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Indian BJP/RSS - Make fair-skinned babies :)

fundamentally dark skin colour is not attractive.

That's a very subjective statement, I can't speak for others but when I see someone attractive who is darker than me, the skin colour does not distract from their attractiveness.

Some brown people may want to be white and white people may want to be brown, but no-one wants to be dark like Africans or dark-skinned S. Asians.

This doesn't prove anything though, if I don't want to be black, I don't want to be White either. I know many black people who are happy to be black, and yes I have known many White folks from inner city suburbs wanting to be black.

The problem arises when racist idiots like the ones mentioned in thread who try to engineer racial "purity" by steering dangerously in to eugenics and follow the programs of Nazis etc.

Let me tell you a story from a long, long time ago. I was in a group and there was this white girl. She made a comment which she probably wish she did not make - she mentioned that she wanted to be one-quarter black. I guess this is the same skin tone as a light-skinned S Asian.

Well that's in the same level of inferiority complex as most South Asians! :lol:
That's a very subjective statement, I can't speak for others but when I see someone attractive who is darker than me, the skin colour does not distract from their attractiveness.

But how much darker can they go before you start seeing them as less attractive?
If they were as dark as the darkest African, would you still find them as attractive?
I think you are trying to be politically correct here to be honest

This doesn't prove anything though, if I don't want to be black, I don't want to be White either. I know many black people who are happy to be black, and yes I have known many White folks from inner city suburbs wanting to be black.

The problem arises when racist idiots like the ones mentioned in thread who try to engineer racial "purity" by steering dangerously in to eugenics and follow the programs of Nazis etc.

Agreed on the Nazi part. There is no excuse for any discrimination based on skin colour

Well that's in the same level of inferiority complex as most South Asians! :lol:

Not really, the girl just wishes she was born with more melanin inside her. It does not mean that
she is ashamed to be white.
But how much darker can they go before you start seeing them as less attractive?
If they were as dark as the darkest African, would you still find them as attractive?
I think you are trying to be politically correct here to be honest

If you have seen my previous posts here you know I am not politically correct.

Although the skin tone of someone is indeed a factor in determining a personal bias towards attractiveness, I do not believe someone being a dark African would stop be from finding them attractive.

I have Afro Pakistanis in my family, and also ethnic Germans, Swedes and Bosnians relatives as well. I myself am partly Kashmiri and Punjabi. Maybe this is the way we were raised as we come from a very mixed family in Pakistan, and beyond so the colour of ones skin was not seen as a factor for showing love to another.

Or maybe I still retain some strands of hippy liberalism from my younger days, but I assure you it's not forced or anything to do with me being nice. :enjoy:
Are you dark-skinned by any chance?

In my family there are 6 of us siblings, with 3 being dark-skinned. Dark-skinned ones hate the fact that they are dark-skinned.

Let us be honest here, dark-skinned people are not seen as physically attractive as lighter-skinned people.

You should not discriminate but there is nothing wrong in wanting to have light-skinned children.
I was joking with divergent earlier but honestly speaking some dark skinned Bengali girls are very cute and attractive . Complexion is not the only marker of beauty. I don't find every white girl as attractive and to be honest there are plenty of dark looking south Asian girls which appealed me so much . When people and media in south asia keep brain washing your mind from generation after generation that white is beautiful then most of us blindly believe in this myth and even pass it to next generation so when children observe that white/fair looking kids get more attention and dark skinned kids are being ignored then they develop this complex within themselves from childhood. People will be attracted toward you only if you love yourself and accept your own appearance . Its silly to expect from others to like you when you dislike yourself :)
@sakha39 Any non-South Asian reading the OP will think it's news from Pakistan. That BJP/RSS is India's current ruling regime is neither mentioned in the OP or the thread title - not even posted in the Indian section!
I was joking with divergent earlier but honestly speaking some dark skinned Bengali girls are very cute and attractive . Complexion is not the only marker of beauty. I don't find every white girl as attractive and to be honest there are plenty of dark looking south Asian girls which appealed me so much . When people and media in south asia keep brain washing your mind from generation after generation that white is beautiful then most of us blindly believe in this myth and even pass it to next generation so when children observe that white/fair looking kids get more attention and dark skinned kids are being ignored then they develop this complex within themselves from childhood. People will be attracted toward you only if you love yourself and accept your own appearance . Its silly to expect from others to like you when you dislike yourself :)

Allow me to explain my thoughts fully so there is no room for interpretation.

Of course, not every white girl is good looking. And a white girl is not necessarily better looking than a light-skinned S Asian girl because she is fairer. What I am trying to say is that after a certain level of "darkness" the attractiveness diminishes rapidly, no matter how good the facial features are

I cannot prove it but I am convinced that no-one truly wants to be dark-skinned like Africans or dark-skinned S. Asians. What they say otherwise, we can take with a pinch of salt.
Hitler had a similar idea of super race albeit a scientific one instead of 'ancient' whatnot by these idiots ...

RSS = 21st Century Nazi
Allow me to explain my thoughts fully so there is no room for interpretation.

Of course, not every white girl is good looking. And a white girl is not necessarily better looking than a light-skinned S Asian girl because she is fairer. What I am trying to say is that after a certain level of "darkness" the attractiveness diminishes rapidly, no matter how good the facial features are

I cannot prove it but I am convinced that no-one truly wants to be dark-skinned like Africans or dark-skinned S. Asians. What they say otherwise, we can take with a pinch of salt.
I have seen some gorgeous white girls with those extreme dark skinned African boys who will be label as charsi in our country . You assume that everyone define the standards of beauty in same way as you or others south Asian does which is wrong .

someone told majnoo that your Laila appeared ugly and drak
majnoo replied that ugliness is in your eyes because my eyes perceive her most beautiful

so its all about perception
I have seen some gorgeous white girls with those extreme dark skinned African boys who will be label as charsi in our country . You assume that everyone define the standards of beauty in same way as you or others south Asian does which is wrong .

Let us agree to disagree here.
can i donate my dna in india maybe i can take bjp rss daughters and make them happy.

Don't care how light skinned a Pakistani is, for the rest of the world they are still brown.

Its a hirachy whites>arabs > afghans>irani>turks (not in order cox i dont know)etc

The best bit is if these folks went to europe and said hey brother i am aryan white they get a sweet knuckle to the face. Stormfront has alot of these type, bowing down while getting insulted by so called super race of europeans.
So they want to make Pakistani babies?... I thought they hated us? Confused.
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