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Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

You desperately need an english training course..

What kind of training course do I need from a typical Indian, to believe your bullcrap, get your head out of the sand to see the light.
@Irfan Baloch @karan.1970 @IND_PAK

The issue has been raised through diplomatic and military channels with India. The Pakistani FO has provided additional details that are consistent with the previous Pakistani media accounts quoting the Rangers spokesperson.

Responding to a question about cross-border firing by India in Shakargarh, the spokesperson said Pakistan had lodged a strong protest with the Indian deputy high commissioner and handed over a protest note to him that contained details of the incident.

Tasnim said the country’s soldiers were asked to meet the other side with white flags and were then ambushed. This, she added, was a sheer violation of international laws and bilateral understandings.

“Pakistan has demanded India to investigate the incident and give exemplary punishment to those responsible,” the foreign office spokesperson said.

Pakistan,US to hold strategic dialogue in Jan: FO – The Express Tribune

this is done for record and for the benefit of the rest of the world and people so that no one says why such thing was not highlighted

Also, it appears that the Reuters piece on the Dawn site has been updated to include the Pakistani version of events, consistent with what the Pakistani FO statement and earlier Pakistani media accounts stated:

Pakistan claims that the latest round of incidents began when Indian border guards killed two Chenab Rangers’ personnel in Shakargarh sector on Wednesday after calling them for a flag meeting on the Working Boundary.

Naik Riaz Shakir and Lance Naik Mohammad Safdar, who were deputed for the meeting sought by the BSF, died amid a hail of bullets, the Chenab Rangers said.

The Foreign Office summoned the Indian deputy high commissioner to lodge a protest over the incident.

A demarche given to the Indian diplomat asked New Delhi “to investigate the incident, bring the perpetrators to justice and ensure maintenance of peace and tranquility along the Line of Control and the Working Boundary”.

According to Chenab Rangers, the BSF firing on Wednesday morning was unprovoked. Flag meetings are routinely held by troops to settle local matters between the two sides.

Exchange of fire along Indo-Pak working boundary, five killed - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

1- India ask for a flag meet, location decided, officials decided, pakistan sends their officials and Indian did an ambush and killed them. --- Unbelievable and the reactions dont suggest either. Such a conspiracy would warrant much reactions/actions and shame not just a strong protest at commander level.

2- Pak nominating 2 non commissioned officers for a flag meet. ---- Again out of my comprehension. (May be @Irfan Baloch can put more light on it if its a norm)

3- India asked for a flag meet. Before a flag meet happened, 2 of the rangers get killed in cross fire. ---- Possible
In case 3, the report can be same as reported - Indians kill 2 rangers after calling for a flag meet.


Something's not right. Pakistani media seems to be cooking up fictitious statements. There was no mention of the flag meeting ambush in the press briefing of the FO spokesperson Tasnim Aslam. Or am I missing something ?

@AgNoStiC MuSliM @IND_PAK @Irfan Baloch

Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Islamabad, Pakistan

Everyone knows how the history of the world ends.

Pakistan can't take it anymore living next to these complete a**holes and nukes the whole damn place. THE END.
Yup..Thats exactly how a Jehadi suicide bomber thinks :)
I still cant get my arms around the fact that a Sergeant and Corporal went for a flag meeting ...Anyway, lets see how this develops.
it can be of any level it doesnt have to be a high ranking officer. it depends what you are going to discuss.
there are pictures of our full colonels and brigadiers meeting up in specially prepared places .. I think you must have seen them and in other cases they can be junior officers. in such cases even officers wear the clothes of soldiers minus the ranks its an SOP and both sides can tell by the persona and way he talks (and age ) what will be his rank.

once there was a mine explosion in Shakargarh district (1989-90) and I was part of a visiting team and guest of Punjab ranger.
the highest ranking person at the post was a Sargent who sent a soldier towards the no mans land divided by a single pole barrier , he whistled towards the BSF and came back.
in about 5 mintues about 4 or 5 BSF personnel leisurely came towards the barrier as we approached and exchange the pleasantries and we told them that we just wanted to meet them. the subject of the explosion came up which was dismissed by the Indian Sargent saying that it was most probably a plastic mine that went off due to a wild bore or a cow..
the explosion had happened along the Indian side.

unlike my Indian friends in the settled areas. these guys didnt see any sinister attack happening which si normally cooked up by the sensational media these days. in Bhimbar sector (along the LoC) during floods or local saints festivities we have held fllag meetings among non commissioned staff .. in short my dear there are too many posts ... too many locations and not many officers.
Bro, believe me targeting 24 Indian post would be puny a response.

