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Indian Army’s ‘Future Soldier Program’ Will Make Our Soldiers The Most Feared On The Planet

Since when is this standard tactical vest of Indian Army?
Since when - I do not know.But that green webbing vest,with Molle webbing linings on the soldiers have become a common sight in recent days.Why do you ask by the way??

Your web gear is similar ... so what is the big dick contest about?

Well,in their case, the webbing linings are woven directly on top of their armor vests,making things simpler somewhat.

It has slots for your kevlar plates ... big difference .. we use 2 front 1 back configuration ... usually
I don't think I get you here, so could you please elaborate this a bit??Thank you.

By the way, I guess you mean ceramic/steel plate inserts.Kevlar is mostly used as trauma padding material from what I've heard.And by the way,do you prefer steel plates or the ceramic ones??

No we don't prefer 'patkas'. It offers no overhead production ... sorry.Please don't make such claims .... !!! We want better head gear.
Yeah,that's one big drawback of the Patkas.I guess, you guys should have modified the basic helmet by inserting some reinforced fibreglass plates on the top, that should have afforded reasonable protection against shrapnel and shell fragments.
Until and unless you want soldiers to be standing and fighting and not be in prone position, in which case this patka is damn good as it stops an AK-47 at 8 meters .... tested involuntarily ....!!!! LOL!
Lolzzz.I heard that it could even stop an M80 round from an SLR at longer ranges, is that true (although I think that the trauma inflicted may be just too severe for the wearer to survive even if the bullet doesn't perforate the helmet itself)??
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Oh common they are Not Better Equipped
That Guy Boasting Few regiments in combat zone the Basic Infantry Troop remain same
Salwar Kameez :D

Guy Don't Know that India has 29 states with Seven union territories
I Shown How our Police Better Equipped than them with Nato goods

Mizoram Police Commando

Mizoram police-in silai an neih thar, Colt M4 carbine chu June 1, Inrinni khan 1st Batallion MAP ralthuam
dahna kawtah pho chhuah a ni a; AIG II, ...

Manipur Police

Jharkhand Jaguars using X-95

Bhai, many of our police units can be seen with rifles such as the FN-SCAR, M4a1s, and M16s as well - I don't understand what you're trying to prove by this?





Bhai, many of our police units can be seen with rifles such as the FN-SCAR, M4a1s, and M16s as well - I don't understand what you're trying to prove by this?

Sirji I Posted Images Our Police Forces.
India Has 29 States And 7 union Territories And Each State Has SOG ,STF,SWAT's
Same States Even Has Multiple SOG's in there command Example Mumbai ,Jharkhand,UP

Even Smaller smaller States Like Mizoram,Manipur Nagaland Has very Well Equipped
PS:That Exclude Central forces Lie CRPF,CISF,ITBP,RAF,Assam Rifles

Mumbai Police


Nagaland police commandos PSG1 sniper rifle and SiG 551


Punjab Police SWAT

Mizoram Police


Weapons Ordered in Bulk For Mizoram Police

Tamil Nadu Police


Jharkhand Police Anti Terrorist Squad
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It is because lack of maintenance of equipment by the individual soldiers. Let us be honest for once.

The equipment costing tremendous amounts is given, but the issue crops up most commonly due to maintaining the equipment thus given. Then we blame our idiocy on bureaucrats exclusively.

You are kidding right?
How many of our battalions have standardised NVGs or knee pads and over lvl 3 BPJs and ballistic helmets? Very very few. How can you completely blame mismanagement if there is nothing to maintain.
Yes lack of maintenance can not be foregone, but it is very much clear that the lack of equipment among other things that are not always in military's control are the foremost issue.
So many pictures tell a 1000 different stories of this very fact.
Delays are a common place whether it be force management applications of JSOCs or a unified services chief, or the induction of required weapon systems and equipment which are stuck in some babus binders and the deadlines keep getting pushed further and further away; do we blame our armed forces for these too? If you don't put it forward when will our forces act on it?

