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Indian Army & Pakistan Army exchanged sweets on the auspicious occasion of Eid-Al-Adha at the Line of Control

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They really cant

I mean... Our wars together prove that. You tried 4 times and failed 4 times to gain a victory.

Tsk tsk
Excuse me but we tried,when? It's Pakistan that attacked first every single time you name it, 47,65, 71,99 and we gave them more than a bloody nose.
Actually capturing parts of Pakistan was never on our agenda. We liberated Bangladesh but didn't take any land.
I will agree with this and would have even if I was a Hindu.

Even Bangladeshi Muslim folks are far more aggressive than local Hindu folks.

Fighting is simply not in the Hindu blood...
Yes I somewhat agree on this, Don't know if it is really Hindu Muslim but older generation definitely make it sound so from stories of riots I have heard. Noakhali riots, 60-70s in Bangladesh and the like.
Hindus in those stories are usually the victims not the aggressors.
They abuse the sikh and the Muslim, but send them into battle to fight their wars. Amazing...
And they fight even after being abused? Much logic eh :lol:
It's in your blood to run from battle, engrained in history for time immemorial.
You guys make it sound like your ancestors were never Hindu... Oh wait a minute, ah yes makes sense. :lol:
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Excuse me but we tried,when? It's Pakistan that attacked first every single time you name it, 47,65, 71,99 and we gave them more than a bloody nose.
Actually capturing parts of Pakistan was never on our agenda. We liberated Bangladesh but didn't take any land.

Yes I somewhat agree on this, Don't know if it is really Hindu Muslim but older generation definitely make it sound so from stories of riots I have heard. Noakhali riots, 60-70s in Bangladesh and the like.
Hindus in those stories are usually the victims not the aggressors.

And they fight even after being abused? Much logic eh :lol:

You guys make it sound like your ancestors were never Hindu... Oh wait a minute, ah yes makes sense. :lol:
Ignore them. The wannabe jihadis on this forum are pissed that their military stated that they will have nothing to do with India unless India withdraws the August 5th step on Kashmir.

Here they are exchanging sweets. They could accomplish nothing :lol:
What if those sweets have cow fluids in em? A lot of Indian restaurants here bless their food that way.
Excuse me but we tried,when? It's Pakistan that attacked first every single time you name it, 47,65, 71,99 and we gave them more than a bloody nose.
Actually capturing parts of Pakistan was never on our agenda. We liberated Bangladesh but didn't take any land.


This again.

47-48, first kashmir war. Irregulars from the tribes in the North pushed into kashmir on behalf of the Muslim people being genocided by hari Singh. They took some 4/5 of Kashmir. Hari Singh acceeded to India where they pushed in and pushed the irregulars back to the border.

The pakistan Army regulars got involved and counter attacked, completely destroying your defenses and retaking the several parts of kashmir back. Your army couldn't do anything against ours. The UN ceasefire was a god send for you. As for the instrument of accession, it was retconned in the 50s by the UN. The UN is calling for a plebiscite by both sides, but evidently that hasn't happened.

65: that war was absolutely terrible for you. There is no victory for you to from it. As per the cia, you were out fought by Pakistan. The land you gained was inconsequential. The casualties you sustained were higher than that of pakistan's. And your objectives were incomplete. ALL of your objectives were incomplete. You say your main objective wasn't to capture lahore but to defend India, but tell me how did you defend India when we pushed in and were taking more and more land off you? The war was ultimately a stalemate.

71: I laugh when an Indian mentions this. Because this was wasn't good for you either. Yes we lost East Pakistan, when you had the 50:1 advantage, but what happened in the west is another story. Your air force was constantly contested, your air force took the higher losses, the land you gained again inconsequential and your objectives again incomplete. Your mission wasn't to liberate east Pakistan. It was to take it. The only gains actually made by both nations was in kargil and the chamb. Where you took kargil and we took the chamb.

