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Indian Female Students Assaulted By Ukrainian Soldiers

Ungrateful bums. They were very happy to take in paying students. But get upset when they want to leave
( btw Ukraine trained students and professionals are considered very low quality in India)
Can't justify manhandling, but it is possible that the Ukranians are under a lot of stress and managing civilian movements, especially non Ukranians is the last thing on their mind. Apparently the Poles are not allowing entry, so this must be creating administrative headaches for the border personnel on Ukranian side.

I agree with some other members that this could be due to India's vote also, but I would place this as the 2nd or 3rd reason.

The Ukrainians must be allowed to vent thier anger

No bro, Indians are our fellow south asians. It hurts to see them getting treated like this in a foriegn land. Only Pakistanis have the right to kick their asses.

Err… no they are not

Remember these people did the APS massacre and Gujrat genocide

They deserve what they got
If the above was done to Pakistani students, indians would be building shrines and idols of the Ukrainians and worshipping them.

PS I do not condone ANYONE being bullied or beaten up. Even my sworn eternal enemies. Ukrainians and East Europeans in GENERAL have a strong dislike/aversion/repulsion towards ANYONE who isn't white.

Sir - you have seen Millspecs response and how he tagged Waz. It shows his intent and background. The same character was given a badge and treated with respect - and was banned with his title removed because he couldn't hide his intent. Now understand - there are some Indians that can masquerade being peace loving peace seeking - but eventually the wolf removes its sheep cloth and reveal the true intent!
If what you say is true - that is not to dispute you, but only to say that @MilSpec should confirm this to me - then I am deeply sorry. I thought he was one of us who wishes for better days for India.

Thrown Out Of Train, Beaten With Sticks: Indian Student to NDTV From Kyiv Station​

They might have mistaken them as asylum seekers.
You are right that football is a British legacy but it is also the world's most popular sport. So, it is an international sport. The World Cup every 4 years attracts more viewers than even most important international events. One cannot claim the same about the Cricket which most nations do not even bother to play it.

Your second paragraph makes no sense. The Olympics in modern era started in the last decade of the 19th century, but it was never really international and inclusive until the World War II. Iran participated in the Olympics game for the first time in 1948. Pakistan became an independent nation in 1947. So, yeah. You were around and that's no excuse for your embarrassing performance in sports. Meanwhile, your population is like 3 times that of ours. Plus, it wasn't me that called Pakistanis in a tone meant to be taken offensively "the smallest lot in the region" when in fact the opposite is true. It was you who started it. I only shared statistics with you.

If you agree, we can delete our comments because we're off-topic and it isn't really a nice discussion.

OK, I'll delete mine.
What a disgusting hypocrite you are.
Guys this was the same person who was laughing at the plight of Kashmiris, yes that’s right a ‘lol’ when a group of Pandits, alongside Kashmiri Muslim were asking for the reversal of 370. Here he is crying foul….He’s also an ardent Modi supporter which says it all.

I wasn’t wrong when I said there you trawl the lowest depths. You even tagged me , as being implicit with all the disgusting comments you see here. There are time zones., and these comments would have been deleted.

As for the thread do not post any comments about females deserving such treatment.

Nilgri was banned because he let the curtain fall

Milspec is same. Deviant and scheming filthy sanghi.

NRI or non resident Indians are far bigger bigots than Indians living in India

Yeah since there is a crisis these guys would ally with anyone including Pakistanis but we all shouldn't ignore realities

If the above was done to Pakistani students, indians would be building shrines and idols of the Ukrainians and worshipping them.

PS I do not condone ANYONE being bullied or beaten up. Even my sworn eternal enemies. Ukrainians and East Europeans in GENERAL have a strong dislike/aversion/repulsion towards ANYONE who isn't white.

Very true.

I am glad Pakistanis are becoming more hardline with regard to Indians. We need such behavior in masses. No sympathy for Indians.
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