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Indian Army Threatening Civilians in Kashmir for Protesting Against Using them as Human Shields

Remind me, how many Pakistani soldiers were killed in days subsequent to that? I believe 2-3 on Afghan border firing, 2-3 by IED attacks, 2-3 by Baloch militants. You think only you can do proxy warfare? One of our generals has already gone on video saying terrorism will be responded by terrorism.
the problem with your approach is that your proxy warfare crashes and burns then falls flat on its face while ours wins over the population on your side...and only an absolute bafoon would admit to saying that, speaks wonders about why all your attempts are falling flat on their faces...and 2-3 casualties is NOTHING compared to the dozens of dead indians that you have to suffer every day both by our attack on the loc and by the attacks by the freedom fighters...there's a reason why the indian government is pooping hard in its dhotti trying to maintain a media and internet blackout so that it can hide its casualties...but alas...bakray ki maa kab tak khair manaye gi! ;)
the problem with your approach is that your proxy warfare crashes and burns then falls flat on its face while ours wins over the population on your side...and only an absolute bafoon would admit to saying that, speaks wonders about why all your attempts are falling flat on their faces...and 2-3 casualties is NOTHING compared to the dozens of dead indians that you have to suffer every day both by our attack on the loc and by the attacks by the freedom fighters...there's a reason why the indian government is pooping hard in its dhotti trying to maintain a media and internet blackout so that it can hide its casualties...but alas...bakray ki maa kab tak khair manaye gi! ;)

100,000 of you have been killed in your insurgency. We have created a situation far worse than Kashmir in your territory, and you say 2-3 casualties. Ya sure, 2-3 casualties in a day maybe. Like 4 of your soldiers were killed just within the past week. Far more of your soldiers get killed in our attacks along the loc and by your militant groups. Our proxy warfare has already worked in 1971, something you havent been able to accomplish till date. You are the real buffoons. Proxy warfare only works when the population is big enough to have a reasonable chance of Independence. 8 million Kashmiris trying to secede from 1.3 billion Indians was always bound to fail. This is not even proper proxy warfare, just collateral damage. Both India and Pakistan know the militant groups in their countries have no chance of success. We just try causing each other casualties towards no end goal.
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100,000 of you have been killed in your insurgency. We have created a situation far worse than Kashmir in your territory, and you say 2-3 casualties. Ya sure, 2-3 casualties in a day maybe. Like 4 of your soldiers were killed just within the past week. Far more of your soldiers get killed in our attacks along the loc and by your militant groups. Our proxy warfare has already worked in 1971, something you havent been able to accomplish till date. You are the real buffoons. Proxy warfare only works when the population is big enough to have a reasonable chance of Independence. 8 million Kashmiris trying to secede from 1.3 billion Indians was always bound to fail. This is not even proper proxy warfare, just collateral damage. Both India and Pakistan know the militant groups in their countries have no chance of success. We just try causing each other casualties towards no end goal.
I'd get your money back from your ajit doval cuz it took us less than a year to crush the "far worse situation" on our side...now all that you can do is plant an ied here and there AT BEST once in a blue moon and that too, is fast going down the toilet as your uncle sam is getting ready to leave afghanistan leaving it (and you) at the mercy of the afghan taliban. All that while you continue to loose lives on your side on a daily basis which an ever increasing hostile population not just in Kashmir but the spreading to the rest of india...only a total moron like you would believe that they'll be able to handle a rebelling minority population numbering in hundreds of millions when they have massive clandestine support from powers like Pakistan to the west & China to the north (and maybe even Bangladesh to the east)...on TOP of that, the unforgiving mountainous terrain of Kashmir makes things THAT much easier for us since it serves as a force multiplier for the freedom fighters that are fighting a poorly trained army whose troops originate mostly from flat areas. but if you think you are doing just fine then goody, play that violin while we burn everything around you. ;)
I'd get your money back from your ajit doval cuz it took us less than a year to crush the "far worse situation" on our side...now all that you can do is plant an ied here and there AT BEST once in a blue moon and that too, is fast going down the toilet as your uncle sam is getting ready to leave afghanistan leaving it (and you) at the mercy of the afghan taliban. All that while you continue to loose lives on your side on a daily basis which an ever increasing hostile population not just in Kashmir but the spreading to the rest of india...only a total moron like you would believe that they'll be able to handle a rebelling minority population numbering in hundreds of millions when they have massive clandestine support from powers like Pakistan to the west & China to the north (and maybe even Bangladesh to the east)...on TOP of that, the unforgiving mountainous terrain of Kashmir makes things THAT much easier for us since it serves as a force multiplier for the freedom fighters that are fighting a poorly trained army whose troops originate mostly from flat areas. but if you think you are doing just fine then goody, play that violin while we burn everything around you. ;)

