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Indian fisherman killed as US navy fires in Gulf

Aman ki Aasha seems to be working.. I see a Pakistani fighting for dead Indian sailors more animatedly than Indians :D
Still hate India, just supporting the side which is right

Indian fisherman: No warning before Gulf shooting - Businessweek
Dubai's police chief, Lt. Gen. Dahi Khalfan Tamim, said an initial investigation suggests "the boat was in its right course and did not pose any danger," according to comments published by Abu Dhabi-based daily The National. He told the government-backed newspaper that the shooting appeared to be a mistake.
A small boat charging on a HUge Tanker...
Man they arent irrational such as u...

You are a dumbass if you think a small boat armed with explosive won't cause serious damage to a tanker. It had happened before. Remember USS Cole? We take security threats very seriously. I know Indian armies have low security standards but obviously you have not learnt anything from the Mumbai attack.
That's the point and the Americans are claiming Indian piracy

Im not claiming piracy. Just that the vicinity of a military vessel is a no no. After warning .50 cal shots directed at them most people would understand, except the very dumb or ones with ill intentions.

To which category do you belong?
Im not claiming piracy. Just that the vicinity of a military vessel is a no no. After warning .50 cal shots directed at them most people would understand, except the very dumb or ones with ill intentions.

To which category do you belong?

Dubai's police chief, Lt. Gen. Dahi Khalfan Tamim, said an initial investigation suggests "the boat was in its right course and did not pose any danger," according to comments published by Abu Dhabi-based daily The National. He told the government-backed newspaper that the shooting appeared to be a mistake.

You are a dumbass if you think a small boat armed with explosive won't cause serious damage to a tanker. It had happened before. Remember USS Cole? We take security threats very seriously. I know Indian armies have low security standards but obviously you have not learnt anything from the Mumbai attack.
Yes, I'm sure pirates are attacking you right off the coast of Jabal Ali. Don't be daft
Still hate India, just supporting the side which is right

Dont be embarrassed .. Admit it.. You are a closet India lover.. Just ashamed to admit it.. Thats why you are fighting tooth and nail against the big bad Americans who have murdered Indian sailors.. C'mon.. Do it.. Admit it.. You have been OUTED :azn:

btw, you sound very similar to another big member here called Aryan_B.. Are you related to him ?
Dubai's police chief, Lt. Gen. Dahi Khalfan Tamim, said an initial investigation suggests "the boat was in its right course and did not pose any danger," according to comments published by Abu Dhabi-based daily The National. He told the government-backed newspaper that the shooting appeared to be a mistake.

aha i see, so that is conclusive evidence that im wrong and you are correct? Nevermind the fact the police chief just reiterated what the fishermen told him and is in that way no different then the news i posted which you immediately disqualified with "i dont believe the American side".

also it says on your link
"He says there was no warning" before the shooting occurred, Lokesh said, though he noted that authorities are still working to determine what happened. "We are waiting for the investigation to be complete. We are waiting to see what happened."
confirming the police chief only has fishermen's info.
lol, so ok no warning, just massacring fishermen in their sleep, right? Also if not travelling in speed boats the time to cover the range from signaling to fire would be much greater.

The fisherman's claim...can you link anything? Also it seems strange Indian fishermen only get shot at, now twice in a row...either very bad navigational skills and knowing of maritime protocols or something completely different.

But i dont think you have the mental agility to pursue that avenue of possibility.

Actually a valid tactic for pirate assaults...not that you would know, after it comes the mother ship after the pirates from the small boat apprehend the crew.

Every fishermen do not have GOOD navigational skills...... I know about mother ships, piracy etc etc
But, is there any history of piracy in Persian gulf near UAE/.?
But, is there any history of piracy in Persian gulf near UAE/.?

I agree, there isn't, however there is the USS Cole incident in 2000, in which a boat like this (similar) rammed a destroyer and people in it detonated some C4...

Every fishermen do not have GOOD navigational skills...... I know about mother ships, piracy etc etc

In this case good navigational skills would consist of simply steering away from warning fire...one move of the hand....

Hopefully this gets resolved, i am very anxious to see what happened in reality.
Piracy Angle appears to be BS every minute passes.

Common sense angle of not coming closer when fired upon doesn't.....nevermind the piracy reason...it's just one of the reasons those people got shot upon, the other reasons are repeat of USS Cole, Iranian recon (how close they can come) and general tension in those parts of the world.
Common sense angle of not coming closer when fired upon doesn't.....nevermind the piracy reason...it's just one of the reasons those people got shot upon, the other reasons are repeat of USS Cole, Iranian recon (how close they can come) and general tension in those parts of the world.

Stop it.. Dubai police have said, no warning shots were fired..... Stop ur BS....
Common sense angle of not coming closer when fired upon doesn't.....nevermind the piracy reason...it's just one of the reasons those people got shot upon, the other reasons are repeat of USS Cole, Iranian recon (how close they can come) and general tension in those parts of the world.

I know no vessels are supposed to approach that close to a military ship...Why dont US release the video's ? Only then we can verify what happened.

Now the injured person has told UAE authority that no warnings were given.

If there is no video evidence given, then we know, there is something fishy.

We find hard to believe USN are saints.

Again if those fishermen are wrong, then no need for even apology.
I agree, there isn't, however there is the USS Cole incident in 2000, in which a boat like this (similar) rammed a destroyer and people in it detonated some C4...

In this case good navigational skills would consist of simply steering away from warning fire...one move of the hand....

Hopefully this gets resolved, i am very anxious to see what happened in reality.

Wasnt USS cole attacked while in harbour?
Yes it was. But the mechanics of defence are still the same : do not let small craft get near.

Then its the fault of coastal survellaince to enter harbour and darefully attack a ship.... Hell harbours have security, particularly strick, when defence ships are berthed... Dont compare the two incidents....
This incident took place at sea...
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