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Indian Army Threatening Civilians in Kashmir for Protesting Against Using them as Human Shields

I never admitted it was over IOK. I admitted that your DG ISPR is either a joker or a liar. If he thought that the parachutes were over IOK, shouldn't have claimed he had captured them. If they were over Azad Kashmir, well, then he should have captured them. It is far far more likely than an F16 was shot down and its soldiers captured, badly beaten and handed over to authorities before they realized that the poor devils were infact PAF pilots :lol:. Like it took you people 30 days to take the first bunch of reporters to the Balakot seminary, god alone knows what must have happened there. China built a hospital in 10 days. Fixing holes in the roof wouldn't have taken that much time :lol:
dude, stop making a fool outta yourself...its a foregone conclusion thay no F16 was shot down, your meager little attempts to prove otherwise only make you look like a bigger fool like your goddess christina fair pointed out & rubbed into your face! :lol: and reads your own statement above, you said:

Parachutes were over iok, but your DG ISPR said...
now your trying to backtrack! I'm asking you a very simple question...if no su30 was shot down, then what did that AMRAAM kill? Cuz it's clear it exploded on something!
dude, stop making a fool outta yourself...its a foregone conclusion thay no F16 was shot down, your meager little attempts to prove otherwise only make you look like a bigger fool like your goddess christina fair pointed out & rubbed into your face! :lol: and reads your own statement above, you said:

now your trying to backtrack! I'm asking you a very simple question...if no su30 was shot down, then what did that AMRAAM kill? Cuz it's clear it exploded on something!

If you just want a white face as proof, an Italian journalist claimed upto 170 were killed at Balakot :lol:. AMRAAM killed the mig21, all others fell into empty space.
If you just want a white face as proof, an Italian journalist claimed upto 170 were killed at Balakot :lol:. AMRAAM killed the mig21, all others fell into empty space.
really? seriously? your only source of conscolence is an unknown no name italian journalist? :omghaha: that's three best you got? :lol: it's already been proven that no one was killed in balakot save a few trees & a crow! That's a foregone conclusion that your vainly trying to dispute using the names of no bodies! :lol: further more, the mig21 was shot down in Pakistan"s airspace while that AMRAAM was found in indian occupied territory. Missile fragments don't fly that far away after detonating! face it...those su30 pilots "killed in the car accident" were three poor bastards dangling on the parachutes! :lol:
really? seriously? your only source of conscolence is an unknown no name italian journalist? :omghaha: that's three best you got? :lol: it's already been proven that no one was killed in balakot save a few trees & a crow! That's a foregone conclusion that your vainly trying to dispute using the names of no bodies! :lol: further more, the mig21 was shot down in Pakistan"s airspace while that AMRAAM was found in indian occupied territory. Missile fragments don't fly that far away after detonating! face it...those su30 pilots "killed in the car accident" were three poor bastards dangling on the parachutes! :lol:

You are the one that brought up some Christina fair as proof :lol:, i only replaced one white face for another. What's proven is that it took you 30 days to take the first bunch of journalists there, that alone is all the proof one needs.
Oh yes, and the same Su30 pilots supposedly killed on Feb 27 did a sortie this republic day with the same jet supposedly shot down :lol:.
The AMRAAM found in Indian space was one of the several that missed their targets, most fell into Azad Kashmir, some inside IOK. simple as that.
You are the one that brought up some Christina fair as proof :lol:, i only replaced one white face for another.
the difference being that christina fair is well known & respected in western military strategic think tank circles while your italian boy is an unknown comodity even in italy.
What's proven is that it took you 30 days to take the first bunch of journalists there, that alone is all the proof one needs.
pray tell why would we bother to take ANYONE to the madrassah when all of your bombs fell in the forest...its common sense to concentrate on the areas where the bombs fell and not elsewhere. I realize that common sense is severely hampered or outright lacking in the sanghi mindset but still, try, thora sa zehan pay zor do kuch nahi ho ta don't worry, your mind won't explode! :lol:
Oh yes, and the same Su30 pilots supposedly killed on Feb 27 did a sortie this republic day with the same jet supposedly shot down :lol:.
so says the indian government and that too, without actually proving that these were the same pilots flying on Feb 27th. Heck, by the indian logic, even you could've been the one flying on Feb 27th! :lol: given that the goi gave a rafu chakra, err...vir chakra to abhi-the-none-done for doing absolutely nothing but getting obediently shot down without firing a single shot speaks wonders about how irrelevant anything the government of india says actually is. ;)
I never admitted it was over IOK. I admitted that your DG ISPR is either a joker or a liar. If he thought that the parachutes were over IOK, shouldn't have claimed he had captured them. If they were over Azad Kashmir, well, then he should have captured them. It is far far more likely than an F16 was shot down and its soldiers captured, badly beaten and handed over to authorities before they realized that the poor devils were infact PAF pilots :lol:. Like it took you people 30 days to take the first bunch of reporters to the Balakot seminary, god alone knows what must have happened there. China built a hospital in 10 days. Fixing holes in the roof wouldn't have taken that much time :lol:
lol@so your missiles made holes in the roof? These were missiles or needles? Idiot missile are supposed to explode on impact, not make holes in roof tops
pray tell why would we bother to take ANYONE to the madrassah when all of your bombs fell in the forest