Took you one year using every resource you got just to decrease militancy. Massive army operation, helicopters, F16s etc. If you could use submarines, you would have used those too :lol:. And most of what you hit were just innocent tribals, turning them against you. Like how many of those 100,000 were actual militants and soldiers?
Uncle Sam leaving Afghanistan isn't going to change anything, only throw Afghanistan further into chaos. 50% of Afghanistan's population is non pashtun and wants no part of the Taliban. Only a matter of time before civil war erupts, throwing in more refugees and militants into your territory. Besides, even if that wasn't the case, a bunch of uneducated tribals like Taliban can never govern a country for long. We saw that with the brilliant Caliphate in Iraq, how long did it survive? 1 year maybe?

Our situation is far better. As per our intelligence sources, there are around 300-400 militants active in the Kashmir valley at any time. If we ever did the sort of operation you did, it would take us less than a week to finish them off. But we like the more subtle approach.

You think your poorly trained soldiers are hardy mountain people? If they were, wouldn't have failed miserably for 20 years in curbing an insurgency, that too with all sort of artillery, gunship and fighter jet support. Like 70% of your country is barren desert without an inch of vegetation, 20% is Punjabi flat land. It must be a surprising sight for your desert soldiers to even see a pine tree. Those tiny little desert plateaus you have in Balochistan are a poor excuse for a mountain. Without the tiny Azad Kashmir, you wouldn't have any of the Himalayas or Karakoram. We have mountains all over India - Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, all 7 North East states(where the Gurkhas come from), Karnataka, West Bengal.

