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Indian Army is mobilizing tanks and troops along the internationl boundary with Pakistan-OSINT

The suicide bombing in Pulwama.
Which was done by a local Kashmiri using local materials and local abettors. The bomber was motivated by the brutality and occupation perpetrated by Indian security forces. Even CPRF movement related intel would be something that would have to be obtained locally and the recce and would have to be local. IED/VBIED expertise, as I’ve pointed out before, is extensively available with multiple terrorist groups in the region, including many anti-Pakistan groups.

The provocation is viewed as a ‘Pakistani provocation’ because the Modi regime and Indian media have chosen to throw all rational analysis and objectivity out the window in exchange for an anti-Pakistan hatemongering campaign.

It is very brave of Pakistan to stand up to the pressure and the bullying, but it might have been easier if she had taken steps before being called to account for her action, or her inaction. Now it sounds hollow, not to me, but to those whom you need to convince - even as you stand ramrod straight against them and defy them.
The flip side of that coin, sir, is that all this grandstanding about Indians ‘having had enough’ and the bravado of ‘teaching Pakistan a lesson’ would carry far more weight had India not been an occupying force that has subjugated the Kashmiris through force and, from the Pakistani perspective, continues to occupy territory that would be Pakistani were India to allow the Kashmiris to exercise their right to self-determination per the UNSC Resolutions that the Indian government committed to multiple times, resolutions that the Simla Agreement endorses in fact.

This ‘Indian bravado’ would carry far more weight were it not also for the fact that India fomented a terrorist insurgency in Pakistani territory and broke the country apart in 1971, with hundreds of thousands of Eas and West Pakistanis dead as a result.

So Indians can take their ‘teach Pakistan a leason’ bravado and shove it up Modi’s arse - Pakistanis, and Kashmiris, have seen, experienced and suffered far worse at Indian hands (and terrorists like the TTP) to be cowed by, or care for, Indian whining and crying over a handful of incidents that are a direct result of continued Indian occupation of Kashmir and India’s intransigence over resolving the dispute.

One is unfortunately inured to this pattern of gradual alteration of stance until a full 180 degree turn is achieved.

The story is the same. Read the entire set of statements issued by the DG ISPR over the past few days instead of listening to the Indian media that has already been shown to be pushing lies -

1. F-16’s were not employed in the strikes but we’re deployed as support
2. No F-16’s were shot down
3. 2 IAF fighter jets were shot down

Do explain what exactly has changed with the stories.

So tell me. If Pakistan lines up all its F-16s and you do a count. Would you then be satisfied?
No. They’ll continue to believe the ‘sources of information’ being fed to them in the face of all the satellite imagery contradicting their claims.
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False. 350 was stated by a government minister.

300 killed was never claimed by the govt/MOD or the military spokesperson.
It was pushed by the media.
It was later NTRO that came out on record to say that at the time of strikes they were tracking 300 active mobile phone signals from the target location, but ofc that doesnt mean all of them died. Either ways, 300 figure was never present in any official communication of the Indian Govt.

Also, Pak has moved from 'no F-16 were used' to 'all planes were in the air' to 'F16 may have been used'.
What is this 'may have been'?
In 1971 our
90k figure is vastly exaggerated. It includes non combatant government employees. Even PIA baggage handlers were claimed as soldiers. True figure is like 30k. But like much around 71, the figures are exaggerated.

Pakistan's conventional offensive capability is greater then it has ever been. Should India chose to push things further, Pakistan can defend its territory and strike back at India's much lauded economy. Jamnagar oil refinery is within rocket artillery range of Pakistan. How can you maintain 7% growth and fight a war with knocked out oil refineries? You can't.
military failure was only 10%. 90% was political failure due to traitors so relax, learn the lessons and move on
If there was nothing on those locations, then the right approach would have been making a detailed report of India's action and bringing it to world table by taking all the global media to location and doing live reporting, releasing the satellite images of pre and post action and accusing India of wrong doing and demanding sanctions and actions by global powers
You think we are Sri Lanka or Bangladesh or Myanmar or Nepal or Bhutan that we will do this? We will hit you back with double force, you must be crazy to think you can hit us without getting hit twice
Have you considered that it's ISPR that's lying?

