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Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

That is not a terrorism of bodos ,It was about a tribe asking for separate land & to get rid of terror activist Muslims,Get your facts right...Anyway we will retaliate but its your concern if you want to get fkd up by friendly talibans or a Kashmir addicted Hindu nation..:cool:

It's terrorism. Let's not play with words.
Hindus are such cowards. We are living with a very depraved neighbor.

They first called flag meeting and when they reached there, the Hindu army fired at them. This is the as*hole coward enemy we are confronted with.
What's up with you Indians and 1971? You're either stuck in 1567 where an evil salafist invader is eating your cows or 1971 where the Indian supa pawa (with the support of an armed insurgency, the Soviet Union, and a geographical advantage) brought an end to an Islamist dictatorship.
take a deep breath & read my post once again. Nothing to do with 1971 or 1567. Just a reality check.. & knocking some sense into those pea-brains who still believe anything coming from ISPR or any other agencies, are gospel truth!
Dawn is reporting 5 killed . 1 BSF and 4 rangers.

What is the truth, ISPR stated any?

Dawn is reporting Indian media. According to Pakistan Rangers and all the major news outlets 2 were martyred whose burial and funerals were held yesterday and were covered by the media.

Truth is 2 rangers and 1 BSF.
Dawn is reporting Indian media. According to Pakistan Rangers and all the major news outlets 2 were martyred whose burial and funerals were held yesterday and were covered by the media.

Truth is 2 rangers and 1 BSF.

Dawn is actually quoting Reuters and even Hufftington post is saying the same, 4 Pakistani rangers killed and 1 BSF.

Exchange of fire along Indo-Pak working boundary, five killed


Updated about 5 hours ago

Exchange of fire along Indo-Pak working boundary, five killed - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Border Firing: Pakistan Summons Indian Diplomat To Protest Killing Of Four Rangers
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Dawn is reporting Indian media. According to Pakistan Rangers and all the major news outlets 2 were martyred whose burial and funerals were held yesterday and were covered by the media.

Truth is 2 rangers and 1 BSF.

Why are they reporting Indian media, pak media black out again?


Dont you think that if it would have really been an ambush in disguise of official flag meet, the things would have gone out of hand much more than this almost silence from pakistani side?

It could be golden opportunity for pak army to exploit this massive armed forces diplomatic goof up.
Why are they reporting Indian media, pak media black out again?

Do you guys even the know the meaning of the phrase "media black out"? I don't think so.It looks like you just learned something and you keep using it without making any sense.
Do you guys even the know the meaning of the phrase "media black out"? I don't think so.It looks like you just learned and you keep using it without making any sense.


Why a reputed news paper had to report based on Indian media?
Dont you think that if it would have really been an ambush in disguise of official flag meet, the things would have gone out of hand much more than this almost silence from pakistani side?

It could be golden opportunity for pak army to exploit this massive armed forces diplomatic goof up.

There is no silence. All media has reported it., Also this happened today:


Why a reputed news paper had to report based on Indian media?

Because that is a norm. Media houses quote each other all the time. Facepalm.
Because that is a norm. Media houses quote each other all the time. Facepalm.


Especially when it comes to dead figures of own countrymen, right?

And thats too when there is some sense of confusion around?
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