We will be the only ones doing the burning, i assure you of that. With your economic situation with a free falling currency and continuous IMF bailouts, i doubt you;ll have funds to control your own insurgency
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Took you one year using every resource you got just to decrease militancy. Massive army operation, helicopters, F16s etc. If you could use submarines, you would have used those too :lol:. And most of what you hit were just innocent tribals, turning them against you. Like how many of those 100,000 were actual militants and soldiers?
india's more than 10 years worth of hard work, brainwashing & investment went down the sh!thole in less than a month you call that an achievement? :lol: you weren't there son and therefore it is not your place to say if most of the targets hit were tribal civilians or actual indian sponsored terrorists. given the massive support the Pakistan Military got from the tribal Pakistanis is indicative of the fact that most if not all those killed by Pakistan Army weren't tribal civilians but actual terrorists. so much for your wet dream of the tribals turning against you ESPECIALLY since they VHEMENTLY celebrated being made a full part of Pakistan's kpk province. kabhi bol bhi nahi kisi qabaili ko, bohat maray ga tujhay! :lol: and you don't have to look far, plenty of pakhtoon tribal members here on this forum...feel free to ask 'em and be disappoinged.
Uncle Sam leaving Afghanistan isn't going to change anything, only throw Afghanistan further into chaos. 50% of Afghanistan's population is non pashtun and wants no part of the Taliban. Only a matter of time before civil war erupts, throwing in more refugees and militants into your territory. Besides, even if that wasn't the case, a bunch of uneducated tribals like Taliban can never govern a country for long. We saw that with the brilliant Caliphate in Iraq, how long did it survive? 1 year maybe?
We'll see if it falls into a civil war or not. even if it does (highly doubtful since the afghan taliban is FAR more powerful today that it ever was in the 90s along with the fact that the so called northern alliance has all but fallen apart), there won't be an india to turn people into terrorists any more. so the afghan refugees we get will be prime picking for us to brainwash and recruit while you helplessly stand by and what us use them against you. just take a wild guess as to where they'll end up. ;)
Our situation is far better. As per our intelligence sources, there are around 300-400 militants active in the Kashmir valley at any time. If we ever did the sort of operation you did, it would take us less than a week to finish them off. But we like the more subtle approach.
YAWN @ your "intelligence sources"...given how inept your intelligence sources are, I wouldn't take them seriously if I was you...heck you'd be better off outsourcing your intelligence to the isrealis, at least they'll get SOMETHING right...your intelligence sources said that Pakistan won't be able to crush the terrorism...We did. your intelligence sources said that balochistan will go away, it didn't. your intelligence sources said iran will protect your kabhusan yadav, they turned him in, your intelligence sources said Pakistan won't stop your balakot bombing circus, Pakistan did, your intelligence sources said Pakistan won't retaliate, Pakistan did and that too, 6 times over...the list of your intelligence failures goes on and on and on. so your modi should play it safe and whatever numbers ajit doval gives him of Freedom Fighters in iok, modi should multiply it by a 100! :lol:
You think your poorly trained soldiers are hardy mountain people? If they were, wouldn't have failed miserably for 20 years in curbing an insurgency, that too with all sort of artillery, gunship and fighter jet support. Like 70% of your country is barren desert without an inch of vegetation, 25% in Punjabi flat land. It must be a surprising sight for your desert soldiers to even see a pine tree. Those tiny little desert plateaus you have in Balochistan are a poor excuse for a mountain. Without the tiny Azad Kashmir, you wouldn't have any of the Himalayas or Karakoram. We have mountains all over India - Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, all 7 North East states(where the Gurkhas come from), Karnataka, West Bengal.
you've dumped on your own argument. the fact it has taken india over 20 years and is still not able to control any insurgency nor mass uprising is testament to the fact that the indian military is inept, poorly trained and extremely demoralized. I mean, let's face the facts...the indian side of kashmir is not all that big...shouldn't take that long to control anything. To put it in contrast, Pakistan, brought the tribal areas AND balochistan under control in a matter of months SIMULTANEOUSLY. THAT, is what you call SUCCESS...while here you are, 20 years and counting if not more...with no end in sight to the suffering of the common indian soldier...alas, there's a reason why they have opted for committing suicide... ;)
We will be the only ones doing the burning, i assure you of that.
yeah, burning the chitaas of poor indian bastards like these, and these are just the ones the indian gov had to admit cuz the news got out in spite of the media blackout, I can guarantee you the actual number at MINIMUM 10 times greater and on a daily basis...:lol:
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india's more than 10 years worth of hard work, brainwashing & investment went down the sh!thole in less than a month you call that an achievement? :lol: you weren't there son and therefore it is not your place to say if most of the targets hit were tribal civilians or actual indian sponsored terrorists. given the massive support the Pakistan Military got from the tribal Pakistanis is indicative of the fact that most if not all those killed by Pakistan Army weren't tribal civilians but actual terrorists. so much for your wet dream of the tribals turning against you ESPECIALLY since they VHEMENTLY celebrated being made a full part of Pakistan's kpk province. kabhi bol bhi nahi kisi qabaili ko, bohat maray ga tujhay! :lol: and you don't have to look far, plenty of pakhtoon tribal members here on this forum...feel free to ask 'em and be disappoinged.

We'll see if it falls into a civil war or not. even if it does (highly doubtful since the afghan taliban is FAR more powerful today that it ever was in the 90s along with the fact that the so called northern alliance has all but fallen apart), there won't be an india to turn people into terrorists any more. so the afghan refugees we get will be prime picking for us to brainwash and recruit while you helplessly stand by and what us use them against you. just take a wild guess as to where they'll end up. ;)