You are ignoring the diplomatic and international leverage the victim can muster. At same time, this would have been an end to any possible indo-pak meet in future.

Targeting merely posts is a routine task.

For you it might be a tiny response. Or else the response looks appropriate enough. As I said revenge is always the best when served cold. Don't know why you are in such a hurry for the death of your soldiers on the name of proportionate response. Anyways response would come sooner or later. In this sector or another sector. :)
Something's not right. Pakistani media seems to be cooking up fictitious statements. There was no mention of the flag meeting ambush in the press briefing of the FO spokesperson Tasnim Aslam. Or am I missing something ?

@AgNoStiC MuSliM @IND_PAK @Irfan Baloch

Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Islamabad, Pakistan
You are correct. Assuming the rush transcript isn't leaving anything out, the Tribune Report should have been along the lines of the Reuters report, and should have attributed the details of the incident (regarding the Flag meeting) to the Chenab Rangers instead of the FO.

That said, the FO statement, even without the details of the incident (regarding Flag Meeting) support the Chenab Rangers. The FO is asking India to ensure that 'the perpetrators are punished' and that 'yesterday's incident was a violation of all norms and also a violation of our bilateral understanding' - that is a very strong statement and not the usual related to 'violation of ceasefire by India' and supports the Chenab Rangers statement.
For you it might be a tiny response. Or else the response looks appropriate enough. As I said revenge is always the best when served cold. Don't know why you are in such a hurry for the death of your soldiers on the name of proportionate response. Anyways response would come sooner or later. :)
Its not you who said it. I believe it was Mario Puzo ;)
Something's not right. Pakistani media seems to be cooking up fictitious statements. There was no mention of the flag meeting ambush in the press briefing of the FO spokesperson Tasnim Aslam. Or am I missing something ?

@AgNoStiC MuSliM @IND_PAK @Irfan Baloch

Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Islamabad, Pakistan

Moreover check the press release by Pak FO

Pakistan Lodges Protest on Indian Firing across the Working Boundary

The Indian Deputy High Commissioner was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, today, to lodge a strong protest on the unprovoked firing of the Indian troops in the Zafarwal Sector, resulting in the Shahadat of two personnel of Pakistani Rangers.

The Government of Pakistan strongly condemned the action of the BSF troops, which is in violation of the commitment by both sides to maintain ceasefire along the Line of Control and the Working Boundary. The Government of India has been urged to investigate the incident, bring the perpetrators to justice, and ensure maintenance of peace and tranquillity along the Line of Control and the Working Boundary.

31 December 2014

Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Islamabad, Pakistan

@AgNoStiC MuSliM That's business as usual.
3- India asked for a flag meet. Before a flag meet happened, 2 of the rangers get killed in cross fire. ---- Possible
In case 3, the report can be same as reported - Indians kill 2 rangers after calling for a flag meet.

I have explained a little bit above in my answer to Kiran your objection to our story has merit , I am not completely dismissing it. it should've been officers if the matter was serious. but then again like I said. these guys can be advance party. the ones who signal the start of the proceeding. or the guys in the patrol who exposed themselves giving Indians a chance to take them out while the flag meeting was being arranged (using the grace/ buffer time to use it to their advantage).
a Kill is a kill and there is nothing fair in our fight. further development will clarify the situation
just one thing. be fair in one aspect and lets not pretend we are enemies after all. its a best chance to antagonize Pakistan while the Pakistani nation is down due to Peshawar tragedy and its military is fighting a decade old insurgency with a sizable chunk of its force deployed along Afghanistan. this is how any worthy enemy works. pounce when the other side is weak and down. it is in our interest to keep the eastern side quiet and calm because any trouble on the east means we will have to recall forces back like 2008 which will put us back again and we will loose whatever we achieved so far from current NWA operation.
You are correct. Assuming the rush transcript isn't leaving anything out, the Tribune Report should have been along the lines of the Reuters report, and should have attributed the details of the incident (regarding the Flag meeting) to the Chenab Rangers instead of the FO.

Then it certainly is a surprise on why she would leave out such a major angle (assuming its true). The fact she does not bring up such a hot and current issue in the briefing where she chose to talk about years old Samjhota blast issue. Seems to me that the Chenab rangers spokesperson bent the truth somewhat and MoFA is trying to downplay that.

