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Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

That is up for debate.
The previous government was unable to deliver results with-respect-to Pakistan, so when the result is negative, that automatically puts the methods they used as wrong.

This Government is trying a different approach. Let us see whether it yields results or not. They have 5 years to show results.

Government decisions are not adhoc. They have career bureaucrats, intelligence chiefs and army chiefs brief them when taking national policy decisions. And I can say for sure that the National Security Advisor to the current Govt - Mr Doval is far more competent than the last NSA.

I would say it otherwise, actually the world was forgetting about Kashmir issue and in last 5 or so years after Kargiil it wasn't much in the news. Showing more bravado doesn't mean competence.
Lets say that the world heard more about Kashmir dispute in last 2 months that last 5 years. MMS govt didnt want this issue in the world news and thats why they kept low. Pakistan wants world to hear about it every month, an issue is only alive when people know about it...**** i gave away our policy modi is so dumb he wouldnt have figured it out on his own.

YET Mr Modi is getting an AWESOME welcome and Reception in
every country he visits ; Foreign heads of state are visiting India
Including from China and Russia

AND Mr OBAMA is our Chief Guest on our Republic Day on 26 JAN

And GLOBAL weapon manufacturers are dying to sell their weapon systems to India

And Kashmir ...... Which country even talks about it ?
As per Indian media reports an infiltration attempt was thwarted in Arnia sector..just few hours before an Indian border patrol was sniped and a soldier killed.

Every order does not have to come from top.. local commanders have enough freedom to act on their own.
You said it yourself Indian media reports :disagree:
This policy of targetting Pakistani civilians was stated by Inspector General of BSF himself not some local commander
YET Mr Modi is getting an AWESOME welcome and Reception in
every country he visits ; Foreign heads of state are visiting India
Including from China and Russia

AND Mr OBAMA is our Chief Guest on our Republic Day on 26 JAN

there you go man, congratulations India is winning
Lol at first the Indians were alleging Pakistan wanted to disturb the elections now after the elections its this
Ofcourse the bsf is not going to state explicitly it is going to target civilians not even the ttp does that
But the intent has been shown
First firing on our rangers after calling them for a meeting and now this it shows a pattern perhaps to satisfy the blood lust of Modi's hinduvta supporters

Collateral damage is something new to cross firing? BSF is just reminding of something obvious which your rangers tend to forget in their endeavor to infiltrate terrorists.

And dont forget our armies dont work for political gains of any party, they are apolitical.

Also its not like that elections are round the corner and Modi need to be re-elected.
I would say it otherwise, actually the world was forgetting about Kashmir issue and in last 5 or so years after Kargiil it wasn't much in the news. Showing more bravado doesn't mean competence.
I think that in your view India's goal is for the 'world to not notice kashmir' and Pakistan wants the 'world to notice kashmir problem'.

That is a wrong barometer and here is why. Today India's economy and strength has surpassed the days when the world could make India do something. Today no major country in the world barring China will go against what India calls its own territory. The world is now irrelevant to kashmir and further with India making Pakistan sign the Shimla accord, it legally makes the matter of kashmir a bilateral dispute in which the world cannot intervene.

The objective of GoI is Pakistan, not Kashmir or the world.
You said it yourself Indian media reports :disagree:
This policy of targetting Pakistani civilians was stated by Inspector General of BSF himself not some local commander


Your media is not going to report what is happening Indian side.

They haven't even reported that your rangers sniped and killed an Indian soldier, which is why the flag meeting was called.
:lol: so says the citizen of the country that is considered the international graduation school of terrorism :D

:rofl: :rofl:

:lol: :rofl:
ok then, it is a fact that terrorists come out of here, but do you accept that your Army first calls for a eeting then shoots cuz they are cowards with a terrorist for a PM?

Your media is not going to report what is happening Indian side.

They haven't even reported that your rangers sniped and killed an Indian soldier, which is why the flag meeting was called.
That has been discussed to death in that other thread
There is a lot of you said-i said
For this reason exactly we have a UN military working group to investigate this
But India has refused to allow it to do its work
Again this thread is about the BSF stating its willing to target civilians
Indian members are requested to read 'Law of Armed Conflict' to which they are a signatory. This statement coming from a responsible person reflects poorly on professionel attributes of BSF. It goes to show that collateral damage is acceptable to BSF. It might have a short term uplifting effect to Indian Public but ruins their reputation in long term. I'm expecting the "Pakistanis are responsible for their own collateral". Before you make that comment, please read LAW OF ARMED CONFLICT. It will help.
Looks like BSF is given complete authority of decision making in case of Cease fire violation.
That has been discussed to death in that other thread
There is a lot of you said-i said
For this reason exactly we have a UN military working group to investigate this
But India has refused to allow it to do its work
Again this thread is about the BSF stating its willing to target civilians

BSF officer is talking about collateral damage(I hope you do know what the word means).

Pls dont forget, you have already started firing at Indian civilians.

"A civilian was injured in mortar shelling by Pakistani troops through the night in Samba district, 41 km from Jammu."

'50-60 Militants Waiting to Cross Over,' Says Border Security Force as Pakistan Violates Ceasefire
Say the chutiyas who bravely fired at Pak Rangers who were iNvited for a flag meeting.

they were unidentified militants I guess because BSF fired before the meet not during. , similarly like those ones who brutally left bodies of our soldiers head less. Any ways aur kuch?
We will kill civilians if you fire at us,. After all that is one of the two things that we are good at. The other being killing each other:BSF
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