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The current Pope is not a Dictator because he has not ordered the killing's of innocent people. He may have considerable power in the Chruch, but he has not openly decreed to isolate a particular group in effect abusing his power. While the Dalai Lama has decreed that those who practise the Dorje Shugden should be isolated and there names taken down so that obviously they can be harrassed. Again my friend you have not answered what is your opinion of him targeting those who practise Dorje Shugden.

He is a religious Dictator because in Buddhism one must be peaceful in this case the Dalai Lama does not fit this Catergory as his followers are violent. He is an innovator and contradicts his own religion and decrees practises which he deems right, that my friend is abusing his power which in effect makes him a Dictator. Plus no one can question him and those who do are labelled as Chinese spies. This just shows that he is a religious Dictator no restrictions in keeping him on line.

The guy has critizised the teachings of past Dalai Lama's in effect breaking not only tradition which has been in use for 350 years, but also teachings of Buddhism. The fame got to his head when he was getting support from the international community. How can he be a monk when The CIA were supporting him in the past and were funding terrorists with money and weapons. Does that sound to you a peaceful monk, who is looking ways in promoting violence.

The Dalai Lama is not the head Buddhism. His spiritual authority supecedes the actual heads of the lineages of Tibetan Buddhism only because he imposes his will on others. If people disagree with him, they are crushed. There are many people who have been killed because they disagreed with the Dalai Lama. There are also many Tibetans who do not recognise his imposed authority. His actions are those of a religious dictator, not a compassionate and wise Buddhist leader.
The current Pope is not a Dictator because he has not ordered the killing's of innocent people. He may have considerable power in the Chruch, but he has not openly decreed to isolate a particular group in effect abusing his power. While the Dalai Lama has decreed that those who practise the Dorje Shugden should be isolated and there names taken down so that obviously they can be harrassed. Again my friend you have not answered what is your opinion of him targeting those who practise Dorje Shugden.

He is a religious Dictator because in Buddhism one must be peaceful in this case the Dalai Lama does not fit this Catergory as his followers are violent. He is an innovator and contradicts his own religion and decrees practises which he deems right, that my friend is abusing his power which in effect makes him a Dictator. Plus no one can question him and those who do are labelled as Chinese spies. This just shows that he is a religious Dictator no restrictions in keeping him on line.

The guy has critizised the teachings of past Dalai Lama's in effect breaking not only tradition which has been in use for 350 years, but also teachings of Buddhism. The fame got to his head when he was getting support from the international community. How can he be a monk when The CIA were supporting him in the past and were funding terrorists with money and weapons. Does that sound to you a peaceful monk, who is looking ways in promoting violence.

The Dalai Lama is not the head Buddhism. His spiritual authority supecedes the actual heads of the lineages of Tibetan Buddhism only because he imposes his will on others. If people disagree with him, they are crushed. There are many people who have been killed because they disagreed with the Dalai Lama. There are also many Tibetans who do not recognise his imposed authority. His actions are those of a religious dictator, not a compassionate and wise Buddhist leader.

Well show proof that many killed by Dalai Lama... like the video above posted with claim that china Killed.

dont Fly fantasizes ...... BTW .. He is not Biggest Dictator then Chinese Authority ... Which control how many kids you can birth, what you can hear and what not ......

First see your self then others
Su 30 that was a pathetic response, do you need glasses to read or somethink because clearly you did not read my post properly. It's a known fact that since the decree he issued in 1996 those that follow the Dorje Shugden have been targeted and killied in some instances, which makes him a Dictator. He has the influence to stop this but he does nothing. Yes your right the Chinese have killied Tibetans, but those idiots deserve to die because they are Terrorists, backed by the CIA. The Dalai Lama him self has said that they were funded during the 60s and 70s, what do you expect China to do sit down and take his Bullshit.

You know what makes me laugh about you is that you implied that he is a Dictator even though it is not as strong as the Chinese as you pointed out. So that means he is not a peaceful monk, and confirms he is a religious Dictator.

