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Indian Army incapable of fighting war

And why you (india) is pretending to be innocents you're backing off Baluchistan insurgency/ Kahber puktunka (NWFP) insurgey based on Afghanistan, you're sponsoring/spreading terrorism all over Pakistan via Iran/Afghanistan, you forget yadev/sarbajeet singh and lots of unnamed spy/Terrorists came from India and try to destabilized Pakistan since 47 @Minho
well, you sent kesab , let it go, its derailing. some other time on some other thread.
well, you sent kesab , let it go, its derailing. some other time on some other thread.
Another blame on Pakistan, you (indian agencies) claimed Kasab came wit 300 kg of explosives from Ranch of Kuch, how its possible, its your beloved RAW drama to propagandize against Pakistan at world level, you (India) is a biggest threat/mess for the PEACE OF THE SUBCONTINENT @Minho
Another blame on Pakistan, you (indian agencies) claimed Kasab came wit 300 kg of explosives from Ranch of Kuch, how its possible, its your beloved RAW drama to propagandize against Pakistan at world level, you (India) is a biggest threat/mess for the PEACE OF THE SUBCONTINENT @Minho
ya, raw killed 166 indians, amazing. the lengths you would go to deny it. wont reply to so much ingenuity. not fond of such bogus conspiracies.
ya, raw killed 166 indians, amazing. the lengths you would go to deny it. wont reply to so much ingenuity. not fond of such bogus conspiracies.
Yeah look at you (Shining Pathetic India) their is lots of videos in PDF that lots of extremist terrorist hindus terrorizing minorities especially Muslims of India, and you don't gives my main questions why Kasab take 300 kg explosive from Ranch of Kuch and what are your BSF doing along the border and can't intercept Kasab with explosive and last there is long way to go from Ran of Kuch to Mumbai, why You (Indian agencies) shouldn't intercept Kasab was on the way to Mumbai blast, You (India) is creating Conspiracy theories not us @Minho
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Precisely, its way better for IA to disect than to fight a long intense gruelling battle on mountain tops. Btw why isnt the west populated ? Rivers and irrigation ?

Pakistan's population habitation is still largely based on historic routes of migration, fortification and trade.

We are a largely migrant population with roots in the north and the west.
ya, raw killed 166 Indians, amazing. the lengths you would go to deny it. wont reply to so much ingenuity. not fond of such bogus conspiracies.
I think you are new in the art of warfare. everybody know your 4th gen warfare attack on us but we debunk your lie where
your insurgency group or non-state side trying to implement your own mess upon us. Hindu Baniya is very good in farting the blurring of lines between state and non-state in a democracy by the power of the India media Jhoot ki factory but the world already knows you are certified, liar.
well, i ddint deny local militancy but its not a secret anymore that pakistan uses jem, let and others as a cost effective tool. The bleeding by 1000 cuts didnt come out of thin air. And if you see the threads many pakistanis also say after the article 370 scrapping to send more mujahids and jihadis to India. Why even contest it ?
Bhaktistan has come out of the woodwork and openly stated it wants azad Kashmir. The man who said this is part of a cabinet elected to power on an overwhelming majority. His opinion reflects that of saffron masses. Pakistani concerns have been proven valid. Our military was right all along, since 1947, that the real face of your pathetic nation is that of an anti-Gandhi, anti-secular, Hindutva state, that seeks to attack or convert or at least subdue Muslims wherever possible. I could write a thesis on how bhaktistan has oppressed Muslims in India, without even touching on Kashmir and Pakistan.

Those of your ilk who present willingly this pseudo-secular, pseudo-rational image of India with your pseudo-rational explainers regarding terrorism are blown completely out of the water by the real face of India that has now emerged from behind the bushes. It takes quite some nerve to criticise any steps Pakistan takes to protect itself and Kashmiris civilians when bhaktistan engages in total hybrid war to damage, harm, maim, blind and kill Muslims. The real India has nothing to do with Gandhi or Nehru. The truth is now laid bare.