Obviously to "show" them that that nothing hit the Madrassa, seems like common sense isn't common where you come from. Besides, it took 30 days to give them access to the SITE, not just the seminary. Why delay for 30 days if all that was hit was crows and trees? I think we all know :lol:.

lol@so your missiles made holes in the roof? These were missiles or needles? Idiot missile are supposed to explode on impact, not make holes in roof tops

Watch and learn about the spice missile.

lol@so your missiles made holes in the roof? These were missiles or needles? Idiot missile are supposed to explode on impact, not make holes in roof tops
these vedic mijjiles...they only make holes in roofs! :lol:
Obviously to "show" them that that nothing hit the Madrassa, seems like common sense isn't common where you come from. Besides, it took 30 days to give them access to the SITE, not just the seminary. Why delay for 30 days if all that was hit was crows and trees? I think we all know :lol:.
cuz literally 2 hours after india's claim of "killing 300 atanvadis", experts had already posted proof that NOTHING has gotten hit! further more, less than 12 hours later, your own external affairs minister shusma swarraj came out and admitted that no Pakistanis were killed which we already new. so with your own government claiming that no Pakistanis were killed, that leaves no need for us to take anyone there! :lol: so go smack your own government!!! :omghaha:
cuz literally 2 hours after india's claim of "killing 300 atanvadis", experts had already posted proof that NOTHING has gotten hit! further more, less than 12 hours later, your own external affairs minister shusma swarraj came out and admitted that no Pakistanis were killed which we already new. so with your own government claiming that no Pakistanis were killed, that leaves no need for us to take anyone there! :lol: so go smack your own government!!! :omghaha:

She said no Pakistani civilians were killed :lol:. Terrorists and military personnel are not civilians.
Obviously to "show" them that that nothing hit the Madrassa, seems like common sense isn't common where you come from. Besides, it took 30 days to give them access to the SITE, not just the seminary. Why delay for 30 days if all that was hit was crows and trees? I think we all know :lol:.

Watch and learn about the spice missile.

epic fail! notice the thick walls of the bunker and the massive explosion within. if your spice bombs had reached the building, it would've STILL destroyed the building by the massive explosions from within...the roof there isn't nearly as thick as this bunker! you have killed your own claim by inadvertently proving it wrong! :lol:

Dunno who they were, but doesn't matter as they don't exist anymore :enjoy:
apparently, they only existed in modi's imagination! :lol:

indian military is fast becoming known as a force that takes sh!t inside its own pants and then plays with words to make it look like success! :rofl:
epic fail! notice the thick walls of the bunker and the massive explosion within. if your spice bombs had reached the building, it would've STILL destroyed the building by the massive explosions from within...the roof there isn't nearly as thick as this bunker! you have killed your own claim by inadvertently proving it wrong! :lol:

apparently, they only existed in modi's imagination! :lol:

Nope, it would have gone straight through the roof, penetrated the floor and then caused a huge explosion taking everyone in the building along. :lol:. Structure could have very well survived.
Nope, it would have gone straight through the roof, penetrated the floor and then caused a huge explosion taking everyone in the building along. :lol:. Structure could have very well survived.
please don't EVER take up engineering as a profession! oye gow muttar kay glass, that explosion inside at least take down SOME walls now won't it? RIP logic & common sense... :lol:

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