99: no. Just no. You completely failed in that war. 5000 NLI troops butchered your 30,000+ Indian soldiers and air support. You lost 2 jets and a heli to our anza/stinger manpads. You were unable to gain all the peaks back, we still hold 4 out of the 8 today, and you took the higher losses. Your claim of muh pak not accepting dead bodies, what about you? You are still yet to count yours properly.

This again.

47-48, first kashmir war. Irregulars from the tribes in the North pushed into kashmir on behalf of the Muslim people being genocided by hari Singh. They took some 4/5 of Kashmir. Hari Singh acceeded to India where they pushed in and pushed the irregulars back to the border.

The pakistan Army regulars got involved and counter attacked, completely destroying your defenses and retaking the several parts of kashmir back. Your army couldn't do anything against ours. The UN ceasefire was a god send for you. As for the instrument of accession, it was retconned in the 50s by the UN. The UN is calling for a plebiscite by both sides, but evidently that hasn't happened.

65: that war was absolutely terrible for you. There is no victory for you to from it. As per the cia, you were out fought by Pakistan. The land you gained was inconsequential. The casualties you sustained were higher than that of pakistan's. And your objectives were incomplete. ALL of your objectives were incomplete. You say your main objective wasn't to capture lahore but to defend India, but tell me how did you defend India when we pushed in and were taking more and more land off you? The war was ultimately a stalemate.

71: I laugh when an Indian mentions this. Because this was wasn't good for you either. Yes we lost East Pakistan, when you had the 50:1 advantage, but what happened in the west is another story. Your air force was constantly contested, your air force took the higher losses, the land you gained again inconsequential and your objectives again incomplete. Your mission wasn't to liberate east Pakistan. It was to take it. The only gains actually made by both nations was in kargil and the chamb. Where you took kargil and we took the chamb.

99: no. Just no. You completely failed in that war. 5000 NLI troops butchered your 30,000+ Indian soldiers and air support. You lost 2 jets and a heli to our anza/stinger manpads. You were unable to gain all the peaks back, we still hold 4 out of the 8 today, and you took the higher losses. Your claim of muh pak not accepting dead bodies, what about you? You are still yet to count yours properly.
Best not to waste time on Indian trolls, the fact that they come to a Pakistani forum everyday, despite being banned once a week, just to tell Pakistanis how they won all the wars, should show you just how much they won. Most of the Indian victories came from Indian newspapers and online experts after the 2000s. They didn’t feel like they had won much back in 65’ or 99’ or 2017 so they find ways to reaffirm it now.

This again.

47-48, first kashmir war. Irregulars from the tribes in the North pushed into kashmir on behalf of the Muslim people being genocided by hari Singh. They took some 4/5 of Kashmir. Hari Singh acceeded to India where they pushed in and pushed the irregulars back to the border.

The pakistan Army regulars got involved and counter attacked, completely destroying your defenses and retaking the several parts of kashmir back. Your army couldn't do anything against ours. The UN ceasefire was a god send for you. As for the instrument of accession, it was retconned in the 50s by the UN. The UN is calling for a plebiscite by both sides, but evidently that hasn't happened.

65: that war was absolutely terrible for you. There is no victory for you to from it. As per the cia, you were out fought by Pakistan. The land you gained was inconsequential. The casualties you sustained were higher than that of pakistan's. And your objectives were incomplete. ALL of your objectives were incomplete. You say your main objective wasn't to capture lahore but to defend India, but tell me how did you defend India when we pushed in and were taking more and more land off you? The war was ultimately a stalemate.

71: I laugh when an Indian mentions this. Because this was wasn't good for you either. Yes we lost East Pakistan, when you had the 50:1 advantage, but what happened in the west is another story. Your air force was constantly contested, your air force took the higher losses, the land you gained again inconsequential and your objectives again incomplete. Your mission wasn't to liberate east Pakistan. It was to take it. The only gains actually made by both nations was in kargil and the chamb. Where you took kargil and we took the chamb.