You live in a Hindutva extremist state, democratically representing the will of your people, and you either accept it like a coward, support it willingly, or are in deliberate denial about it as an internal defence mechanism.
Lets not be military planers as they are well above us and know much much more then us. At times I love to hate Mustana Khan but he was right that our response on the 27th Feb and day before when Indian air force killed the crow was well under par and we dithered and didn't showed the resolve we needed it and didn't do the good job and could have inflicted much more damage on the Indian air force. Opportunity was in our grasp and we squandered it, may be we over estimated Indian air force, heavy losses to Indian air force at that night and on the 27th Feb could have made Modi to think again. Then again we caved in of Indian missile attack threat, we have got big hearts we could have absorbed the pain as we are used to it. Response on few Indian cities could have given the pain they are not used to it and their economy would have nosed dived like kamakazi bomber and investors would have ran out of India like dodo. Its always us who makes the wrong decisions may be lack of foresight or may be short term gain, only Allah knows what goes on in our leaders heads. Its my 2 cents.

I and @MastanKhan had been raising these points since February 19, facing stiff resistance here.
The evil has to be stopped in its track. Now PM IK has pointed it out to the world.
Today I have responded to an Indian's tweet. Here is the conversation for the members to understand what kind of filth is infested the Brains of Indians by Modi etal. We cannot fight this cancer with peace overtures.

Bhaktistan has come out of the woodwork and openly stated it wants azad Kashmir. The man who said this is part of a cabinet elected to power on an overwhelming majority. His opinion reflects that of saffron masses. Pakistani concerns have been proven valid. Our military was right all along, since 1947, that the real face of your pathetic nation is that of an anti-Gandhi, anti-secular, Hindutva state, that seeks to attack or convert or at least subdue Muslims wherever possible. I could write a thesis on how bhaktistan has oppressed Muslims in India, without even touching on Kashmir and Pakistan.

Those of your ilk who present willingly this pseudo-secular, pseudo-rational image of India with your pseudo-rational explainers regarding terrorism are blown completely out of the water by the real face of India that has now emerged from behind the bushes. It takes quite some nerve to criticise any steps Pakistan takes to protect itself and Kashmiris civilians when bhaktistan engages in total hybrid war to damage, harm, maim, blind and kill Muslims. The real India has nothing to do with Gandhi or Nehru. The truth is now laid bare.

You live in a Hindutva extremist state, democratically representing the will of your people, and you either accept it like a coward, support it willingly, or are in deliberate denial about it as an internal defence mechanism.

Agree with all, what you have narrated so beautifully, but I have never believed in this lie that Nehru and Gandhi were secular, or something like it. They were "Soft Hindutvists", who thought that Muslim can be subdued more effectively, by adopting secularism, as a political narrative. Never forget that attack on Kashmir was ordered by Nehru, with full support of Gandhi and Lord Mountbatten.
Precisely, its way better for IA to disect than to fight a long intense gruelling battle on mountain tops. Btw why isnt the west populated ? Rivers and irrigation ?
Lol dissection strategy is funny and being fed to naive indians like you for a long period of time.In 1965 you tried that but ended up losing parts of your own territory.So learn something from your past.The moment you cross the international border the war will taken into your own territory, dissection is a far next difficult thing;)
I and @MastanKhan had been raising these points since February 19, facing stiff resistance here.
The evil has to be stopped in its track. Now PM IK has pointed it out to the world.
Today I have responded to an Indian's tweet. Here is the conversation for the members to understand what kind of filth is infested the Brains of Indians by Modi etal. We cannot fight this cancer with peace overtures.

The idea of "Akhand Bharat" is not bad, at all, provided, under some forced mechanism, it is ruled by Muslims, as it happened during the medieval periods. This Muslim rule shall ensure that fundamental rights of Hindus, as subjects, are protected, in accordance with the Islam.:p::p::p:
I and @MastanKhan had been raising these points since February 19, facing stiff resistance here.
The evil has to be stopped in its track. Now PM IK has pointed it out to the world.
Today I have responded to an Indian's tweet. Here is the conversation for the members to understand what kind of filth is infested the Brains of Indians by Modi etal. We cannot fight this cancer with peace overtures.

I think peace is not possible with India any more unless US intervenes other then that we need to prepare for the war as its not a choice any more. Its matter of time when they are going to raise their ugly head somewhere else and we will have even more limited choices. I know wars are not cheap or pretty and our finances can't afford it but we need to do what ever we can do to stop this maniac.
Its like mediaeval times death and destruction on enormous scale but today war will be on our terms while tomorrow they will attack us anyway. He had 5 years of brain washing Indians, imagine 5 more years will do to that country.
Can u explain what u mean by attack on kashmir for clarification ?
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