YAWN @ your "intelligence sources"...given how inept your intelligence sources are, I wouldn't take them seriously if I was you...heck you'd be better off outsourcing your intelligence to the isrealis, at least they'll get SOMETHING right...your intelligence sources said that Pakistan won't be able to crush the terrorism...We did. your intelligence sources said that balochistan will go away, it didn't. your intelligence sources said iran will protect your kabhusan yadav, they turned him in, your intelligence sources said Pakistan won't stop your balakot bombing circus, Pakistan did, your intelligence sources said Pakistan won't retaliate, Pakistan did and that too, 6 times over...the list of your intelligence failures goes on and on and on. so your modi should play it safe and whatever numbers ajit doval gives him of Freedom Fighters in iok, modi should multiply it by a 100! :lol:

you've dumped on your own argument. the fact it has taken india over 20 years and is still not able to control any insurgency nor mass uprising is testament to the fact that the indian military is inept, poorly trained and extremely demoralized. I mean, let's face the facts...the indian side of kashmir is not all that big...shouldn't take that long to control anything. To put it in contrast, Pakistan, brought the tribal areas AND balochistan under control in a matter of months SIMULTANEOUSLY. THAT, is what you call SUCCESS...while here you are, 20 years and counting if not more...with no end in sight to the suffering of the common indian soldier...alas, there's a reason why they have opted for committing suicide... ;)

yeah, burning the chitaas of poor indian bastards like these, and these are just the ones the indian gov had to admit cuz the news got out in spite of the media blackout, I can guarantee you the actual number at MINIMUM 10 times greater and on a daily basis...:lol:
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Go on any of the threads here, you will find plenty of such photos of poor Pakistani soldiers who were dispatched. I can guarantee you the real number is 20 times more. Like 3 such threads just within the past week. 2 dispatched by Taliban, 2 by Baloch, 2 by IEDs planted by someone. It's like all out slaughter :lol:
Go on any of the threads here, you will find plenty of such photos of poor Pakistani soldiers who were dispatched. I can guarantee you the real number is 20 times more. Like 3 such threads just within the past week. 2 dispatched by Taliban, 2 by Baloch, 2 by IEDs planted by someone. It's like all out slaughter :lol:
you miss the point perhaps due to an extremely low iq. Pakistan has ZERO media blackout...all india has to show for is 3 to 4 Pakistani casualties in a span of a month's time while here, in spite of a media blackout, this is 5 dead in just ONE incident...one can just imagine how many indian soldiers are dying on a daily basis, either getting slaughtered at the hands of insurgents or otherwise committing suicide (might as well make it quick and fast cuz the insurgents will make it extremely painful)...not rocket science son. ;)
you miss the point perhaps due to an extremely low iq. Pakistan has ZERO media blackout...all india has to show for is 3 to 4 Pakistani casualties in a span of a month's time while here, in spite of a media blackout, this is 5 dead in just ONE incident...one can just imagine how many indian soldiers are dying on a daily basis, either getting slaughtered at the hands of insurgents or otherwise committing suicide (might as well make it quick and fast cuz the insurgents will make it extremely painful)...not rocket science son. ;)


This was less than a month ago. Ya ya we all know how free your media is. If this says 4, it is probably 40. Like just typing North waziristan on google brings up nothing but images of dead Pakistani troops. Your country is ranked among the bottom in any media freedom index.
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This was less than a month ago. Ya ya we all know how free your media is. If this says 4, it is probably 40. Like just typing North waziristan on google brings up nothing but images of dead Pakistani troops.
As I said...there is no media blackout nor internet blackout in Pakistan...if it says 4, IT'S 4! until in india where even these 5 poor bastards wouldn't be admitted as being killed if the insurgents hadn't released news about it over social media...kinda like those 2 poor bastards who were killed in the su30 that Pakistan shot down...funny how "2 su30 pilots were killed in a car accident" 2 days later! :lol: face it...we've got you cornered and instead of manning up and fighting Pakistan, the piss poorly trained indian army has to resort to threatening its own civilians...how pathetic can you get!!!:lol:
As I said...there is no media blackout nor internet blackout in Pakistan...if it says 4, IT'S 4! until in india where even these 5 poor bastards wouldn't be admitted as being killed if the insurgents hadn't released news about it over social media...kinda like those 2 poor bastards who were killed in the su30 that Pakistan shot down...funny how "2 su30 pilots were killed in a car accident" 2 days later! :lol: face it...we've got you cornered and instead of manning up and fighting Pakistan, the piss poorly trained indian army has to resort to threatening its own civilians...how pathetic can you get!!!:lol:

DG ISPR : 3 pilots captured, oh no sorry, 2 spilots captured, then oh no 1 pilot captured :lol:. Poor devils flying the f16 were probably killed by their own people after being mistaken for Indian pilots. Pakistani media ranks among the bottom. Kashmiri media under blackout still more free than what Pakistani media has ever been :lol:.