Again, there is definitely lack of maintenance but even more so there is the intense red-tapery at work here that constitutes most of this current problem.
A fan boy post : Wish to see a common soldier with a bullet proof west , a good assault rifle to his role, a good helmet with option to fit camera light or the Pokemon sticker whatever , a hostler with a decent side arm , a wireless communication device with a decent headset ( not that PC type headset ) . A sniper in every team with a sniper rifle ( don't know the purchasing party ever heard a name in the list after dragunov or ii galil ! )
2nd SOG of Jharkhand Jaguars Ment For Jugle Warfare


Sniper Training School of Jharkhand Jaguars

Cricket captain M.S.Dhoni with personnel of the Jharkhand Jaguars,
1. Since when - I do not know.But that green webbing vest,with Molle webbing linings on the soldiers have become a common sight in recent days.Why do you ask by the way??

2. Well,in their case, the webbing linings are woven directly on top of their armor vests,making things simpler somewhat.

3. I don't think I get you here, so could you please elaborate this a bit??Thank you.

4. By the way, I guess you mean ceramic/steel plate inserts.Kevlar is mostly used as trauma padding material from what I've heard.And by the way,do you prefer steel plates or the ceramic ones??

5. Yeah,that's one big drawback of the Patkas.I guess, you guys should have modified the basic helmet by inserting some reinforced fibreglass plates on the top, that should have afforded reasonable protection against shrapnel and shell fragments.

6.I heard that it could even stop an M80 round from an SLR at longer ranges, is that true (although I think that the trauma inflicted may be just too severe for the wearer to survive even if the bullet doesn't perforate the helmet itself)??

1. It is not standardized. The original gear is ICK which earlier was of canvas that is about till decade and a half and since made up of synthetic material and significantly lighter. The procurement of the webbing shown in pics posted by you is under army commanders financial power head which enables purchase of additional critical equipment not being availed through OFB. It's not available for 100% troops.

2. Point 2 is irrelevant. It's like suggesting a Velcro strap going horizontally as opposed to diagonally. So far the posts here have been about one wearing Levi's and the other Wrangler and both claiming their product is superior, hence the opposing gentleman has been quoted. Interesting to see the tournament of big size on, when both armies have a mix of equipment at either end of spectrum and protagonists of each claiming superiority.

3 & 4. We have what is also called as a plate carrier. So configuration of 2 front and 1 is in issue although we alternate the configuration. Again it is Kevlar plate, ceramic/steel combo well on the way out. The steel ceramic combo is in patka. Contrary to popular misconception of our armor being heavier, it is lighter than similar US pattern. Kanpur does get export order for body armor, somehow the authorization scale has never been modified by GoI. Stupid dick heads in MoD and our own officer corps who want to save money when no one has asked them.

5. What do I say?

6. No idea. Am telling you tested range in real combat situation. 8 meters away head shot to a JCO in combat and he is alive. The only problem is in case the chin strap is not secured on chin and instead is secured below it, the kinetic energy of the round and resulting impact on the patka will kill you from a broken neck.

You are kidding right?
How many of our battalions have standardised NVGs or knee pads and over lvl 3 BPJs and ballistic helmets? Very very few. How can you completely blame mismanagement if there is nothing to maintain.
Yes lack of maintenance can not be foregone, but it is very much clear that the lack of equipment among other things that are not always in military's control are the foremost issue.
So many pictures tell a 1000 different stories of this very fact.
Delays are a common place whether it be force management applications of JSOCs or a unified services chief, or the induction of required weapon systems and equipment which are stuck in some babus binders and the deadlines keep getting pushed further and further away; do we blame our armed forces for these too? If you don't put it forward when will our forces act on it?

Again, there is definitely lack of maintenance but even more so there is the intense red-tapery at work here that constitutes most of this current problem.