Do you know that India's story hasn't changed, but Pakistan's has been changing?
India’s story has also been debunked by international independent reporting and satellite image analysis. So we know India is clearly lying there.

ISPR’s story hasn’t changed beyond the initial confusion around how many pilots were captured. F-16’s were not used in the actual strikes across the LoC and that remains the situation in the most recent statement.
They have been defeated in this skirmish. Now they will try to bring these skirmishes on wording problems. In other words on philosophical/historical ground.

Of course they cannot change their DNA which is LYING.
i believe that india has captured some of our posts near akhnoor dagger.this type of operation from indian side was expected and today they denied capturing any pakistani posts because they don't want attention from all over the world
This Modi regime has no qualms about violating the IB and continuing to claim massive casualties in an attack on sovereign Pakistani territory - do you really think Modi would let an opportunity to publicize the capture of Pakistani posts along the LoC go by, especially after the humiliation on the 26th and 27th of February?

Great analysis thread...minus the patriotic posts.

Count the graves of innocent Kashmiris. Each one is an indictment. Blood is never spilt in vain. It comes back to haunt the murderer, sooner rather than later.

Those have been counted, and are a fraction of the graves of those recruited, trained, armed and infiltrated into Kashmir. Indictment indeed; of those whose fingers pulled the trigger, or of those who pushed them in front to face bullets when their own methods and resources failed? That spilt blood will certainly come back and haunt the guilty; those who sheltered the preachers of hate, those who sheltered the organisations dedicated to terror, those whose armed forces actively participated in these subterranean wars.

I just want to see him try and counter it.


Tactically---even in the US---the President has no clue about the response---other than the military telling the president about different intensities of response and the President pick the one he wants to---.

You assumption of who the real boss is incorrect---.

When you sit in fron of the generals in your chair with legs crossed and use a pointy finger to give them directives and the generals are sitting with both their feet planted on the ground and looking at IK---then there is only on BOSS in the room---and that is IK---.

IK has too much intellectual and character strength to just be ruled over by the generals---.

I can tell you this---from an insider---all generals stand inline and ask " Sir how high do I need to jump "---.

It is really too much to believe that the favourite son of the military is now telling the military what to do. We saw what happened when the civilian administration tried to tighten its hold; an open coup, replacement of a legally elected government, a military dictatorship - and now we are asked to believe that the generals only pause to ask how high to jump.

If you say so, if you say so.

Why should we, or anyone else, labour the point?

This current development of Indian action against Kashmir fighters inside Pakistani control Azad Kashmir have shattered the idea that due to presence of nuclear weapons to both country nobody would escalate the situation due to fear of nuclear strike .
now its clear that India will conduct this kind of surgical strike in spite of having Nasr or other nuclear weapons as nay use of nuclear weapons will brings equal reaction from other sides .
Now its imperative Pakistan developed conventional deterrence too to counter any escalation . 27th February might be a proud moment for PAF and Pakistan but not a example for future aggression by India .

This was the essence of my note, but instead of having any effect, it triggered a series of posts denying any complicity by Pakistan in the terrorism that is going on in J&K.

Oh well.....
Those have been counted, and are a fraction of the graves of those recruited, trained, armed and infiltrated into Kashmir. Indictment indeed; of those whose fingers pulled the trigger, or of those who pushed them in front to face bullets when their own methods and resources failed? That spilt blood will certainly come back and haunt the guilty; those who sheltered the preachers of hate, those who sheltered the organisations dedicated to terror, those whose armed forces actively participated in these subterranean wars.

It is really too much to believe that the favourite son of the military is now telling the military what to do. We saw what happened when the civilian administration tried to tighten its hold; an open coup, replacement of a legally elected government, a military dictatorship - and now we are asked to believe that the generals only pause to ask how high to jump.

If you say so, if you say so.

Why should we, or anyone else, labour the point?

This was the essence of my note, but instead of having any effect, it triggered a series of posts denying any complicity by Pakistan in the terrorism that is going on in J&K.

Oh well.....