And Before you diss China on it's child birth control look at your own country, it has the biggests child prostitution bussiness in the world. Clear up your own mess instead of meddling in other people affairs.
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This is for all you smart young college techies out there, looking for challenging careers-

The potato in your parantha at breakfast today probably had been made germ-free by what’s called irradiation. The smoke detector above your office workstation might be an ionisation sensor in which sits a radioactive material, Americium 241. These are just two some may say very minor applications of nuclear science and technology (NST).

Now NST is billed as a clean alternative to the energy problem exploiting nuclear power to light up homes and industry. Another major use of nuclear power is going to be for water desalination. “Particular emphasis will be laid on development of indigenous accelerators for industrial applications, medical treatment and food preservation,” according to the Department of Atomic Energy’s (DAE’s) long-term vision document.

DAE plans to have an installed nuclear generation capacity of 20,000 MWe in India by 2020. Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) has 17 operating plants in Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, and Karnataka and five are under construction in different states.

The Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Limited or Bhavini is building a fast breeder reactor in Kalpakkam, near Chennai, scheduled to start by 2010. “Our programme is expanding,” says an NPCIL spokesman from Mumbai. The corporation plans to raise its capacity from 4120 megawatt to 7280 megawatt by 2011, the end of the eleventh plan. “We’ll be setting up a large number of reactors. We are trying to achieve 20,000 megawatts or more by 2020,” says the spokesman.

“We have sufficient people right now. We are recruiting every year. Generally, we recruit 100-200 people every year,” he says. He adds that there will be a big demand for professionals in this field.

Prof R K Shivpuri, advisor, University of Delhi, which started an MTech programme in NST last year, says that there aren’t many professionals to work in India’s growing $50billion-$100 billion nuclear industry. A reactor requires about 900 employees, he says.

The intake in DU’s year-old programme is 14. “Worldwide about 60 reactors are under construction. So the manpower required is about 50,000… We don’t have so many people,” contends Shivpuri.

As for the slow pace in the Indo-US nuke pact front, he says, “The whole purpose of the deal was to lift the sanctions on India. India is importing fuel from France… India is going to get fuel from Russia. I think the Americans will also sell. It’s a matter of time.”

What’s It About?
NST is about studying atomic nuclei and exploiting their energy for application to “serve humankind”. It is used in food irradiation, medicine (think cancer treatment), electricity production, space and the industry. A nuclear scientist is a cross between a physicist and an engineer. He is involved in the operation and maintenance of a nuclear reactor. Others might do research. Job options are in organisations like Nuclear Power Corporation of India, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, all nuclear power plants, Institute of Plasma Research, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology and private industries like L&T, BHEL and Tata Energy.

Clock Work
A nuclear plant has shift cycles. A control engineer typically does the following in his 7am-3pm shift:
Regularly test equipment
Operate the reactor within technical specifications
Control the sustained chain reaction in the reactor core
Along with the control engineer, other scientists and engineers work in tandem, performing tasks like refuelling.

The Payoff
Training: Rs.15000 a month + Rs.5000 (stipend for OCES 2009 trainees as well as DGFS fellows during training and a one-time book allowance, respectively).

Rs 15600-39100 with a grade pay of Rs.5400: Entry-level pay for Scientific Officer (C). The government pays 20 per cent over and above the government scale exclusively to nuclear scientists.

Those posted at the site receive 10 per cent extra pay, and soft loans to buy household items, computer etc. NPCIL also provides resources and benefits like accommodation, transport facility, etc.

I think you are reading too much into bangladesh and srilanka. Both countries cannot form an alliance with yellow army, because they cannot withstand an Indian invasion. Also, ever heard of the democratic alliance with Japan, US, India and Australia? These are nations far more capable that the pakistan and myanmar that you are touting against us.

Based on your derogatory words against the people of Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, I now know they have a reason to guard against Akhand Bharat, and I’d like to listen to them more.

