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Indian BJP/RSS - Make fair-skinned babies :)

And those preferences happen to be fair, tall. Am I right??

And if yes, what is wrong with that?

No offense to dark girls, I've had my share.

But when I make babies, it will be with a pure blooded fair woman, with pink cheeks, a knockout figure and really long legs.

P.S. And shiny silky hair below her shoulders.
But how much darker can they go before you start seeing them as less attractive?
If they were as dark as the darkest African, would you still find them as attractive?
I think you are trying to be politically correct here to be honest
You can go charcoal black and still be attractive. Simply because YOU don't find dark after a certain shade attractive, that does not mean that the rest of the world believes in the same 'attractiveness scale'.


The fact of the matter is we've been nurtured to see black as unattractive because we're still the slaves of the Brits atleast when it comes to our minds. As someone who has a skin tone that is darker than the acceptable brown dark skin of the subcontinent ... lemme tell ya ... I started hearing about how 'Kala' I was since I was in Kindergarten. The average kindergartner in Pakistan is barely 3 years of age, an age at which most kids don't even know the names of different colors much less whats attractive and whats not . So you can guess where all the judgement is coming from i.e. the parents, family, extended family of that child who is programmed to see the world in black and white.

So, I can't blame anyone who thinks dark is unattractive because that has been drilled in to the brains of the subcontinent folk since their childhood. But tell you what, if you think that simply based on skin color, black is "unattractive" ... you haven't seen or you either don't appreciate what nature has to offer ...
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Even the mods know hes a duplicate ID.

Tsk tsk
Doc, dont you think you should stop pretending to be a young lad and misleading ppl here?
Now that even mods are aware of it, its better you ask them to unban your previous ID.


Can we stop this nonsense please. Is this your "proof". Seriously?

Vsdoc from what I can see is a Parsi Zoroastrian who has issues with Islam, to put it mildly. He comes across as more virulently sanghi than most Hindu sanghis here. And has spared no opportunity to bash you guys and Muslims in general. A card carrying Shiv Sainik for crying out loud!

Is the above my profile? Seriously? A Muslim who hates Hindutva and what it is doing to his country. Who considers sanghis to be his mortal enemy?

Where are you guys coming from man?

Either you show us the proof and then take your call, or please in future ban or at least give a warning to anyone who calls me vsdoc or padamchen or any other arbit name that comes into their head.

I do not understand why you guys are ganging up against me. The sanghis hate me and want me gone, and are attacking in packs, which is what they do in real life.

But what is the excuse for you Pakistani Muslims?

Please be fair. I am getting really fed up of these mind games and victimisation here. If we cannot speak up openly on a Muslim controlled forum about what is happening in India, where do you want us to go? Bharat Rakshak?


@WebMaster @Oscar @waz @Icarus
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I can't blame anyone who thinks dark is unattractive because that has been drilled in to the brains of the subcontinent folk and usually places that were colonized
Its not just about the subcontinent, I have observed that anything sinister is linked with the word black
like black sheep of the family, black hole,black friday etc.
Its not just about the subcontinent, I have observed that anything sinister is linked with the word black
like black sheep of the family, black hole,black friday etc.
Yeah your right, most of the colonized world doesn't like the darker shade ... and I would agree on a couple examples you gave with the exception of 'black hole' because that's literally what the darn thing is :P
Isnt it supposed to be sinister too? :lol:
Well lava is pretty sinister .. but if I describe it as "red magma" ... :P It doesn't mean I've got something against people who blush all the time ... But you do have a point with the "black sheep of the family" example ... That's where I can agree with ya ...
Mam, pardon my saying so, but you are a sanghi. You hate Muslims and Islam. But you THINK you camoflage it well out here.

Guys like @lastofthepatriots have seen through you pretty well.

You are fooling no one with your friendly back slapping demeanor. You are a hate filled sadhvi.
Its okay.
I get brick bats from the hindu hardliners too. I'm sure the administrators and mods here can confirm it from my threads in the GHQ.
BTw I'm sure your tagging other members will help you get the much needed support. :)

Ciao Doc
You are fooling no one mam. You come on a Pakistani forum and act like you are their friend?

While planning on how to butcher Muslims back home?
let me break it by saying my ex- was a muslim. Lolz
And we are still friends.
Well I know a lot of them in my real life. So there!
I do NOT pretend like you do.

If at all I say anything about Pakistan then its about their army. But then India-pakistan arent very freindly nations so you cant blame me for it. I do not hold anything against pakistanis who are here to defend their country and its institutions. I respect them.

My problem is neither muslims or Pakistanis... its you DOC.
You use this forum to spread hatred among the members here.
Dont you think you spoke too much?

Never mind. Have a good day.


I have participated on Indian forums. And spoken much as I do here.

No surprise that I have not lasted long there.

You sanghis are poisoning the public discourse in India. And there is really no place for an Indian Muslim to speak as an Indian without being called names and abused, without our Prophet (PBUH) being abused by the vilest words, and without our loyalty questioned and us being asked to move to Pakistan.

What good a fair baby will do to them ? Utter nonesense.
What good a fair baby will do to them ? Utter nonesense.
Let's not pretend its just 'them' ... We have a similar way of doing the same here in Pakistan, where ESPECIALLY the girls are chosen or left alone based on their skin tones. Bleaching one's skin and use of skin fairness creams and procedures are encouraged etc.

We don't go out and say it ... but we do the exact same thing ... albeit a little indirectly.
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