Not I, please! You maybe?

Ever seen the nothing's of own HQs towards procurement of equipment not essentially needed?

Ever seen the condition of a BPJ issued to a soldier in valley? Until he is ordered to repair it, the thing can keep having slits with plates hanging out.

Let me not even start on the state of IPE held by units. People open the vacuum sealed packing a just to see a damn canister! A shelf life of 10years is rendered useless in 10 seconds!!

Ever seen the servicibility of auth PNVGs and NVGs in units? Or HHTIs and night scopes? If they are off road, then in own sweet time effort is made to repair them ...

I can keep giving you examples. But it is useless.
1. It is not standardized. The original gear is ICK which earlier was of canvas that is about till decade and a half and since made up of synthetic material and significantly lighter. The procurement of the webbing shown in pics posted by you is under army commanders financial power head which enables purchase of additional critical equipment not being availed through OFB. It's not available for 100% troops.

2. Point 2 is irrelevant. It's like suggesting a Velcro strap going horizontally as opposed to diagonally. So far the posts here have been about one wearing Levi's and the other Wrangler and both claiming their product is superior, hence the opposing gentleman has been quoted. Interesting to see the tournament of big size on, when both armies have a mix of equipment at either end of spectrum and protagonists of each claiming superiority.

3 & 4. We have what is also called as a plate carrier. So configuration of 2 front and 1 is in issue although we alternate the configuration. Again it is Kevlar plate, ceramic/steel combo well on the way out. The steel ceramic combo is in patka. Contrary to popular misconception of our armor being heavier, it is lighter than similar US pattern. Kanpur does get export order for body armor, somehow the authorization scale has never been modified by GoI. Stupid dick heads in MoD and our own officer corps who want to save money when no one has asked them.

5. What do I say?

6. No idea. Am telling you tested range in real combat situation. 8 meters away head shot to a JCO in combat and he is alive. The only problem is in case the chin strap is not secured on chin and instead is secured below it, the kinetic energy of the round and resulting impact on the patka will kill you from a broken neck.

Not I, please! You maybe?

Ever seen the nothing's of own HQs towards procurement of equipment not essentially needed?

Ever seen the condition of a BPJ issued to a soldier in valley? Until he is ordered to repair it, the thing can keep having slits with plates hanging out.

Let me not even start on the state of IPE held by units. People open the vacuum sealed packing a just to see a damn canister! A shelf life of 10years is rendered useless in 10 seconds!!

Ever seen the servicibility of auth PNVGs and NVGs in units? Or HHTIs and night scopes? If they are off road, then in own sweet time effort is made to repair them ...

I can keep giving you examples. But it is useless.

Most of what you said are just conjectures. How would you know all that?
You don't really expect the equipment to stay mint condition throughout its usage do you? Usage means it will be damaged, no helping that specially if they are being used by soldiers in unkind conditions.
I think this amount of damage is common across every other military in the world. Unless you can prove me wrong with facts and links i.e.

HHTIs and NVGs are still not standardised you would only see a very little population of the army using these.
Lvl 3 BPJs were only recently finalized and that too less than half of that required by the army.
Is that the army's fault? Unlike Kevlar canvas products are bound to be damaged that is the damage you are seeing and let me remind you that these were in use since the last decade, there had been no change even after continuous requests by the army.
So answering your question, yes I have seen the condition of the BPJs and I also know why they are damaged, because they are old and of low quality..
Chairman of the SCD Khanduri, an ex Major General has over 3 decades of experience has complained numerous times to DGQA under DDP, MOD about the horrendous quality of the ammunition and arms given to the soldiers.
he also complains about how between 2009 to 2014, the Army had demanded 133 items required for the use of ammunitions but Ordinance Factory Board managed to supply only 23 entities from the demanded list.
All of this when we have world class companies like MKU in our backyard.
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Since when is this standard tactical vest of Indian Army?

