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Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting


Especially when it comes to dead figures of own countrymen, right?

And thats too when there is some sense of confusion around?

Well as I said it quoted Indian media. Never said that those figures from its own sources. Let me quote the news for you again.

Press Trust of India claimed that four Pakistan Rangers were killed in BSF’s “retaliaton” after a jawan of the force lost his life in heavy firing from the other side on a patrol on Wednesday along the International Border in J&K’s Samba district.

Delhi threatens to use ‘double the force’ - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

As I said it is a norm. It is journalistic ethics that you quote even your opponents too. It is just the case of higher intellect. You won't get it.
I know what you said. You are under amazing delusion. Far from facts.

You certainly then dont know how big a goof of this kind is. Its equivalent to inviting a diplomat from pak then jailed him for ever or perhaps encounter him.

Pak would have cried from deepest of her epiglottis if it was true.
You certainly then dont know how big a goof of this kind is. Its equivalent to inviting a diplomat from pak then jailed him for ever or perhaps encounter him.

Pak would have cried from deepest of her epiglottis if it was true.

As I said. You are under amazing delusions and making things up to support them. The frequent use of "would have" proves that.
As I said. You are under amazing delusions and making things up to support them. The frequent use of "would have" proves that.

Since we are not getting the reaction proportional to the "supposed" crime, its safe to assume the propagandist at work again. History suggest the same.
Actually dude ,we dont have any problem with Worlds attention.Noone in this world will dare to question us about our sovreignity.

no one dares to questions us about our sovereignty either , neither to BD not to Sri Lanks or Nepal or bhutan or Afghanistan or...well you get the point
Since we are not getting the reaction proportional to the "supposed" crime, its safe to assume the propagandist at work again. History suggest the same.

If targeting 12 Indian posts and injuring its civilians isn't proportional reaction then I don't know what is. Also revenge is best served cold. If I would be an Indian soldier on LOC then I would have been always watching my back all the time since yesterday. Proportional response can come a few days or even weeks later too. :)
If targeting 12 Indian posts and injuring its civilians isn't proportional reaction then I don't know what is. Also revenge is best served cold. If I would be an Indian soldier on LOC then I would have been always watching my back all the time since yesterday. Proportional response can come a few days or even weeks later too. :)

Bro, believe me targeting 24 Indian post would be puny a response.

You are ignoring the diplomatic and international leverage the victim can muster. At same time, this would have been an end to any possible indo-pak meet in future.

Targeting merely posts is a routine task.
Bro, believe me targeting 24 Indian post would be puny a response.

You are ignoring the diplomatic and international leverage the victim can muster. At same time, this would have been an end to any possible indo-pak meet in future.

Targeting merely posts is a routine task.

You're forgetting that the whole world sees both governments responsible for the border skirmishes. There is no "victim" because both sides blame eachother.
You're forgetting that the whole world sees both governments responsible for the border skirmishes. There is no "victim" because both sides blame eachother.

Agree, but why are you guys undermining the magnitude of stated story?

We are talking here about - India calling you men for a meet and then shooting them. Thats biggest goof at diplomatic sense.
no one dares to questions us about our sovereignty either , neither to BD not to Sri Lanks or Nepal or bhutan or Afghanistan or...well you get the point

Well we got that after 1000 of sorties of predator drones in Af Pak area and accidential shooting of Apache against your soldiers.
Unfortunately a couple of indian soldiers are going to die in a horrible way, because of this indian treachery - calling a meeting under flag of truce and then shooting is totally a dishonourable action.

Rangers have their own Spec Forces teams = let the pieces fall = where they belong.
You're forgetting that the whole world sees both governments responsible for the border skirmishes. There is no "victim" because both sides blame eachother.
because both side do agression when it suits them.
Hindus are such cowards. We are living with a very depraved neighbor.

They first called flag meeting and when they reached there, the Hindu army fired at them. This is the as*hole coward enemy we are confronted with.

Is it cowardice?? If this incident really happened as you narrated the BSF shown extreme confidence or extreme stupidity by announcing we don'tn need flag meeting anymore.. It is absolutely not cowardice . Did you see the movie 300?? What statement king leonidas given by killing persian messengers?? Did you feel any cowardice there?? Because the story not ends there. It is only a beginning..
Think man.. You can understand this is a made up story.. No professional force in the world do such a stupidity in peacetime..
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