BTW, your funny democratic alliance is dead and rotten for long time, not even a zombie remains

India has also accepted tibetan occupation of china as a reality now, but that is where it ends. UK doesn't matter anymore. And US is backing off the nuclear deal? LoL.

It’s no longer a surprise to me to see your brainwashing media control your brain. Check this out, buddy:
Indo-U.S. nuclear deal in jeopardy - upiasia.com

It does. Also of help is the stationing of a couple squadrons of MKI and SAM units on the border. When did you crash any of our transportation planes? When we airlifted our troops beyond your incursions, your army was flabbergasted and taken aback.

A nice dream. But pretty wet, isn’t it? Keep up with it.

Don’t you know An-32 crash in AP? How pitiful.
GUWAHATI, India -- An Indian air force transport plane crashed near the disputed Chinese border in the remote northeast, killing all 14 on board, officials said on Wednesday...

Indian military transport plane crash kills 14 - The China Post

Abandon the imperialist mentality when the yellow forces are spending twice as much as us to rack up a force to attack? Do you think we can be fooled twice? Don't push us. We are not imperialistic. The whole world is watching if the chinese will meet with the same fate as germans or will they be more like USA. Only time will tell.

You are being fooled the second time, not by others but both by yourselves and pushed by your incompetent, mostly billionaire or alleged criminal, politicians.

BTW, nothing else sounds more like fascist Germany other than Akhand Bharat.
Su 30 that was a pathetic response, do you need glasses to read or somethink because clearly you did not read my post properly. It's a known fact that since the decree he issued in 1996 those that follow the Dorje Shugden have been targeted and killied in some instances, which makes him a Dictator. He has the influence to stop this but he does nothing. Yes your right the Chinese have killied Tibetans, but those idiots deserve to die because they are Terrorists, backed by the CIA. The Dalai Lama him self has said that they were funded during the 60s and 70s, what do you expect China to do sit down and take his Bullshit..

What proof you have that shows those tibetans trying to flee china and shot down were TERRORISTS and supported by CIA. If u cant give solid proof on this particular event u better back off from such BS. No proof? we wont buy it mate...we wont buy it.try somewhere else!:tdown:LOL.
Out of the blue...but din't the Dalai lama appointed by the PRC flee to India via Sikkim forcing PRC to accept Sikkim as a part of India.
He gave up his powers and accepted the present Dalila lama as the original Dalila lama i think

On December 28, around 10:30 at night, my attendant and I slowly climbed down from my room and jumped onto the roof of the Protector Mahakala's shrine room. From this building, we leapt to the ground where a jeep was waiting nearby with Lama Tsultrim and a driver. We left immediately. The story had been given out that Lama Tsultrim and his companions were going on a journey. As if preparing for this, they had driven in and out of the monastery several times during the day, and, therefore, everyone knew about this trip and we could easily leave. Usually, the monastery was strictly guarded, but no twenty-four hour guards were posted and we also left through a side road.
source The Karmapa's Great Escape - Background Information - the Karmapa website

Just a question for my Chinese friends...Is this Daila lama who was appointed by the PRC a terrorist too?
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This is a good link which shows that the Dalai Lama is keen to humiliate China, and also between the late 1950s and 1970s, he is alleged to have received around $15,000 a month, or $180,000 a year, from the CIA. So this goes to prove my point, how can you prove to me that those who were shot were not Terrorists, because I have just given you a crediable source, demonstrating how this fake monk has waged war on China, and has been funded, which gives China full right in exterminating these scum who cause trouble.

And this article further proves my point that he is a religious Dictator where it talks about how the Dalai Lama has appointed his relatives in top positions in Northern India, talk about abusing power and he calls himself a monk joke of the century.

And Xebex you still haven't flipping answered my question, gosh is it that hard for you to do so. Your llustrious Dalai Lama only achievement in life is becoming a celebrity, the guy is a fake. Now answer my question on the Dorje Shugden issue otherwise mate stop wasting bandwidth and sprouting Bullshit as usual.

