proof?

As i mentioned above Governmet of India doesnt support free Tibet and it consider tibet as part of China. However, India gave shelter to Dalai Lama for the last 50yrs and will continue to do so no matter what. We Indians are proud of Dalai Lama and his role as spiritual leader.

India sends warning to Dalai Lama

India's Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee has warned the Dalai Lama against any political activity damaging to India's relationship with China.

Mr Mukherjee also stressed that the exiled spiritual leader would continue to be welcome in India.

The comments, which reiterate Delhi's position, come at a sensitive time, following anti-China protests in India.

Correspondents say the protests are embarrassing for the Indian government

which is improving ties with China.

Speaking on Indian television, Mr Mukherjee said: "India will continue to offer him all hospitality, but during his stay in India, they should not do any political activity, any action that can adversely affect relations between India and China".

This policy has been in place since 1959, when the Dalai Lama fled his homeland, after a failed uprising against Chinese rule in the Himalayan region.

He settled in the north Indian hill town of Dharamsala, which has been the site of recent protests against China.

Demonstrations have also been seen outside the Chinese Embassy in Delhi, after which Beijing summoned the Indian ambassador.

India has assured China that the Olympic torch will pass safely through the country.

But the country's football captain has refused to carry the torch.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | India sends warning to Dalai Lama
you don't have to show us how you worship the west countries,we've known it from your history,you claim tibet is a part of china on the table ,you try every possible way to split tibet from China under the table.
There is a long dispute among the Tibetans in exile in India concerning the devotees to another religious figure called Dorje Shugden. These people chose to workship Dorje Shugen for some reason while the Dalai Lama ordered religious persecution against them and used various means in his power to cleanse their worshipers from his group of followers including the use of secret police and assassination. The Dalai Lama and his group in India has a unofficial status of regional government where they control the education, monasteries, policing, even employment.

The Nobel prize winner Dalai Lama ordered persecution of the worshipers of Dorje Shugden even when he is in exile. Imagine what he would do if he had control over the entire Tibetan Autonomous Region.

Need proof? Here is an appeal letter written by the followers of Dorje Shugden to the then prime minister of India. It is a scanned image with certified stamps so you know that no one had fabricated it. I don’t even know this matter existed until it surfaced recently again. In fact, the followers of Dorje Shugden will stage a protest against Dalai Lama when the Olympic torch passes India. How ironic!


Do the fans of Dalai the dictator need more proof?


i hope u got my answer u were looking for.
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you don't have to show us how you worship the west countries,we've known it from your history,you claim tibet is a part of china on the table ,you try every possible way to split tibet from China under the table.

I cant help u there, u can believe whatever fairy tale u wanted to believe or call us worshipers of west. Government of India wont give a damn about it.
I cant help u there, u can believe whatever fairy tale u wanted to believe or call us worshipers of west. Government of India wont give a damn about it.

You are just waisting your time and the bandwidth. We are not gonna accept your craps. Sorry.

From another fan of Dalai the dictator as usual. You

You think whoever is against Dalai the dictator must be a communist or Chinese...!?!?

Have you seen my videos I posted in this thread?


Mr. Communist, you just do not like when i debunk people, just like I did with your beloved nutty professor. Anyways i do not consider anyone a communist, until it is specified. go back to my link and re-read about the blog author, you will see how communist is he.

So tell me one thing...Who do the Chinese Buddhist worship/take as their guru
Daila lama or Ripochen.
As both of them have escaped China.
One is in India and another is in Swiss.

This brings me to the fundamental question of why why both the spiritual leaders have escaped from China when the PRC was being "very kind" to them"

May be some Chinese dudes would like to shed some "light" on this.
Anyways go get me a credible source like NEWS, not someone's blog.:tdown:

Hope this from New York Times will satisfy you:

World News Briefs; Dalai Lama Group Says It Got Money From C.I.A.
Published: Friday, October 2, 1998

The Dalai Lama's administration acknowledged today that it received $1.7 million a year in the 1960's from the Central Intelligence Agency, but denied reports that the Tibetan leader benefited personally from an annual subsidy of $180,000.

The money allocated for the resistance movement was spent on training volunteers and paying for guerrilla operations against the Chinese, the Tibetan government-in-exile said in a statement. It added that the subsidy earmarked for the Dalai Lama was spent on setting up offices in Geneva and New York and on international lobbying.

World News Briefs; Dalai Lama Group Says It Got Money From C.I.A. - The New York Times

Try google latimes (Los Angeles times) about cia and dalai lama, you can also easily find the news.
So tell me one thing...Who do the Chinese Buddhist worship/take as their guru
Daila lama or Ripochen.
As both of them have escaped China.
One is in India and another is in Swiss.

This brings me to the fundamental question of why why both the spiritual leaders have escaped from China when the PRC was being "very kind" to them"

May be some Chinese dudes would like to shed some "light" on this.

If you think Dalai lama is a only living god for Chinese Buddhists, you definitely lack Chinese Buddhism knowledge, which is fine, and I consider it even good when you ask.

I could be wrong but to me Tibetan Buddhism (kind of Mahayana) seems only a small group in China. Even within Tibetan Buddhism, there are several branches. The branch headed by current Dalai Lama is one that was historically supported by Chinese central government for couple of hundred years for political reasons.

Thus, leaving the support of central government, being it Yuan (Mongol), Qing, KMT, or CPC, the branch won't last long, at least won't thrive. I guess.

Today the most popular form of Buddhism in both mainland China and Taiwan is a mix of the Pure Land and Chán schools. More recent surveys put the total number of Chinese Buddhists between 660 million (50%) and over 1 billion (80%)[12], thus making China the country with the most Buddhist adherents in the world, followed by Japan. However, it was difficult to estimate accurately the number of Buddhists because they did not have congregational memberships and often did not participate in public ceremonies.


Pure Land and Chán developed and extended Mahayana doctrines and beliefs in different ways. They don't contain caste features.

Japaness are more of Chán(Zen) school.

BTW, my buddhism knowledge is shallow. So please bear with me.
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As i mentioned above Governmet of India doesnt support free Tibet and it consider tibet as part of China. However, India gave shelter to Dalai Lama for the last 50yrs and will continue to do so no matter what. We Indians are proud of Dalai Lama and his role as spiritual leader.



India support of Dalai Lama is more for leveraging against China, under the pretext of humanitarian.

This has been corroborated by recent allegation of Indian government's sponsor of 14k exile Tibetan armed force along Sino-india boarder, proven by the fact that India and CIA coordinated in supporting 1959 Tibet rebellion and after actions.

Dare you say no?
lost interest in talking about that "old ****" with indian, let's see what will happen if CAF is flying to New Delhi from tibet,tibet will be yours if you win the next war
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