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Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

That is not a terrorism of bodos ,It was about a tribe asking for separate land & to get rid of terror activist Muslims,Get your facts right...Anyway we will retaliate but its your concern if you want to get fkd up by friendly talibans or a Kashmir addicted Hindu nation..:cool:

When? After killing of 70 + people all you are doing is smoking weed and making tall claims like killing 4 Pakistani troopers.
They will not and when they get beaten up by our BSF javans, they come up crying, cowardly act cowardly act, ammi bachayein!!! . lol darpok log..
This is second time I've seen you bashing Pak army....I usually ignore such posts but you crying everywhere...i guess I better report..a senior member seriously?
what's up with the title @mods? twisting the headlines a' la 17th & 18th of dec '71?

What's up with you Indians and 1971? You're either stuck in 1567 where an evil salafist invader is eating your cows or 1971 where the Indian supa pawa (with the support of an armed insurgency, the Soviet Union, and a geographical advantage) brought an end to an Islamist dictatorship.
why are you walking away like a Pak Ranger, cowardly , lets debate on the topic :D

Yeah he should start killing himself and other of colleagues like "brave" BSF soldier. After all dying for own country like Rangers is "cowardice" for you. :)
yes they were there for a flag meeting.

Then it too sad, that even after so many flag meetings you haven't learnt protocol and that is why your soldiers are dead.

Had you followed proper protocol and sent a your area commander with a white flag..we wouldn't have fired.
This is second time I've seen you bashing Pak army....I usually ignore such posts but you crying everywhere...i guess I better report..a senior member seriously?

when your media can blame Indian BSF soldiers and say 'cowardly acts', go to other thread and see the situation how your members are taking the thread. And only then please do the favours as you like.
Pakistan should be ready for collateral damages if they fire: BSF | Page 5

Pakistan should be ready for collateral damages if they fire: BSF | Page 5
This is second time I've seen you bashing Pak army....I usually ignore such posts but you crying everywhere...i guess I better report..a senior member seriously?
what about mods michivously changing title of a thread (indians shooting dead pakistanis after calling flag meeting). Do you believe in such stories?
Then it too sad, that even after so many flag meetings you haven't learnt protocol and that is why your soldiers are dead.

Had you followed proper protocol and sent a your area commander with a white flag..we wouldn't have fired.
so wait, you agree that your BSF fired on our rangers when they were going for a flag meeting?
and hence you agree that your BSF are cowards?
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