Your web gear is similar ... so what is the big dick contest about?

It has slots for your kevlar plates ... big difference .. we use 2 front 1 back configuration ... usually


No we don't prefer 'patkas'. It offers no overhead production ... sorry.

Please don't make such claims .... !!! We want better head gear. Until and unless you want soldiers to be standing and fighting and not be in prone position, in which case this patka is damn good as it stops an AK-47 at 8 meters .... tested involuntarily ....!!!! LOL!

How the hell am I interested?

I am specifically speaking for this thread .... economic and politic thread this certainly is not.

Well you better be, this shiny gear is paid for by taxpayers not like donations and aid for pakistanis. Our brass fuks things up up and it's our soldiers who have to pay.
By 2060 - 70 it would be the intelligent robots. Only a few humans would be involved in battle. Is the DRDO on it?


Spectre tactical insertion operative in Power Combat Suit Mk. IV


X Soldier Combat Outfit



SWAT Soldier in Exoframe
A fan boy post : Wish to see a common soldier with a bullet proof west , a good assault rifle to his role, a good helmet with option to fit camera light or the Pokemon sticker whatever , a hostler with a decent side arm , a wireless communication device with a decent headset ( not that PC type headset ) . A sniper in every team with a sniper rifle ( don't know the purchasing party ever heard a name in the list after dragunov or ii galil ! )
Forward LOC post have AMR Daniel/Vidhwansak and even M 107 in limited Numbers.

There is no role for Sniper in the Valley but Marksman and SVD is perfect for the role. The terrain here is such that most encounter took place within 800 mt of area, mostly in Rural Kashmir.

Moreover there is no flat terrain in Kashmir like Afghanistan plus Army has strict weight requirements.
the only country with b@lls in asia is russia. other than russia

india- china cross into their territory when and if they please
pakistan-america cross into their territory when and if they please
china- america and vietnam cross into their seas when and if they please

dont worry about uniform. its useless if u remain someones bitch :lol:
Forward LOC post have AMR Daniel/Vidhwansak and even M 107 in limited Numbers.

There is no role for Sniper in the Valley but Marksman and SVD is perfect for the role. The terrain here is such that most encounter took place within 800 mt of area, mostly in Rural Kashmir.

Moreover there is no flat terrain in Kashmir like Afghanistan plus Army has strict weight requirements.

As I said I'm just a fan boy and correct me if I'm wrong , vidwashak is mainly an anti material rifle . That meas it's good against vehicles n all. My problem is with the limited numbers as you have mentioned . Vidwanshak weights more than m series sniper systems let alone Aciuracy Imternational .

If a senior person who is close to para and feel that it's good enough , I'm sorry for my ignorance.

As I stated earlier , be it in any front , as a normal team as IA deploys a Ghatak with a tam wish to see a sniper in every patrolling party with an advanced sniper system .

See , I'm a fan boy and dreams don't have limits .

One day ... Just one day wish to see my brave soldiers properly equipped and wish to skip a beat of my heart . And with that I mean any soldier who is protecting my country's borders . Not the special forces where the limited number goes . One day .... :smitten:
Well, when i first joined the forum in 2009
Indians were saying "FEAR the Indians" with this: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/DRDOs-next-Star-Wars-like-weapons/articleshow/6248942.cms
And now in 2016, this so called Indian army "FUTURE-soldier program "WILL" make Indians soldiers the "MOST FEARED" on the planet..........Oh well, congratulation anyway:enjoy:
Btw, how's the "STAR WARS" weapon program progressing? almost there yet?:azn:

We have shoot down dron from 800 Meter. There will be a 8 KM test by the end of this year. Most fearsome weapon weapon Kali was tested in its kali 50000 avatar. Work is going on Kali 100000. E bomb is in assembly stage. AAD tested for many times. AD 1 and Ad2 are getting ready to shoot down ICBM. and this is the information I have on star war like program of india.
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