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Indian Female Students Assaulted By Ukrainian Soldiers


And that's how it's always been in the West

What do they say when we have civil war in our countries? let them mass murder each other, let the bodies hit the floor etc.

They've no sympathy for us, our image is demonized in the west.
In this situation today, we see ordinary Ukrainian civilians under siege, targetted by bullets, shells, bombs and missiles; we see them hiding in underground rail stations, or trying to keep life going in these terrible conditions.

This must be something new and very disturbing for you Joe, but we are used to it, we have seen all this and much more in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, Kashmir, Palestine. And specially in your india where helpless people get lynched to death in broad daylight and videos of their misery and last moments are circulated to feed the hate of others.

For those members who feel no sympathy for young people in danger, terrified for their lives and well-being, and their families that have to live in hourly anguish, please feel free not to feel for them. Please at the very least refrain from jubilation. If you wish to express your dislike for Indians who have in the past expressed opinions about your country and your people that were uncivilised, you are welcome to do that. After all, more than any other forum, this is a forum for Pakistanis, the good, the bad and the ugly.

Joe why not address that sanghi who tried using this thread to blame Pakistanis, did he say a word about how he feels about this? No but he was very quick to use this to belittle Pakistanis. And he hasn't done this once, twice but always ........... some of us keep eyes and our memory of who said what very updated.

Seriously Joe, seriously?
Feel bad / don't feel bad but move on. Hopefully and eventually they will be moved to safety. Their plight is nothing compared to what the Ukranians themselves are facing. Many homes have been destroyed beyond repair. Iraqis and Syrians have suffered so much they may not recover for decades. Shit happens in life. Jaan hai to jahaan hai. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
This must be something new and very disturbing for you Joe, but we are used to it, we have seen all this and much more in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, Kashmir, Palestine. And specially in your india where helpless people get lynched to death in broad daylight and videos of their misery and last moments are circulated to feed the hate of others.
Does that make it easier then, to be 'used to it'? Or does it make it easier on your hearts and minds to remind me of the crimes that are committed in my country by Indians, on Indians?

If it does, brother human, pray continue.
Joe why not address that sanghi who tried using this thread to blame Pakistanis, did he say a word about how he feels about this? No but he was very quick to use this to belittle Pakistanis. And he hasn't done this once, twice but always ........... some of us keep eyes and our memory of who said what very updated.
I was shocked to find that he is thought to be Sanghi. I had always been under the impression that he was, along with the handful of us who still care, a constitutionalist and an upholder of the rule of law, compelled to take an unusually strident tone in the face of constant ridicule and contempt of our country and all that we hold dear.

Sometimes I find myself defending what I myself would be quick to condemn, what I have indeed been quick to condemn when we have been among ourselves. It is one thing to call out these bad things to other Indians, it is another thing to stand among many who loudly proclaim themselves our sworn enemies and say that the same way. I will not do it, and it is not for me to condemn him for being a Sanghi unless he admits to being one himself.

@MilSpec tell us this isn't so. Your word is good enough for me.

Seriously Joe, seriously?
Do you think I was light-hearted or speaking other than with a very heavy heart when I asked for all to desist?
These Indians who are getting thrashed here would still support modi and yogi back home

No need for me to feel bad for them
Don't be too sure. It takes a jolt sometimes to make someone see the world from perspective of humanism. You know nothing about them as individuals and yet are making unwarranted assumptions. I would not at all be surprised to see Pakistanis & Indians in Ukraine making a common cause & aligning in this case.
Pakistanis who say that Indian students deserve this, do you realize that for Ukrainians, Pakistanis and Indians are pretty much indistinguishable and Pakistanis can also be targeted during this crisis? If they start targeting Indians, Pakistanis may fall victim to racism as well.
Thank you for saying this.
Great responses... is this indicative of general Pakistanis? @waz
Come on Milspec, not you at least.
Does that make it easier then, to be 'used to it'? Or does it make it easier on your hearts and minds to remind me of the crimes that are committed in my country by Indians, on Indians?

No it makes us mind our own business and be indifferent to what an indian is going thru in another part of the world at the hands of someone else. Because there may come an indian and try blaming us for that.

I can suggest this to your foreign affairs .......... Try persuading Ukrainians and remind them of all cultural similarities between you and them. I am sure those indian girls could do a thumka to remind the soldiers that they are indian.