The 5 soldiers killed were found in a ditch along with 5 dead bastards, with no communication to the outside world. No one would have known had we not released. Only your army resorts to such antics - even goes far as not accepting dead bodies of their dead.
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DG ISPR : 3 pilots captured, oh no sorry, 2 spilots captured, then oh no 1 pilot captured :lol:. Poor devils flying the f16 were probably killed by their own people after being mistaken for Indian pilots. Pakistani media ranks among the bottom. Kashmiri media under blackout still more free than what Pakistani media has ever been :lol:
So you are from the cult that believes Pakistani lynched their own pilot.
DG ISPR : 3 pilots captured, oh no sorry, 2 spilots captured, then oh no 1 pilot captured :lol:. Poor devils flying the f16 were probably killed by their own people after being mistaken for Indian pilots. Pakistani media ranks among the bottom. Kashmiri media under blackout still more free than what Pakistani media has ever been :lol:
F16 aye? well here, this is what your goddess herself has to say about the F16! :lol:

and those parachutes were over indian occupied Kashmir, not our side! :lol: after all, this AMRAAM obviously hit something now didn't it?

those poor indian bastards were probably already dead hanging in those parachutes! :lol:

And the DG ISPR clarified soon after stating that it's 1 indian pilot captured, numbers can get criss crossed in the fog of war, no big deal for us. But the funniest part is that you indians keep consoling each other with this single criss cross trying to hide your shear humiliating buttrape! I would advise you to pursue psychological therapy on a massive scale. :lol:
So you are from the cult that believes Pakistani lynched their own pilot.

Not really, but when someone readily spouts nonsense that an SU30 was shot down, in absence of any proof, i have to resort to the same level of bullshit. It's pretty simple. Either both F16 and Su30 were shot down, or none at all.

F16 aye? well here, this is what your goddess herself has to say about the F16! :lol:

and those parachutes were over indian occupied Kashmir, not our side! :lol: after all, this AMRAAM obviously hit something now didn't it?
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those poor indian bastards were probably already dead hanging in those parachutes! :lol:

And the DG ISPR clarified soon after stating that it's 1 indian pilot captured, numbers can get criss crossed in the fog of war, no big deal for us. But the funniest part is that you indians keep consoling each other with this single criss cross trying to hide your shear humiliating buttrape! I would advise you to pursue psychological therapy on a massive scale. :lol:

Parachutes were over IOK, but your DG ISPR said they had been captured :lol:. What a pathetic bunch of jokers.. or liars. Its definitely one of those.
Not really, but when someone readily spouts nonsense that an SU30 was shot down, in absence of any proof, i have to resort to the same level of bullshit. It's pretty simple. Either both F16 and Su30 were shot down, or none at all.
DENIED! :omghaha: no F16 was shot down & an su30 WAS shot down! As I said...that AMRAAM excluded in something's bunghole & that something must've been your su30!:lol:
Parachutes were over iok, but your DG ISPR said they had been captured :lol:. What a pathetic bunch of jokers.. or liars. Its definitely one of those.
..so you admit that it was over indian occupied Kashmir...good. your one step closer to admitted the demise of your su30. congrats! :lol:
DENIED! :omghaha: no F16 was shot down & an su30 WAS shot down! As I said...that AMRAAM excluded in something's bunghole & that something must've been your su30!:lol:

..so you admit that it was over indian occupied Kashmir...good. your one step closer to admitted the demise of your su30. congrats! :lol:

I never admitted it was over IOK. I admitted that your DG ISPR is either a joker or a liar. If he thought that the parachutes were over IOK, shouldn't have claimed he had captured them. If they were over Azad Kashmir, well, then he should have captured them. It is far far more likely than an F16 was shot down and its soldiers captured, badly beaten and handed over to authorities before they realized that the poor devils were infact PAF pilots :lol:. Like it took you people 30 days to take the first bunch of reporters to the Balakot seminary, god alone knows what must have happened there. China built a hospital in 10 days. Fixing holes in the roof wouldn't have taken that much time :lol:

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