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Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

What are you smoking? We take huge casualties, even our officers are martyred. Our casualty rate compared to the forces West of us, is huge... then again, we deal more damage, our doctrine is more effective and in turn we deal more death on the TTP.
And why do you think Indian army can not have a similarly effective doctrine against the terrorists in Kashmir ? Do go and look up Indian casualties in Kashmir as well.

But you folks, every other day some arbitrary number of infiltrators are gunned down as if it's target practise. Don't get me wrong, there are some real encounters in Kashmir, and the way those are reported, it's obvious that they're real.

I think this daily number publishing has been happening in the ZeA story much more often than any time in Kashmir. What do you make of that? How much of that is trumped up ?

I was talking about the border region sunshine, the LoC, not internal militancy you have.
So was I. I was not referring to Maoists either.

I've seen some reports of those and I believe some of them. That's not to say you folks don't have a long and established history of the locals hating you and civilian casualties.

And no, our fight with the TTP and your fight with ghosts and video games on the border are very different. One's real, the other is... well.. pathetic.
Your fight with your own home grown monster is quite recent. After it went out of control of your military. We have been fighting these terrorists since 1980's and defeated them and their masters in Pakistan, both in Punjab and Kashmir. To that, yes, now its more of a video game of shoot'em'up..

And about locals hating us, well, I would assume the likes of LeJ, TTP etc etc are all locals who are attacking pakistani civilians and military alike, all over the country. I will take a tad bit of hate any day over that.. If you know what I mean :)

ok then, it is a fact that terrorists come out of here, but do you accept that your Army first calls for a eeting then shoots cuz they are cowards with a terrorist for a PM?

Yeah true its the PA who lies & not the army filled with saints who are send on earth to protect the mankind..i believe you. :coffee:
Not the whole mankind. We have no interest in protecting Pakistan.

Are you a muppet or what, So those kids that were butchered in school in Peshawar are terrorists, you have completely lost the plot go back to your bharat rak shak,
You desperately need an english training course..

india is misreporting , 7 indian soldiers have been killed
Got this from your relative in ISI ? or PA ?
According to my information Rangers Special Forces units have been deployed, and local commanders have been given "fire at will" command, expect to see a few indian soldiers to be butchered.

Totally cowardly act to fire on troops - under a flag of truce, but this is what has been come to be expected of indians.
Why are they reporting Indian media, pak media black out again?


Dont you think that if it would have really been an ambush in disguise of official flag meet, the things would have gone out of hand much more than this almost silence from pakistani side?

It could be golden opportunity for pak army to exploit this massive armed forces diplomatic goof up.

Tribune has removed references to a flag meeting ambush from its headline story..

Two Rangers personnel killed by Indian BSF in Shakargarh – The Express Tribune

LAHORE: Two Punjab Rangers personnel were killed on Wednesday when Indian Border Security Force (BSF) resorted to unprovoked firing at Shakargarh sector, Express Newsreported.

“The personnel are seriously injured and BSF is not letting them to recover,” said a Rangers spokesperson earlier in the day.

Soon after the incident, the Rangers officials protested in response.

While, the BSF local commander Shakargarh summoned the Rangers personnel to attend a flag meeting at 11am right after the incident today.
Tribune has removed references to a flag meeting ambush from its headline story..

Two Rangers personnel killed by Indian BSF in Shakargarh – The Express Tribune

LAHORE: Two Punjab Rangers personnel were killed on Wednesday when Indian Border Security Force (BSF) resorted to unprovoked firing at Shakargarh sector, Express Newsreported.

“The personnel are seriously injured and BSF is not letting them to recover,” said a Rangers spokesperson earlier in the day.

Soon after the incident, the Rangers officials protested in response.

While, the BSF local commander Shakargarh summoned the Rangers personnel to attend a flag meeting at 11am right after the incident today.
The reference is still there if you click on the link you provided.

Where you and some others are getting confused is with the Reuters wire report on the incident carried by both the Tribune and Dawn. The Reuters Wire report quotes one of the two contradictory Indian BSF accounts and was published several hours after the original reports in Dawn and Tribune. Both outlets tend to place the most recent Reuters/AFP Wire Reports on their front page when they are first published in the paper.
Tribune has removed references to a flag meeting ambush from its headline story..

Two Rangers personnel killed by Indian BSF in Shakargarh – The Express Tribune

LAHORE: Two Punjab Rangers personnel were killed on Wednesday when Indian Border Security Force (BSF) resorted to unprovoked firing at Shakargarh sector, Express Newsreported.

