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Indian fisherman killed as US navy fires in Gulf

That is a great threat considering if you cannot keep democracy your country will go to hell at your own incompetence. So be nice to US while at the same time suffer the dictatorship you got.
Yes, that's why the US empire won't last very long. I hope you're not under the delusion that the US was ever a democracy.
if they had, they wouldnt have been blasted with fire... arrested and maybe kept until a next prison swap happened.
On what authority are you saying that?

I do not believe that would have happened.. In the past a Civilain ship fired on fishermen.. forget a Naval ship..
I thin USn must have used english so they did''t get the warning.

IN or CG always uses urdu/hindi while warning pak fishermen and then the pak fishermen run awa like scalded cat.
no telling..

specially when the "skinnies" are also known to use very unassuming and innocent looking boats when approaching their targets.

I dont want to give ideas to anyone but I suspect it will be an attempted attack on one of the US vessels through explosive laden boat that will spark the flames of war in the Persian gulf.
You are not saying anything new. The first issue here are behaviors. If you see a uniform, be it a police officer or the UPS man, what kind of behavior will you be expecting for each? Very specific kind. Any deviation will immediately draw suspicion. A non-uniformed person or vehicle is also a sort of uniform, one that proclaim an exclusion of a set of behaviors that are considers to be hostile and even violent, in short, a military person or vessel.

At sea, just like on land, an appearance is the first opportunity to assess what kind of behaviors will you be dealing with in the immediate future. Immediate as in the next few minutes. A civilian vessel demands that you treat him differently than if he is a military vessel. A civilian vessel demands that you lower your level of caution because he is saying he is a vessel of peace while at the same time he must raise his own level of caution because you are a vessel of violent capabilities or of war.

That is why it is forbidden to disguise one's self as a 'civilian' when one's intent is that of war. Such an act is called 'perfidy' and is a war crime. It put all civilians at risk because now the civilian appearance is now a uniform denoting war.
Put yourself in the sailors' situation: How certain are you of what they are?

i guess anyone with brown skin in a fishing trawler or rubber dingy is a potential suicide bomber packed with shaped charge explosives, as per your rubric

have you ever fired a 50 cal machine gun?

I thin USn must have used english so they did''t get the warning.

IN or CG always uses urdu/hindi while warning pak fishermen and then the pak fishermen run awa like scalded cat.

and you cant even keep your fishermen from straying into Pakistani, Sri Lankan or even Arabian waters it appears....better they ''run away'' than be captured or even worse - end up like swiss cheese the way these guys did
tis also a valid point....why were they there?
Indians were working on UAE Ship..

indian fishermen are a big problem time to time for Pakistani and Sri Lankan coast guard..but we simply detain them. Not blast them with 50 calibre rounds

Pakistani Fisherman are bigger problem for India as they are big time into smuggling and in case of 26/11 incident they were used to send terrorists to India..
i guess anyone with brown skin in a fishing trawler or rubber dingy is a potential suicide bomber packed with shaped charge explosives, as per your rubric
Nope, per past behaviors by a certain group.

have you ever fired a 50 cal machine gun?
Yes. Very fun. Active duty and civilian. Had a chance to shoot a Barrett and a Desert Eagle once. The DE scared me more than the Barrett. :lol:
Me and my Tamilian roomy just watched the news on TOI...

One of the crew, another Tamilian, told in Tamil that the coxswain (Arab)kept heading the same way and told them that they will not shoot as it is their country. TOI can go down the TOIlet for their false reporting

BTW on PDF I have seem many a times Pakistanis obsessed by the comments on TOI.. All the best guys! :P

That dumb man need to be arrested..
well USS Cole @ Gulf of Aden may be fresh in their minds still.....i wasn't there so i cant speak with authority and conviction.

But quite frankly, disabling a boat full of poor fishermen in clear sight makes more sense than turning them into Swiss cheese. For God's sakes.

Pirates are often disguised as fishermen.
Unprovoked, they rained bullets for five minutes: victim

“A man fired from a machine gun continuously for five minutes. It happened suddenly and everything was over even before we could understand what was happening,” said an Indian fisherman who survived the shooting by the United States Navy off the Dubai coast.

“They didn’t even give us time to demonstrate our innocence. Our boat itself became a pool of blood,” said G. Murugan, 40, who was among the eight persons on the motorboat that was targeted by the USNS Rappahannock. Speaking to The Hindu on the phone from a government hospital in Dubai, he said the firing was without any provocation. The U.S. ship did not stop after the firing. Though the fishermen signalled for medical aid, there was no response.

“The Indian government must [make] sincere [efforts] to impress upon the UAE government [the need] to file a case against the naval personnel responsible.”

The boat was sailing at reasonably good speed. It was attempting to go around the U.S. ship when it was fired upon.

Kumaresan, 32, of Thondi, another eyewitness, said the cabin crew, who were Arabs, did not slow down despite calls from him and fellow fishermen. They were not sure what prompted the U.S. naval personnel to open fire.

“The moment was terrifying. I have never come across such a dreadful moment… We were targeted from just 50 metres. I escaped by lying down near the cabin. We paid a heavy price for no fault on our part. There was absolutely no reason to open fire at us,” Kumaresan said.

The incident occurred very close to the harbour, and they were able to quickly move the injured to hospital. A few Indians working in Dubai visited the injured.

The Hindu : States / Tamil Nadu : Unprovoked, they rained bullets for five minutes: victim

The fault also lies in the part of the fisherman especially the cabin crew. Hope these douchebags are arrested for irresponsible behavior .
India should demand from US for the probe in to the matter and compensation along-with apology for the family of the departed..
India should demand from US for the probe in to the matter and compensation along-with apology for the family of the departed..

Yup we are already asking all these plus a bucket of Kentucky Chicken + fries .
I'd actually spit on an American soldier if I ever saw one, come what may

The Arab is to blame but no reason is given for shooting, no warning. The US has a history of lying, India does not. I trust the Indians in this matter, there were no warning shots

And you will be shot at. A spit is an assault.

India has no history of lying? Ha, Indians would lie through their teeth to get what they want. Just go read A Dust Over India.
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