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Indian fisherman killed as US navy fires in Gulf

You've never been shot at, have you? It's not easy to keep your head to even think about steering anything

He calls himself American, is proud of every American thing (Co-incidentally, Chinese hate them) and supports every US policy.

Don't you know anybody having anything negative said about India is automatically a Pakistani or Chinese to these idiots? Let them.
Dumbo Chin, don't try too hard.. You are easily identifiable even in the crowd of millions.. So no matter what flag you wave as soon as you open your mouth and one can easily know what breed you are..
When did he open his mouth? He's using a keyboard
Dumbo Chin, don't try too hard.. You are easily identifiable even in the crowd of millions.. So no matter what flag you wave as soon as you open your mouth and one can easily know what breed you are..

Dumb Indian, not matter how hard you tried to hide among the hundreds of millions of dumb Indians, your idiocy still stands out like a stupid turkey.
Don't you know anybody has anything negative said about India is automatically Pakistani or Chinese to these idiots? Let them.

Anyone can look at his past 100 posts and easily tell who this India obsessed idiot is?

Dumb Indian, not matter how hard you tried to hide among the hundreds of millions of dumb Indians, your idiocy still stands out like a stupid turkey.

I have no more time to waste on you dumbo, go away.. shoo..
Any one with a quarter brain knows you don't rush a naval ship....certainly not in an area with tension..were it has been stated that our ships (and has happened) would be attacked in such manner. If no one here understands protecting your ships...it is no wonder none of you have EVER been a naval power.

Oh ya the poor fishermens knows all the geo strategic planning of US? Area is considers tension, cos the US considers it as one..
It reminds me of the story they cooked up after the Iran Air Flight 655 incident, where they killed 290 people, mostly women and children. It was literally on the same location too. Watch them try to explain why they shut down the plane by "accident."

Oh dont forget! Its either 'accident' or wrong intel as was the case of destroying Iraq. For one decade they kept lying to the world building up a false case against Iraq. They are responsible for killing millions of Iraqis. But it was just 'bad intel' and nothing else.
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Anyone can look at his past 100 posts and easily tell who this India obsessed idiot is?

I have no more time to waste on you dumbo, go away.. shoo..

Anyone can look at your past 1000 posts and see your obsession with China. Go back to your hellhole, racist.
I have been shot at, living in Karachi. And we just kept going straight, even though bullets broke through the front window, because no one thinks of steering in this situation, you just freeze.

Then you have to be thankful that the person taking the shot was poorly skilled. Thankfully USN personnel is not like that. Additionally, on the street there is possibility you had no way but forward (clogged streets to the side, traffic in the rear, if you stop-you are dead). This isn't present on the seas. You can easily turn.

Now moving onward, i read visible and audible signals were given at 1200 meters away from the ship, it kept on closing in, then warning shots were shot across it's bow (see the video how that looks like).

Unofficially ROE for firing is at around 200 meters. So, the boat travelled 1 kilometer ignoring all the warning.

And for a simple fisherman, who's never probably encountered a lot of bullet fire, this would freeze him up even more. You Americans are just trying to defend your navy. Pitifully, may I add

Freeze huh? Frozen for a kilometer eh? at 25 km/h....you are lol!
It's not even technically my Navy, i just defend common sense...you on the other hand are a tool serving an agenda that everything Uncle Sam does is bad and vile and an act of genocide.
Well, US need to head off any threat coming their way. The refuel ship is a big military ship. It's not like the small boat couldn't see it. It has been warned repeatedly to stay away.

Why dont you just go back to your country and let the others live peacefully. This world is a dangerous place and made more dangerous by your presence and poking your nose in every nook and corner of the world.

If everything is such a threat to you including a small dingy to a huge ship, then just get lost, go home!
Oh ya the poor fishermens knows all the geo strategic planning of US? Area is considers tension, cos the US considers it as one..
The Americans will try to defend their navy with some dumb arguments, the world supports India in this case

Now moving onward, i read visible and audible signals were given at 1200 meters away from the ship, it kept on closing in, then warning shots were shot across it's bow (see the video how that looks like). .
US claims are not evidence
Why dont you just go back to your country and let the others live peacefully. This world is a dangerous place and made more dangerous by your presence and poking your nose in every nook and corner of the world.

If everything is such a threat to you including a small dingy to a huge ship, then just get lost, go home!

Unfortunately that part of the world is volatile and need a strong presence to keep peace. We also have lots of investment and strategic interest there.
US claims are not evidence

What is then? What can you present acceptable as evidence apart from hearsay and brainwashed mantra?

If everything is such a threat to you including a small dingy to a huge ship, then just get lost, go home!

Small dingy can sink a ship like that filled with enough explosives and a ready to die in the name of the cause crew. But i guess you dont want to know that, because hating is so much easier.

Oh ya the poor fishermens knows all the geo strategic planning of US? Area is considers tension, cos the US considers it as one..

Just accept that if the crew werent pirates or terrorists they had to be exceptionally dumb to continue in spite of warning shots. Especially the captain or whoever was at the wheel.
What is then? What can you present acceptable as evidence apart from hearsay and brainwashed mantra?
Ad hominem.
Anything verified by non-American authorities. Something like the UN or a report by India
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