What is funny is how tribune blatantly misquoted FO spokesperson in quotes... That is if the rush transcript hasnt left it out.

That said, the FO statement, even without the details of the incident (regarding Flag Meeting) support the Chenab Rangers. The FO is asking India to ensure that 'the perpetrators are punished' and that 'yesterday's incident was a violation of all norms and also a violation of our bilateral understanding' - that is a very strong statement and not the usual related to 'violation of ceasefire by India' and supports the Chenab Rangers statement.
Dont think so.... She was probably referring to the Indian continued firing which prevented the evacuation of the injured soldiers which then lead to their deaths. If indeed there was a flag meeting ambush, she would have called it out clearly and not missed an opportunity to embarrass India
I have explained a little bit above in my answer to Kiran your objection to our story has merit , I am not completely dismissing it. it should've been officers if the matter was serious. but then again like I said. these guys can be advance party. the ones who signal the start of the proceeding. or the guys in the patrol who exposed themselves giving Indians a chance to take them out while the flag meeting was being arranged (using the grace/ buffer time to use it to their advantage).
a Kill is a kill and there is nothing fair in our fight. further development will clarify the situation
just one thing. be fair in one aspect and lets not pretend we are enemies after all. its a best chance to antagonize Pakistan while the Pakistani nation is down due to Peshawar tragedy and its military is fighting a decade old insurgency with a sizable chunk of its force deployed along Afghanistan. this is how any worthy enemy works. pounce when the other side is weak and down. it is in our interest to keep the eastern side quiet and calm because any trouble on the east means we will have to recall forces back like 2008 which will put us back again and we will loose whatever we achieved so far from current NWA operation.


The whole point is none of the official statement suggest this conspiracy, cowardly ambush story. Its too much for professional forces to do -- to call someone for talk and then shoot them down. Thats crazy.

Check my last post where I have posted the official press release by Pak FO on day of incident.

You wont believe how many tears flows down the cheeks of Indians seeing those kids dying.
btw, is thre a video or transcript of the chenab ranger spokesperson talking about the ambush. after seeing the way pakistani media has lied about the statement of Pakistani foreign office, for all you know, even that could be a cooked up story .

btw, is thre a video or transcript of the chenab ranger spokesperson talking about the ambush. after seeing the way pakistani media has lied about the statement of Pakistani foreign office, for all you know, even that could be a cooked up story .
This frustrated statement by the Indian Defense Minister clearly undermines Indian propaganda about teaching Pakistan a lesson as well as Pakistani losses. If anybody is fooling themselves, its the Indians.

Pak doesn't seem to learn any lesson: Manohar Parrikar

PTI | Jan 1, 2015, 06.55 PM IST
Pak doesn't seem to learn any lesson: Manohar Parrikar
BENGALURU: As ceasefire violations by Pakistan continued unabated, defence minister Manohar Parrikar on Thursday said Islamabad does not seem to learn any lesson.

"Pakistan does not like to stay quiet even on New Year day. They started (cross-border) firing at 12.30 pm and don't seem to learn (any) lesson," Parrikar said at an event.

In an obvious reference to Pakistan and China, he also said, "We are surrounded in northern boundaries by two neighbours who are not very comfortable with us."

In fresh ceasefire violation, Pakistan Rangers today targeted 13 border outposts in Samba sector, a day after an Indian jawan and four Pakistani soldiers were killed in exchange of fire.

India said it will lodge a strong protest with Pakistan over the ceasefire violations, the third along the International Border in the past three days and seventh in last eight days.

Responding to Pakistan's ceasefire violations, Parrikar had said yesterday that the Indian security forces should not hold back in the face of firing and must retaliate with "double the force".

Parrikar who was here to attend a function also described Bengaluru as "the brain of India" in Space research. "We are thankful to Bangalore."

"Our culture.... our scientists take part in space missions but will not forget to offer pooja because this is our culture. We are proud of our culture. Our culture teaches us how to behave in the society. It teaches how to behave with elders."

Parrikar was speaking at an event organized by "Adamya Chetana", an NGO working in the field of social development managed by Union minister Ananth Kumar's wife Tejaswini.
Not the whole mankind. We have no interest in protecting Pakistan.
and when did PAK asked for ur protection, oh well no one can stop people from having wet dreams.. pretty amusing i must say...lol
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