“The personnel are seriously injured and BSF is not letting them to recover,” said a Rangers spokesperson earlier in the day.

Soon after the incident, the Rangers officials protested in response.

While, the BSF local commander Shakargarh summoned the Rangers personnel to attend a flag meeting at 11am right after the incident today.

"Zinda haathi 1 lakh ka to mara hathi 5 lakh ka"

PA trying to en-cash the dead. ;)
The reference is still there if you click on the link you provided.

Where you and some others are getting confused is with the Reuters wire report on the incident carried by both the Tribune and Dawn. The Reuters Wire report quotes one of the two contradictory Indian BSF accounts and was published several hours after the original reports in Dawn and Tribune. Both outlets tend to place the most recent Reuters/AFP Wire Reports on their front page when they are first published in the paper.

AM - I am sure you are aware of the diplomatic crisis this incident could have created, if true.
1,000 years of indian slavery says another thing, back in the medieval period - my Jatt clan had so many indian prisoners, every man had dozens of male and female prisoners, many pretty girls and strong field workers.

You are WELCOME to live in the past ; we dont care
We look at the present and the future
"Zinda haathi 1 lakh ka to mara hathi 5 lakh ka"

PA trying to en-cash the dead. ;)
There is not a single official Pakistani statement complaining about soldiers being killed in a flag meeting ambush. All being concocted by Pakistani media and low rung officers who are not able to digest the casualty figures.
We have MORE Manpower and MORE Firepower than you

We will always win ; You will always loose

Steady on dear boy. No one wins in such engagements. More this and more that, are you playing Clash of Clans here?
There is not a single official Pakistani statement complaining about soldiers being killed in a flag meeting ambush. All being concocted by Pakistani media and low rung officers who are not able to digest the casualty figures.

Neither Indians feel like even refuting the "story".
AM - I am sure you are aware of the diplomatic crisis this incident could have created, if true.
There is no crisis, because there is no such incident except as a smoke screen to rally up the local population ...
By the media that is. Why 6 ? Anyway, will need to wait for the details on the 4 count from BSF. I am also not very trusting on the Flag meeting story being spun by Punjab rangers. Extremely unlikely to have a Naik as a senior most soldier at a flag meeting as claimed by Dawn.com
If you consider the 2 contradictory BSF accounts as 2 different events over the course of one day, then the total casualty count (per the BSF) would have been the 2+4 of the 2 different events. Since that is not the case, both BSF officials are referring to the same event and providing contradictory accounts of the same event.

Also, what I pointed out was that the Dawn and Tribune reports, while paraphrasing the Rangers Spokesperson's comments, are suggesting that the Rangers were close to the border minutes before the Flag meeting, perhaps on a routine patrol (given that a flag meeting had been called the assumption is that firing from both sides would cease until after the meeting) or perhaps as an advance party prior to higher ranking officials. Either way it was a cowardly act in that an informal code of conduct was violated.

The Rangers not only mentioned the Flag meeting but also provided a specific time at the press conference.
We have MORE Manpower and MORE Firepower than you
How many actual deployed artillery units across the LoC and WB does India have in contrast to Pakistan? Let's see the numbers to understand whether the numerical advantage is significant enough.
There is not a single official Pakistani statement complaining about soldiers being killed in a flag meeting ambush. All being concocted by Pakistani media and low rung officers who are not able to digest the casualty figures.

When Indian news houses reported as 4 killed, media in Pakistan was saying two injured. Later I heard the statement of 2 killed while coming for Flag meeting.

Indian media has better facts about LoC than Pakistani media, is it because of the Pakistani media blackout at LoC?
Where the BSF is out of line is in violating the ceasefire and shooting at the Rangers once the Flag Meeting was accepted and perhaps just minutes away.
the ambush was pre-planned, It seems Indian marksmen were told to wait till the Pakistani troops show up after the announcement and shoot as their own party takes cover.
normally when the two sides physically meet up after the flags are posted and radio messages exchanged for the stipulated time, both sides cover each other's party for such eventuality.
clearly the Pakistani rangers were set upon this time and hopefully they will know better next time.

India is clearly spoiling for trouble now while the Pakistan is down due to insurgency it is doing exactly what it did during 71 by instigating the hostilities while there was an insurgency going on in East Pakistan. only difference this time is that India has suffered some setbacks in Afghanistan recently and the Pak/ US/ Afghan trio has moved much closer than the Indians wanted. Indian assets might be relocated to told to lay low while Indians initiate border hostilities along international borders.
(narrative is ready made, Pakistan is infiltrating terrorists over hundreds of miles and as if the entire border population living there for centuries wants to cross into India).
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