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Indian Army post ambushed along LoC, casualties feared

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@Oscar @Loki @Neptune @nuclearpak @Aeronaut the thread is a trollfest, pointing fingers at each other and disrespecting the dead soliders including Pakistani members, please close it
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It isn't.

And if there is a large army presence there, it is because the neighbor has expressed its intention to take it from us. They are there to prevent that from happening.

The army is NOT involved in counter insurgency, only Rashtriya rifles and Kashmir police are.

Rajasthan and Punjab also have huge army presence, not because rajastanis or Punjabis are oppressed, but because they are border states.

Anyway you also seem to be deluded enough to believe that Kashmir will soonn be yours, like your parents believed before you, and your grandparents before them. And no doubt, as your children and their children will be taught. While your own country keeps losing territory to Bengalis and Pashtuns and balochis.

Your army will not dare to wage open war against India. They haven't dared since they got cut into two in 1971. At most they will carry out a few killings like this, and get killed in return. But Indian Kashmir will remain Indian Kashmir. Neither pak army, nor its silly lashkars and mujahideens can change that.

Sorry to break this to you, but

Jab tak suraj chand rahega,
Kashmir Hindustan rahega.

the soviets said the same thing, look what happened to them because of us.

75percent of your army is in kashmir.
all we need to do is provide weapons to the kashmiris we dont need to send fighters in kashmir there are tons of kashmiris themselves who want get back at india.

So basically you trying to do another Gibraltar..Well your so called freedom fighters and depressed kashmiris reported the presence of your so called helpers from the pak army during Gibraltar and they also reported your occupation of Indian peaks during kargill.
You really need to stop smoking pot out of the benefits UK government gives you.

I know...i'm not a great fan of pot but I have no choice since your mama stopped selling me crack.... :kiss3:
Am on tapatalk so might have overlooked the post, well I dont know, weapons, explosives, something they might have dropped ? I remember someone posting pics of PoF made mine recovered in the past attacks, something similar. If you cant find anything at all that means whoever it was did a very fine job

Please follow the news past month or so. There is tremendous infilteration activity at multiple points across LOC. Scores of militants have tried to corss over, we do not know how many succeeded but we know atleast 12 were killed. All this happens from Pakistani side of Kashmir and you must have followed links in the past kashmiris on pakistani side complaining about this.

In 2011

BBC News - Anti-militant protests in Pakistan's Neelum valley

in 2012

Strike in Neelum valley against militant activities - DAWN.COM

Are you asking us not to hold pakistan responsible? Certainly pakistan does not admit and just keep denying, but there is enough circumstantial and on the ground evidence. The militants on pakistani side and the victims on Indian side and the pakistani side kashmiris openly complaining. BTW its not just the security personnel who get killed on the Indian side, many civilians, particularly sarpanchs lately have been murdered.
Rip to dead soldiers. ... Pak has nothing to lose they already are digging their own grave across pak....... Antony proved to b another impotent like MMS.....
nothing will happen as long as no Pakistani soldiers are disrespected..don't worry

Pakistani soliders have been disrespected in the last few pages....so yes its time to wrap up the party as no one is willing to talk in civilised manner
the soviets said the same thing, look what happened to them because of us.

75percent of your army is in kashmir.

First see what have we done to you................in 1971.............But Kashmir was our integral Part from 1947 & will Remain so......We will Maintain our MAP as it was in 1947.............
We are Weakest Right Now.. Politial Impotency....Paksiatan and China Making use of it. Hold Till we Rise Up AGAIN..........
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