99: no. Just no. You completely failed in that war. 5000 NLI troops butchered your 30,000+ Indian soldiers and air support. You lost 2 jets and a heli to our anza/stinger manpads. You were unable to gain all the peaks back, we still hold 4 out of the 8 today, and you took the higher losses. Your claim of muh pak not accepting dead bodies, what about you? You are still yet to count yours properly.
Wow learn from you how to save a bruised ego :lol:
Kashmir is India, Junagadh is India, Siachen is India, East Pakistan is Bangladesh.
And you are telling me Pakistan being the aggressor in every conflict(ok maybe not siachen) you still claim it as a victory, bravo mate.
Bydway about 71 our motive was always to liberate Bangladesh and keep west Pakistan at bay, the government in exile for BD was in India, Bangladeshi military commanders were in India. Just accept your defeat with dignity like your General Niazi did and maybe some good will come out of it.
Best not to waste time on Indian trolls, the fact that they come to a Pakistani forum everyday, despite being banned once a week, just to tell Pakistanis how they won all the wars, should show you just how much they won. Most of the Indian victories came from Indian newspapers and online experts after the 2000s. They didn’t feel like they had won much back in 65’ or 99’ or 2017 so they find ways to reaffirm it now.
We come here just for the laughs mate :lol:

This again.

47-48, first kashmir war. Irregulars from the tribes in the North pushed into kashmir on behalf of the Muslim people being genocided by hari Singh. They took some 4/5 of Kashmir. Hari Singh acceeded to India where they pushed in and pushed the irregulars back to the border.

The pakistan Army regulars got involved and counter attacked, completely destroying your defenses and retaking the several parts of kashmir back. Your army couldn't do anything against ours. The UN ceasefire was a god send for you. As for the instrument of accession, it was retconned in the 50s by the UN. The UN is calling for a plebiscite by both sides, but evidently that hasn't happened.

65: that war was absolutely terrible for you. There is no victory for you to from it. As per the cia, you were out fought by Pakistan. The land you gained was inconsequential. The casualties you sustained were higher than that of pakistan's. And your objectives were incomplete. ALL of your objectives were incomplete. You say your main objective wasn't to capture lahore but to defend India, but tell me how did you defend India when we pushed in and were taking more and more land off you? The war was ultimately a stalemate.

71: I laugh when an Indian mentions this. Because this was wasn't good for you either. Yes we lost East Pakistan, when you had the 50:1 advantage, but what happened in the west is another story. Your air force was constantly contested, your air force took the higher losses, the land you gained again inconsequential and your objectives again incomplete. Your mission wasn't to liberate east Pakistan. It was to take it. The only gains actually made by both nations was in kargil and the chamb. Where you took kargil and we took the chamb.

99: no. Just no. You completely failed in that war. 5000 NLI troops butchered your 30,000+ Indian soldiers and air support. You lost 2 jets and a heli to our anza/stinger manpads. You were unable to gain all the peaks back, we still hold 4 out of the 8 today, and you took the higher losses. Your claim of muh pak not accepting dead bodies, what about you? You are still yet to count yours properly.
Please check the views of you former Air chief marshal Nur Khan on 1965 and 1999 wars.. I belive he has more knowledge about outcome of these wars..
Wow learn from you how to save a bruised ego :lol:
Kashmir is India, Junagadh is India, Siachen is India, East Pakistan is Bangladesh.
And you are telling me Pakistan being the aggressor in every conflict(ok maybe not siachen) you still claim it as a victory, bravo mate.
Bydway about 71 our motive was always to liberate Bangladesh and keep west Pakistan at bay, the government in exile for BD was in India, Bangladeshi military commanders were in India. Just accept your defeat with dignity like your General Niazi did and maybe some good will come out of it.
Kashmir is India? I don't recall you taking AJK?
Siachen? I don't recall you taking it all? Not to mention how it is literally a barren desert of snow that seems to claim so many of your soldiers every year that passes by. Have fun in that strategically inept hell hole (although beautiful to look at)

Us being the aggressor depends on your pov.

