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Indian Female Students Assaulted By Ukrainian Soldiers

Again simple as always, Challenge to show @waz any post of mine which condones any violence against Kashmiris and This will be the last post here.

And for the idiots with a massive lack of comprehension skills, my take on 370 is quite clear, and have multiple times provided the opportunity for any further disambiguation.

As far as Sanghi jibe, there is just one terror sympathizer on this forum who has ever claimed that I am one. Your guess is as good as mine.
I am glad you have taken this unambiguous stand. It was devastating to learn that you are felt to be Sanghi.

Did you see the follow-up post and the reason for it?
No, I am sorry, I admit I was feeling distraught and very, very unhappy about the cold indifference, even the mockery of young people in trouble. I shall go back and look for it.
What a disgusting hypocrite you are.
Guys this was the same person who was laughing at the plight of Kashmiris, yes that’s right a ‘lol’ when a group of Pandits, alongside Kashmiri Muslim were asking for the reversal of 370. Here he is crying foul….He’s also an ardent Modi supporter which says it all.

I wasn’t wrong when I said there you trawl the lowest depths. You even tagged me , as being implicit with all the disgusting comments you see here. There are time zones., and these comments would have been deleted.

As for the thread do not post any comments about females deserving such treatment.
Ahhh, that same petition,
Ample disambiguation provided, now you cant expect me to drill it into your head do you. You do realize that these strawman arguments just make you look silly.

Now coming to Modi, - I am an Indian, and I will support Indian interests to the TEE, if the subset of that involves supporting Indian Establishement along with the Elected PM, then so be it. When needed to be criticized I have. And guess what ample posts to indicate that too, right?
Did you see the follow-up post and the reason for it?
Man, lets accept that there are toxic people on both sides of border who would go to any length in their hatred online or in real world but does that warrant that we start thinking just like them?

I have known you for some time and i know Waz as well, unfortunately what i am seeing is that even the mature people here at this forum are losing their calm.
i HOPE THE BROWN SKIN happy to go kiss a ss europe decides to stay at home and study.
You will be happy to learn that you are in good company (by some standards, not mine, sadly).

This is what that master of race relations has begun to advise Indian student-aspirants.
Plus foreigners visiting brown countries should not be treated like demi gods but as tourist to be milked and sent back.
A matter of opinion, but in my view, all visitors should be treated as honoured guests.

Atithi devo bhava.
Indians made fun of Pakistanis and PIA plane crashed over Karachi. They celebrated our deaths. Was that indicative of general Indians? I say yes indeed. The hate that Modi's India fueled, is your own doing. Why cry now when Pakistanis respond in a similar fashion?
That's why I neither feel bad or happy, I simply don't care :)
you know their "I am from India attitude" gets them in trouble
Ahhh, that same petition,
Ample disambiguation provided, now you cant expect me to drill it into your head do you. You do realize that these strawman arguments just make you look silly.
View attachment 819566

Now coming to Modi, - I am an Indian, and I will support Indian interests to the TEE, if the subset of that involves supporting Indian Establishement along with the Elected PM, then so be it. When needed to be criticized I have. And guess what ample posts to indicate that too, right?
I understand where you are coming from. You know already that my point of view differs, except that I am loathe to say even the bald truth about the government of India outside Indian circles. I have done that frequently, but perhaps because of late, the situation has become almost intolerable.
Indians made fun of Pakistanis and PIA plane crashed over Karachi. They celebrated our deaths.
They always do this whenever a bomb blast happens in Pakistan, they've been doing such as long as I can remember. Read a ToI comments section for one. The fair thing to say is that they deserve much worse but we aren't filthy, miserable degenerates like the Indians are so we wont celebrate or say a thing.
Indians made fun of Pakistanis and PIA plane crashed over Karachi. They celebrated our deaths. Was that indicative of general Indians? I say yes indeed. The hate that Modi's India fueled, is your own doing. Why cry now when Pakistanis respond in a similar fashion?
I have always, and continue to reject with anger, any celebration of human misery or death. I do not wish to have anything to do with those who celebrate death. I have gone on record, everywhere that I have been, on this point.

There have been unbelievably brutal remarks made by some when the PIA plane crashed, and I deeply regret that these inhuman remarks should have been made.

That neither drives me to counter-acting inhumanity, nor allows me to fail to hold responsible even those whom I otherwise respect from adhering to these standards.

Indian media is coming up with news about Pak students abondoned in Ukraine by the Pak govt.

Talking about obsession...and scavenging for any news which berate Pak, and scrutinizing and adding all the falsehood to it.

Times Now is certainly not a Tabloid, nor it's a Godi, Sangh media.

Times Now, after Arnab Goswami has had his way with it, is unfortunately a stench-filled news outlet.
Indian media is coming up with news about Pak students abondoned in Ukraine by the Pak govt.

Talking about obsession...and scavenging for any news which berate Pak, and scrutinizing and adding all the falsehood to it.

Times Now is certainly not a Tabloid, nor it's a Godi, Sangh media.

Pakistani embassies and diplomats are usually extremely incompetent
Hate filled obsession, kind of xenophobia. Or they do it for the TRP.

Obsession can be positive as well, like coming up with some neutral if not good news.
They have been purchased. Perhaps you are unaware that soon after Modi's first win, in 2014, major organs were systematically bought over by Modi supporting businessmen, or cowed into submission by threats. Only a handful held out, but even they not for long. NDTV is under intense IT pressure, The Hindu has faced relentless attack, until it was forced to withdraw support from its editor, who now ekes out a living from an electronic media outlet. Somebody like Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, sacked even by a strong leftist publisher like the Economic and Political Weekly for making public the scandals linked to the Sangh, now earns a living as an indepedent supported by individuals.

Pakistani embassies and diplomats are usually extremely incompetent
Indians are better at everything.

Ours are more incompetent than yours. We have bigger oafs, bigger idiots, bigger indifferent bureaucrats.
So let me get this right. After 40 years of Mullah rule you guys ahdve lost the humanity to be offended by soldiers abusing a female?

Ma-shallah .... !

Ps. Correction: MO-sholloh.
Look at the thread title - then look at your vomit. Why can’t you simply stick to the topic? This racism is disgraceful - now please don’t try to veer away from the topic
Indians love raising hostility level among whites against muslims (and Chinese) and then when they themselves are hit by the same racism they are shocked.

"Please! We are one of you, oh white-skinned sahib!" lol
I am glad Pakistanis are becoming more hardline with regard to Indians. We need such behavior in masses. No sympathy for Indians.
Most Pakistanis either don't care about or dislike Indians (mostly the former), we just view them as a nuisance but don't talk or think about them at all. The Pakistanis you see that simp for Indians are mostly elite and well off Punjabis from big cities with the usual naïve cuck mentality and unfortunately those are the most outspoken though a minority. Go to the North West or smaller Punjab cities and you will get much different answers and opinions regarding Indians compared to what you would get from Lahoris or Isloo kids. I don't see the elite Punjabi kids changing much in their attitude in regard to Indians, they still love to watch Bollytrash and act like complete degenerates.
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