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Indian Female Students Assaulted By Ukrainian Soldiers

Understandably, Pakistanis also love a varied amount of curry.
I honestly feel bad for these indians stuck there.

They do not deserve that.
But on the other hand, at least we're seeing the reality of things.

East European Racism is undeniably very apparent in many ways. (even before the war)

nah i dont feel bad these aholes deserve everything bad. Im just thinking is there a way they can blame this on Pakistan. They gotta put blame on Pakistan
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I don't care about the common Indian. I care about Kashmiri brothers and sisters.

I meant the negative aspects of the common Indian too, you don't even need to look towards the crimes their soldiers commit. For starters the common Indian supports these soldiers and the treatment of Kashmiris.
Sir Jee: I am also a Jaat. :lol:

I suspected it. There are Sapras among Punjabi Hindus. Are they the same as Sipras? What about Saprus among Kashmiris?

But here in India the word Jat is generally used for Haryana / Western UP jats. They don't speak Punjabi. The Punjabi variety prefers to call themselves Jutts.
There are Sapras among Punjabi Hindus. Are they the same as Sipras?

Yes. Not only Hindus, but Sikhs, as well. My ancestors were Sikh. One Sikh gentleman, Charanjit Singh Sapra, is spokesman of Congress, from Mumbai.

Some people pronounce it as "Sipra" and some as "Sapra".

What about Saprus among Kashmiris?

No. They are different.

But here in India the word Jat is generally used for Haryana / Western UP jats. They don't speak Punjabi. The Punjabi variety prefers to call themselves Jutts.

In Hindi/Urdu, it is called "Jaat" and in Punjabi as "Jutt". This is quite a common phonetic transformation, where long vowel of Hindi/Urdu is replaced by a short vowel in Punjabi, or vice versa. Many examples.
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You represent you, And I represent myself, I don't claim to represent India, neither do trolls of India represent India.

Show me any such post of mine out of close to 13000 post on this forum, and I will concede. The bottom line remains, one's conduct represents upbringing. This thread is a great example that shows how these individuals are conditioned. The question to the "Sr Mod" was aimed with a very specific purpose, why are these heinous trolls being tolerated in this space?
I have never endorsed the views that you claimed, but there is a tacit approval from @waz and likes for such behavior in this space, the question is why? also 5 bucks the other over-eager mod will ban me for this post.


What a disgusting hypocrite you are.
Guys this was the same person who was laughing at the plight of Kashmiris, yes that’s right a ‘lol’ when a group of Pandits, alongside Kashmiri Muslim were asking for the reversal of 370. Here he is crying foul….He’s also an ardent Modi supporter which says it all.

I wasn’t wrong when I said there you trawl the lowest depths. You even tagged me , as being implicit with all the disgusting comments you see here. There are time zones., and these comments would have been deleted.

As for the thread do not post any comments about females deserving such treatment.
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Pakistanis who say that Indian students deserve this, do you realize that for Ukrainians, Pakistanis and Indians are pretty much indistinguishable and Pakistanis can also be targeted during this crisis? If they start targeting Indians, Pakistanis may fall victim to racism as well.

These Indians who are getting thrashed here would still support modi and yogi back home

No need for me to feel bad for them
What a disgusting hypocrite you are.
Guys this was the same person who was at the plight of Kashmiris, yes that’s right a ‘lol’ when a group of Pandits, alongside Kashmiri Muslim were asking for the reversal of 370. Here he is crying foul….He’s also an ardent Modi supporter which says it all.

I wasn’t wrong when I said there you trawl the lowest depths. You even tagged me , as being implicit with all the disgusting comments you see here. There are time zones., and these comments would have been deleted.

As for the thread do not post any comments about females deserving such treatment.

You have very rightly identified this sanghi and the lot he belongs to.

This POS waits for moments like these where he can label Pakistanis, try belittle us, blame us, play a victim card, and make us look guilty. A disgusting parasite.

I just yesterday saw videos of the hindu extremists killing helpless Muslim with axes and one ugly chicken legged hindu terrorist killing a girl with knife right in front of her family. And I thought what kind of people are these. What barbarian terrorists are these. A backward superstitious filthy lot. A burden on Earth who keep adding to the Carbon Dioxide.

At best we should be indifferent to what is happening to indians anywhere, we should simply don't care about them. No need to show any sympathy at all, after all they are our sworn enemies and they would have killed us openly if they could, this enemy is full of hate for us, our religion, our people, our country and everything us. They are same hate filled creatures who didn't spare not to use medical visas to insult us, who politicized the sports, who have insulted and beaten our performers, who day in and day out openly call us and our country terrorists. No mercy, no sympathy, no empathy for them ..........
Indians made fun of Pakistanis and PIA plane crashed over Karachi. They celebrated our deaths. Was that indicative of general Indians? I say yes indeed. The hate that Modi's India fueled, is your own doing. Why cry now when Pakistanis respond in a similar fashion?
We are not like them, we cannot stoop to their level.
Please stop this.

Anybody who takes pleasure in the misery of other people, civilian or soldiers has at that moment mortgaged his stake in being a human being.

Bringing up who has done what to whom is a dreadful thing. From the beginning of humanity, there have been atrocities by some human beings against others. We cannot keep picking at this scab. In this situation today, we see ordinary Ukrainian civilians under siege, targetted by bullets, shells, bombs and missiles; we see them hiding in underground rail stations, or trying to keep life going in these terrible conditions.

We have African students complaining of racist distinction and ill-treatment at the Ukrainian- Polish borders. We have Indian students complaining of rough treatment. We have Pakistanis thankful that their young ones, at least some of them, have been rescued. I am anguished that the Indian authorities have done so little to rescue Indian citizens, all while a completely heartless man advises Indian students not to go to foreign lands to study. His indifference to the miseries of others is a testimonial to the dreadful political choices that some Indians have made.

For those members who feel no sympathy for young people in danger, terrified for their lives and well-being, and their families that have to live in hourly anguish, please feel free not to feel for them. Please at the very least refrain from jubilation. If you wish to express your dislike for Indians who have in the past expressed opinions about your country and your people that were uncivilised, you are welcome to do that. After all, more than any other forum, this is a forum for Pakistanis, the good, the bad and the ugly.

Let that not spill over into into totally incomprehensible ill-feeling towards those in peril.
We are not like them, we cannot stoop to their level.

We cannot stoop to their level even if we wanted, but in their case be aware of their mentality. This particular incident is between Ukrainians and indians, what Pakistanis have got to do with this? But see how a sanghi has used this to blame Pakistanis.

Their girls, their problem, we were not there and we didn't do anything to harass or insult their girls. But believe me if we were there and we did help their girls, these extremists would still blame us for love jehad. That is how petty they are in their minds.
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