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Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

and then you shot them when they were coming for a flag meeting? wow BRAVERY AT ITS PEAK

This flag meeting thing is only being reported your media...frankly this story has more holes than swiss cheese.

Who sends junior most NCOs to attend a flag meeting?
Last month also, just like now, the cycle was started when you shelled Arnia village and killed six of our civilians.

As far jumping with joy was concerned, we have members participating in this very thread, who were making merry since the Indians civilians who were killed were Hindu and Sikh Kashmiris..it was alright to kill them.

I can provide their quotes if you want.

BTW why did you skip over the part where I showed you Pakistani rangers have already started targeting Indian civilians??
When the Pakistan ranger make it their policy that they are going to target civilians thn come back
My reading of this statement of the IG BSF was that implicitly he was sending a msg "next time there is a cross border exchange we going to target your civilians"
Mine is a LOT older than yours.. almost a 100 years infact.. since 1857 apparently.
since the saying was made by us, I would imagine its directed at people who want to appear friendly to us (muh main ram ram) only to stab us in the back later.
I would not wish to speculate who they are... guess just a generic saying not directed against any community specifically. :pop:
Don't whine like a .. Next time BSF gets mowed down or ..

P.S : you fool it happened at Shakargarh sector (Punjab) or Zafarwal again a lame attempt .

Where ever it is happening doesn't make any difference. Your rangers are there with weapons if they cannot defend then it is not BSF fault. BSF will retaliate for any misadventure, whether they fire on civilians or soldiers, it the duty of your Rangers to provide them cover. woh kya kehte hai... dushman ki top ka gola naam pata puch kar nahi girta
Say the drag queen with an Internet connection.. Don't get your tampon in a twist putar .. Talking shit and latter bitching about revenge .. that's your typical modus operandi .


Internet warrior - bad boy - middle aged uncle am sure.:lol:

Your weeping doesn't amount to jack.
When the Pakistan ranger make it their policy that they are going to target civilians thn come back
My reading of this statement of the IG BSF was that implicitly he was sending a msg "next time there is a cross border exchange we going to target your civilians"

If the posts of your rangers is close to a village, then mortar shells will not ask where to fall. You are on a defence forum and such a low graded posts you are making.
Just because we have issues with Taliban why would we forget about indians

Didn't bad militants kill 70 or so indians in Assam recently does that mean india wont worry about Pakistan
Comprehension issues!!

Civilians may get killed if you continue your crossfire to promote infiltration. Be cautious and think of the collateral damage. Thats the right meaning.

Collateral damage is nothing new or a taboo to accept, is it?

It is just confession by BSF. Since mostly it targets civilians or else it looses troops when it targets soldiers.

Internet warrior - bad boy - middle aged uncle am sure.:lol:

Your weeping doesn't amount to jack.

I'm in my early twenties and don't talk shit like you miss drag.. So calm down with the usual bitching .. Ppl like you are first to bark and than soil their panties woh shit hits the fan.
Do you find Pakistani every day claims of killing TTP militants in Khyber operation without any significant casualties as comical ? or pathetic for that matter. :)

What are you smoking? We take huge casualties, even our officers are martyred. Our casualty rate compared to the forces West of us, is huge... then again, we deal more damage, our doctrine is more effective and in turn we deal more death on the TTP.

But you folks, every other day some arbitrary number of infiltrators are gunned down as if it's target practise. Don't get me wrong, there are some real encounters in Kashmir, and the way those are reported, it's obvious that they're real.

Sorry for going off topic, but do you say the same thing about terrorists killed in KPK ? Kind of typical of a lot of Pakistani members here. If PA does it in Balochistan, and FATA its all good even if gravity bombs are used in F 16 bombing runs. But if IA does it in Kashmir, its a big smoke screen to cover hunting of Kashmiri civilians. :lol:

You were looking for pathetic ? All you need to do is look at your post to find the mother load.

I was talking about the border region sunshine, the LoC, not internal militancy you have. I've seen some reports of those and I believe some of them. That's not to say you folks don't have a long and established history of the locals hating you and civilian casualties.

And no, our fight with the TTP and your fight with ghosts and video games on the border are very different. One's real, the other is... well.. pathetic.
Parrikar needs to read christine fair's latest book..I'll probably tweet that message to him.
Where ever it is happening doesn't make any difference. Your rangers are there with weapons if they cannot defend then it is not BSF fault. BSF will retaliate for any misadventure, whether they fire on civilians or soldiers, it the duty of your Rangers to provide them cover. woh kya kehte hai... dushman ki top ka gola naam pata puch kar nahi girta

It's called a cowardly attack no matter how much you try to think otherwise .. you don't ask for a flag meeting and than shoot .. It is against the norms or ethics of the business.. We are talking about professional forces (can't say the same about bsf though) and not your local village idiots with guns.

Oh Baluch zaraa huttth holaa rakhhh ! :o:
That's true .. Haven't you heard the expression or proverb or whatever "empty vessels make more noise.
This flag meeting thing is only being reported your media...frankly this story has more holes than swiss cheese.

Who sends junior most NCOs to attend a flag meeting?

Rangers have been brutally assaulted by the BSF. They targetted our patrol party, that was not cowered we destroyed their bunkers, that is cowardness. Haha Idiots.
It's called a cowardly attack no matter how much you try to think otherwise .. you don't ask for a flag meeting and than shoot .. It is against the norms or ethics of the business.. We are talking about professional forces (can't say the same about bsf though) and not your local village chutiyas with guns.

That your rangers should have realized before killing BSF patrol party.
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