The author is a living, breathing communist manifesto:

He began his career at Spiked's predecessor, LM magazine, the journal of the Revolutionary Communist Party, which was forced to close following a libel action brought by ITN.

And an Idiot:

He is writing a book about terrorism titled From Bosnia to Beslan: How the West Spread al-Qaeda.[3]

Get more neutral source, this person is too biased, and in his article, the charges he claims on Dalai Lama are not backed by any source, but by his own addmission.

This is a good link which shows that the Dalai Lama is keen to humiliate China, and also between the late 1950s and 1970s, he is alleged to have received around $15,000 a month, or $180,000 a year, from the CIA. So this goes to prove my point, how can you prove to me that those who were shot were not Terrorists, because I have just given you a crediable source, demonstrating how this fake monk has waged war on China, and has been funded, which gives China full right in exterminating these scum who cause trouble.

And this article further proves my point that he is a religious Dictator where it talks about how the Dalai Lama has appointed his relatives in top positions in Northern India, talk about abusing power and he calls himself a monk joke of the century.

And Xebex you still haven't flipping answered my question, gosh is it that hard for you to do so. Your llustrious Dalai Lama only achievement in life is becoming a celebrity, the guy is a fake. Now answer my question on the Dorje Shugden issue otherwise mate stop wasting bandwidth and sprouting Bullshit as usual.

When u accepted my challenge like a warrior i thought your link gonna turn the world around.lol. Now come to reality mate, THE LINK YOU HAVE GIVEN IS NOT A NEWS OR REPORT, ITS JUST AN INDIVIDUAL OPENION LIKE BLOG WHICH HAVE AN OPEN SPACE BELOW TO COMMENT AND SHARE INDIVIDUAL VIEWS.:rofl:. I am amazed that u just called a blog as credible source.:disagree:. However, Guardian.co.uk does have News reports but in a different section. Most of the online news website has news section and blog section and you just mixed up both because your lack of knowledge in this particular area. welcome to internet. Now go get me some NEWS not BLOG.:rofl::rofl:

PS: to help you get an idea of what blog is....check the link below which is smilar to what u have provided. notice the commenting area below.

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The author is a living, breathing communist manifesto:
And an Idiot:
Get more neutral source, this person is too biased, and in his article, the charges he claims on Dalai Lama are not backed by any source, but by his own addmission.

From another fan of Dalai the dictator as usual. You

You think whoever is against Dalai the dictator must be a communist or Chinese...!?!?

Have you seen my videos I posted in this thread?

as long as Tibet is a part of China,New Delhi will be 400 miles away from China,it's never about dalai,it's never about tibetans ,you just want to split tibet from China,it's in your best interest.india's "dalai" visa will expire in a few years ,what are you gonna do after that?creat a little dalai in india? just hope indian will know the truth soon enough(Why India lost the 1962 border war?),your aggressive "forward policy" put you in the awkward position in 1962,not chinese.you want to choise that "forward policy" again?always welcome

As i stated above this is a blog, stop posting blogs as credible source. anyways let me quote from this blog just becuase u tried hard to search and find one.

"The Dalai Lama says he wants Tibetan autonomy and political independence. Yet he allows himself to be used as a tool by western powers keen to humiliate China. Between the late 1950s and 1974, he is alleged to have received around $15,000 a month, or $180,000 a year, from the CIA. He has also been, according to the same reporter, "remarkably nepotistic", promoting his brothers and their wives to positions of extraordinary power in his fiefdom-in-exile in Dharamsala, northern India."

Now if u can see the bold letters, thatz what the whole point u r trying to make. If u look at the large letters, thatz what the whole point i am making. Do u know the meaning of ALLEGED???. its time for u to get a dictionary and findout what alleged mean.:disagree:

Anyways go get me a credible source like NEWS, not someone's blog.:tdown:
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