I was shocked to find that he is thought to be Sanghi. I had always been under the impression that he was, along with the handful of us who still care, a constitutionalist and an upholder of the rule of law, compelled to take an unusually strident tone in the face of constant ridicule and contempt of our country and all that we hold dear.

Hmmmmm ......... can't say for surety if this is your old age or you are being protective of one of your own.

I will not do it, and it is not for me to condemn him for being a Sanghi unless he admits to being one himself.

Then you don't get to lecture Pakistanis on a predominant Pakistani majority forum. You have been calling Pakistanis equivalent of your racist bigoted hate filled sanghis on this very forum in public to faces of many Pakistanis.

Do you think I was light-hearted or speaking other than with a very heavy heart when I asked for all to desist?

All to desist? You don't even have the courage to call spade a spade .......... this "all" is basically your polite way of telling Pakistanis only.
No it makes us mind our own business and be indifferent to what an indian is going thru in another part of the world at the hands of someone else. Because there may come an indian and try blaming us for that.
I will not comment on this, since you are determined to find fault. To be quite clear, you are indifferent to the fate of a youngster because he or she is Indian, and because you think some Indian, now or later, will turn up and blame you for their plight. Noted, without comment.
I can suggest this to your foreign affairs .......... Try persuading Ukrainians and remind them of all cultural similarities between you and them. I am sure those indian girls could do a thumka to remind the soldiers that they are indian.

Again, I note your response. Truly, I have nothing to say to this vulgarity.
Hmmmmm ......... can't say for surety if this is your old age or you are being protective of one of your own.
Neither. I was -and until contradicted by him, am - genuinely surprised that he has played a Sanghi role. Not when I knew him earlier. If I am not wrong, he has even been that rare bird, a title-holder on PDF.
Then you don't get to lecture Pakistanis on a predominant Pakistani majority forum. You have been calling Pakistanis equivalent of your racist bigoted hate filled sanghis on this very forum in public to faces of many Pakistanis.
I have never lectured anyone, I have shared my views frankly and honestly. I have criticised Pakistanis, just as I have been critical of my own fellow citizens for bigoted or Islamophobic or hyper-patriotic behaviour.

If you feel that those are reasons enough for your present indifference to people who are in no way responsible for my actions or my sins, do what you think is right to do. After all, neither sharing anguished feelings nor lectures will affect you.
All to desist? You don't even have the courage to call spade a spade .......... this "all" is basically your polite way of telling Pakistanis only.
What does 'all' stand for, to you? A glossing over a specific accusation? I do not have that on my conscience.
Don't be too sure. It takes a jolt sometimes to make someone see the world from perspective of humanism. You know nothing about them as individuals and yet are making unwarranted assumptions. I would not at all be surprised to see Pakistanis & Indians in Ukraine making a common cause & aligning in this case.

NRI or non resident Indians are far bigger bigots than Indians living in India

Yeah since there is a crisis these guys would ally with anyone including Pakistanis but we all shouldn't ignore realities
Sad to see that the brown skinned Taliban treated their enemy better than how the blue eyed, white skin civilized treated their guests.

If the above was done to Pakistani students, indians would be building shrines and idols of the Ukrainians and worshipping them.

PS I do not condone ANYONE being bullied or beaten up. Even my sworn eternal enemies. Ukrainians and East Europeans in GENERAL have a strong dislike/aversion/repulsion towards ANYONE who isn't white.
Some disappointing posts on here.

My heart goes out to anyone treated like this. Its disgraceful and clearly racist behavior is being accepted as the norm. Seen several news sites such as CNN saying things like "these are not Afghani refugees - these are WHITE Europeans".

Often said there is no difference in our skin color to these rodents will bash Indian and Pakistanis in the same manner. We all have sisters mothers etc - no human can take satisfaction or bloat about acts like this - its simply wrong. Lets pray for their safe return and their families can have peace.

@Joe Shearer

Sir - you have seen Millspecs response and how he tagged Waz. It shows his intent and background. The same character was given a badge and treated with respect - and was banned with his title removed because he couldn't hide his intent. Now understand - there are some Indians that can masquerade being peace loving peace seeking - but eventually the wolf removes its sheep cloth and reveal the true intent!
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