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Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

You already do it far worse than TTP guy.

Everything happens for a reason - tell me one good reason why would India like to escalate the Kashmir issue, to attract international attention?
Tell me one good reason why Pakistan would flare up the eastern border at this time when it needs to focus on the Afghan border
I believe there was news on your media about Pakistan moving troops away from the border with India after the Peshawar incident.
As i said its still a highly militarized border sometimes things flare up whats new is the Indians now stating their policy to target civilians on our side
Tell me one good reason why Pakistan would flare up the eastern border at this time when it needs to focus on the Afghan border
I believe there was news on your media about Pakistan moving troops away from the border with India after the Peshawar incident.
As i said its still a highly militarized border sometimes things flare up whats new is the Indians now stating their policy to target civilians on our side

Kashmir has gone through peaceful election with huge numbers(approx 70%) participating, normalcy is never in interest of Pakistan, hence infiltration of mujahideen becomes inevitable.

We are not stating the policy to kill civilians here, but actually cautioning you that your misadventure may result in innocent lives - so please back off.

Its actually a good will and some sanity check.
thats a stupid thing to say, its given that once you fire other side will fire back. I dont think Pakistanis are so naive that they dont know it, otherwise they would march for Delhi if they dont expect any resistance
This is allegoric for intensity of retaliation.

The previous GoI had instructed the forces to fire only when necessary in retaliation and to not exceed Pakistani firing so that the border does not get provoked and escalate tensions.

This GoI has instructed the forces to fire as much as possible and always retaliate with more intensity than Pakistani firing.
This is allegoric for intensity of retaliation.

The previous GoI had instructed the forces to fire only when necessary in retaliation and to not exceed Pakistani firing so that the border does not get provoked and escalate tensions.

This GoI has instructed the forces to fire as much as possible and always retaliate with more intensity than Pakistani firing.

previous govt was in govt for a long time and it showed their experience, this govt will learn why not to retaliate too much. right now they are playing in Pakistan's hands.
previous govt was in govt for a long time and it showed their experience, this govt will learn why not to retaliate too much. right now they are playing in Pakistan's hands.

What exactly will Pakistan do in this situation
when India fires three times more shells at Pakistan

India is prepared for escalation ; we will escalate
Evil Indians threatening genocide against Kashmiri civilians living on the LAC.
previous govt was in govt for a long time and it showed their experience, this govt will learn why not to retaliate too much. right now they are playing in Pakistan's hands.
That is up for debate.
The previous government was unable to deliver results with-respect-to Pakistan, so when the result is negative, that automatically puts the methods they used as wrong.

This Government is trying a different approach. Let us see whether it yields results or not. They have 5 years to show results.

Government decisions are not adhoc. They have career bureaucrats, intelligence chiefs and army chiefs brief them when taking national policy decisions. And I can say for sure that the National Security Advisor to the current Govt - Mr Doval is far more competent than the last NSA.
Kashmir has gone through peaceful election with huge numbers(approx 70%) participating, normalcy is never in interest of Pakistan, hence infiltration of mujahideen becomes inevitable.

We are not stating the policy to kill civilians here, but actually cautioning you that your misadventure may result in innocent lives - so please back off.

Its actually a good will and some sanity check.
Lol at first the Indians were alleging Pakistan wanted to disturb the elections now after the elections its this
Ofcourse the bsf is not going to state explicitly it is going to target civilians not even the ttp does that
But the intent has been shown
First firing on our rangers after calling them for a meeting and now this it shows a pattern perhaps to satisfy the blood lust of Modi's hinduvta supporters
Tell me one good reason why Pakistan would flare up the eastern border at this time when it needs to focus on the Afghan border
I believe there was news on your media about Pakistan moving troops away from the border with India after the Peshawar incident.
As i said its still a highly militarized border sometimes things flare up whats new is the Indians now stating their policy to target civilians on our side

As per Indian media reports an infiltration attempt was thwarted in Arnia sector..just few hours before an Indian border patrol was sniped and a soldier killed.

Every order does not have to come from top.. local commanders have enough freedom to act on their own.
What exactly will Pakistan do in this situation
when India fires three times more shells at Pakistan

India is prepared for escalation ; we will escalate

Lets say that the world heard more about Kashmir dispute in last 2 months that last 5 years. MMS govt didnt want this issue in the world news and thats why they kept low. Pakistan wants world to hear about it every month, an issue is only alive when people know about it...**** i gave away our policy modi is so dumb he wouldnt have figured it out on his own.

According to figures given on October 16 by Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhry to the National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, India had by then fired approximately 36,000 rounds of ammunition in the current cycle of tit-for-tat shooting, while Pakistani troops in response fired about 8,000 rounds. About the same time, “sources close to the Indian home minister” quoted in the India media put the number of rounds fired by India even higher at 50,000. In other words, for every shot fired by Pakistan, India fired about five or six. The imbalance indicates clearly which side is stoking the fire.

Behind India’s sabre rattling - Asif Ezdi
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