48 we say hari Singh was considering how he genocided the Muslim population in kashmir. Our actions were purely retaliatory.

65, again retaliation for your failed unprovoked skirmish in the rann of kutch

71 again, retaliatory for your support of the MB terrorists and you pushing into east Pakistan.

99 retaliatory for siachen. So who is the real aggressor?

We claim victory? Of course. After all these years, all these wars and conflicts the one thing that you sought to take, the thing you sought to destroy is still here. Pakistan still exists and will exist till the end of time. Although for you...well. I don't wanna say any spoilers. :)

Your motive for East Pakistan was to annex it. Not liberate. You saying you were gonna liberate it is just a fall back after you messed up.
Please check the views of you former Air chief marshal Nur Khan on 1965 and 1999 wars.. I belive he has more knowledge about outcome of these wars..
I prefer the Cia and kaiser tufail.
Please check the views of you former Air chief marshal Nur Khan on 1965 and 1999 wars.. I belive he has more knowledge about outcome of these wars..
Yes, please check the accounts of general Chuck Yeager about 1965 and 71 wars, I believe he has more knowledge about the outcome of these wars as well. What was his count? 104 Indian jets to 31 Pakistani jets. Massive Indian victory. Also ask Abhinandan if he felt like a victor on 27th February.
Wow learn from you how to save a bruised ego :lol:
Kashmir is India, Junagadh is India, Siachen is India, East Pakistan is Bangladesh.
And you are telling me Pakistan being the aggressor in every conflict(ok maybe not siachen) you still claim it as a victory, bravo mate.
Bydway about 71 our motive was always to liberate Bangladesh and keep west Pakistan at bay, the government in exile for BD was in India, Bangladeshi military commanders were in India. Just accept your defeat with dignity like your General Niazi did and maybe some good will come out of it.

We come here just for the laughs mate :lol:
I know you come here to get laughed at, no need to tell me, you do a good job of it too. Carry on. You’ll get banned, then wait anxiously for a week staring at your computer screen so you can get unbanned to come and get yourself laughed at again, basically the entire existence of most Indian trolls on this forum is summed up right there. Can’t live without being laughed at by Pakistanis and the rest of the world.
Kashmir is India? I don't recall you taking AJK?
Siachen? I don't recall you taking it all? Not to mention how it is literally a barren desert of snow that seems to claim so many of your soldiers every year that passes by. Have fun in that strategically inept hell hole (although beautiful to look at)

Us being the aggressor depends on your pov.

48 we say hari Singh was considering how he genocided the Muslim population in kashmir. Our actions were purely retaliatory.

65, again retaliation for your failed unprovoked skirmish in the rann of kutch

71 again, retaliatory for your support of the MB terrorists and you pushing into east Pakistan.

99 retaliatory for siachen. So who is the real aggressor?

We claim victory? Of course. After all these years, all these wars and conflicts the one thing that you sought to take, the thing you sought to destroy is still here. Pakistan still exists and will exist till the end of time. Although for you...well. I don't wanna say any spoilers. :)

Your motive for East Pakistan was to annex it. Not liberate. You saying you were gonna liberate it is just a fall back after you messed up.

I prefer the Cia and kaiser tufail.
Ok :lol:
Yes, please check the accounts of general Chuck Yeager about 1965 and 71 wars, I believe he has more knowledge about the outcome of these wars as well. What was his count? 104 Indian jets to 31 Pakistani jets. Massive Indian victory. Also ask Abhinandan if he felt like a victor on 27th February.

I know you come here to get laughed at, no need to tell me, you do a good job of it too. Carry on. You’ll get banned, then wait anxiously for a week staring at your computer screen so you can get unbanned to come and get yourself laughed at again, basically the entire existence of most Indian trolls on this forum is summed up right there. Can’t live without being laughed at by Pakistanis and the rest of the world.
Like I care if I get banned mate? It's just a forum like any other platform not anyone's life :lol: Don't get frustrated on reading hard facts
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