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Indian Army Threatening Civilians in Kashmir for Protesting Against Using them as Human Shields

locals journalists reached very next morning....
nope...if not a gora journalist then they won't accept it. it HAS to be a gora journalist!!! :lol:

None of us believe each other's journalists. So thats that. You believe India has controlled media, we believe you have controlled media.
we don't give a crap if you believe us or not dude...:lol: when your own external affairs minister contradicts your claims then what relevance do you have left? ZILCH, ZERO!

so now, either you & your fellow monkeys prove who those "300 atanvadis" were or just shut the fck up! :lol:
There are different types of buildings, different weapons are designed for dirrent type of weapons. Special weapons are designed for hardenend buildings like air craft hangars and underground bunker systems. the penetrate first then explode inside. Hardenend buildings do not explode so everybody inside dies. Normal buildings explode with the explosion. It is not possible for the roof of an ordinary building to stay at its place after explosion of surface to air missile inside it.

the bombing in that picture happened inside that garage not thru some vedic tech spice bomb....these indian kids
nope...if not a gora journalist then they won't accept it. it HAS to be a gora journalist!!! :lol:

we don't give a crap if you believe us or not dude...:lol: when your own external affairs minister contradicts your claims then what relevance do you have left? ZILCH, ZERO!

As i said, she said in Hindi - No civilians were killed. 30 days delay is all the proof we need.
As i said, she said in Hindi - No civilians were killed. 30 days delay is all the proof we need.
don't try to hide behind the civilian, military blah blah lingo. if they weren't Pakistanis then who were they? "terrorist" are almost ALWAYS civilian volunteers so whatever she said COVERS "terrorists"! so who were they? martians? venusians? :lol:
Screen Shot 2020-04-13 at 2.18.16 PM.png

^^^ siana kavva goon khata hay!!! :lol: No Pakistan soldier or civilian was killed...then who the blippin' hell was killed??? friggin' ET? the zenamorphs??? she shot herself in the arse SO friggin' badly that she DIED from it!!! :rofl:
locals journalists reached very next morning....

But they were not allowed near the facility, No journalist were allowed near the facility, even a month after the bombing took place.

No access to Pakistan religious school that India says it bombed


uh, cuz your own external affairs minister said that no one was killed! which naturally implies that nothing was damaged! :lol:

don't try to hide behind the civilian, military blah blah lingo. if they weren't Pakistanis then who were they? "terrorist" are almost ALWAYS civilian volunteers so whatever she said COVERS "terrorists"! so who were they? martians? venusians? :lol:

You are the one trying to hide behind lingo :lol:. You have no answer to the 30 day delay, so you try to hide behind her statement in which she said no civilians were killed. Terrorists and soldiers are not civilians, its not too hard to understand unless you are a total gone case. That is why, whenever innocent villagers are killed at the loc, media reports it as "x number of civilians killed'. When soldiers or terrorists are killed, they say 'x number of terrorists or soldiers killed'
You are the one trying to hide behind lingo :lol:. You have no answer to the 30 day delay, so you try to hide behind her statement in which she said no civilians were killed. Terrorists and soldiers are not civilians, its not too hard to understand unless you are a total gone case. That is why, whenever innocent villagers are killed at the loc, media reports it as "x number of civilians killed'. When soldiers or terrorists are killed, they say 'x number of terrorists or soldiers killed'
We don't need to hide behind anything since we bombed you in broad daylight 6 times over and your own government officials are making your look like a total bufoon!!! putting your own subjective twist of "terrorists and soldiers are not civilians" isn't gonna save your humiliation cuz...read the post above, she said even soldiers weren't killed!!! so who were they if not Pakistani? mexicans??? :woot:

Are you trying to prove, how penetration weapons work ?
you should ask modi's bunghole...it knows well how penetration works!!! :lol:
But they were not allowed near the facility, No journalist were allowed near the facility, even a month after the bombing took place.

No access to Pakistan religious school that India says it bombed


Both local and international journalists were reporting from the area on 26 February 2019 and all confirmed that incompetent airforce of India failed to hit the target

Only cherry that was left was Pakistani response to humiliate India and Pakistan achieved that successfully the next day
this is by a local person..

Is this the madrasa ?

A simple question to Pakistani. If Balakot camp was not bombed, why did it 45 days for Pakistan army to allow journalist to visit the camp?

Both local and international journalists were reporting from the area on 26 February 2019 and all confirmed that incompetent airforce of India failed to hit the target

Only cherry that was left was Pakistani response to humiliate India and Pakistan achieved that successfully the next day

Local and international journalist were not even allowed in the vicinity of madarsa, which was bombed, up until 45 days had passed.
Is this the madrasa ?

A simple question to Pakistani. If Balakot camp was not bombed, why did it 45 days for Pakistan army to allow journalist to visit the camp?

Simple answer to pajeet

Because Pakistan opted to take journalists where incompetent Indian airforce dropped its payload

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