One mans terrorists is another man's freedom fighter. Adil Ahmad Dar turned against India because of heavy handed Indian security forces. Unless this is acknowledged, your comments are a waste of time here. Even western think tanks are pointing this out....as to why a bilateral framework for a Kashmir resolution is not possible. All this drama on the Indian side is changing global views on Kashmir but not in a way India wants. Keep it up. Your hurting yourself as well.
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You think we are Sri Lanka or Bangladesh or Myanmar or Nepal or Bhutan that we will do this?

Actually, they are doing much better than you lot. Should tell you something about autami kuwaat and what not. That strategy has now been sent to the dustbin, with the crossing of the IB.

One mans terrorists is another man's freedom fighter. Adil Ahmad Dar turned against India because of heavy handed Indian security forces. Unless this is acknowledged, your comments are a waste of time here. Even western think tanks are pointing this out....as to why a bilateral framework for a Kashmir resolution is not possible. All this drama on the Indian side is changing global views on Kashmir but not in a way India wants. Keep it up. Your hurting yourself as well.

All of this could have made sense, pre-Pulwama. It could also have made sense post-Pulwama, had IK Niazi responded instead of not acknowledging the terrorist act.

Now, the thinking across the board has changed. Including the Congress, except for few fringe regional parties. The LoC is no longer considered as an option to be converted into IB, which was palatable earlier. If you think, this is an operation you are sadly mistaken. There is a change in the overall strategy to deal with Pakistan. Specifically the PA.

This Modi regime has no qualms about violating the IB and continuing to claim massive casualties in an attack on sovereign Pakistani territory - do you really think Modi would let an opportunity to publicize the capture of Pakistani posts along the LoC go by, especially after the humiliation on the 26th and 27th of February?

It is not just Modi. For the first time, you can see the Congress changing track vis-a-vis Pak. The key was to see what Rahul Gandhi had to say. Couple of Congress spokesperson opened their mouths. But, Rahul Gandhi came out and said very simple sentence. He understands what is happening and stands with the GoI on the response. This is a major directional change.

While political parties will be political parties, overall strategy to deal with the Pakistani State, specifically the PA has been agreed across board.
Actually, they are doing much better than you lot. Should tell you something about autami kuwaat and what not. That strategy has now been sent to the dustbin, with the crossing of the IB.

All of this could have made sense, pre-Pulwama. It could also have made sense post-Pulwama, had IK Niazi responded instead of not acknowledging the terrorist act.

Now, the thinking across the board has changed. Including the Congress, except for few fringe regional parties. The LoC is no longer considered as an option to be converted into IB, which was palatable earlier. If you think, this is an operation you are sadly mistaken. There is a change in the overall strategy to deal with Pakistan. Specifically the PA.

It is not just Modi. For the first time, you can see the Congress changing track vis-a-vis Pak. The key was to see what Rahul Gandhi had to say. Couple of Congress spokesperson opened their mouths. But, Rahul Gandhi came out and said very simple sentence. He understands what is happening and stands with the GoI on the response. This is a major directional change.

While political parties will be political parties, overall strategy to deal with the Pakistani State, specifically the PA has been agreed across board.
Pakistanis are under no illusion as far as choosing between Congress and RSS/BJP are concerned. Both are anti Muslim / anti Pakistan parties. Modi's methods are open, direct and overt. COngress is cunning, covert and indirect. end result of both is same i.e. hatred for Muslims and Islam.
For your directional change which you mentioned one can only say that you have accelerated the process of your own TOTAL destruction. Modi has signed his own death warrant my friend. It is a matter of concern for you nothing to celebrate.
Pakistanis are under no illusion as far as choosing between Congress and RSS/BJP are concerned. Both are anti Muslim / anti Pakistan parties. Modi's methods are open, direct and overt. COngress is cunning, covert and indirect. end result of both is same i.e. hatred for Muslims and Islam.
For your directional change which you mentioned one can only say that you have accelerated the process of your own TOTAL destruction. Modi has signed his own death warrant my friend. It is a matter of concern for you nothing to celebrate.

You are entitled to you opinion, my friend.
You are entitled to you opinion, my friend.
I wish we sub-cintinetians could live like brothers but if its not possible and everybody is destined to burn then its not a bad deal for me because its my faith that the real life starts after death. For an eternal luxurious life i am ready to face the nuclear fireball for a few seconds. Not a bad deal by any standards.
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