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Indian Army deploying gunship helicopters, battle tanks along Pakistan border: Russian media

Well you can introduce me to any Parsi girl.

But thing is you would still become extinct. I with all my efforts can't save your kind.

Good riddance I guess. :)

I would.

But they tend to look at you guys as some sort of communicable dermatological disease.

And the bald head is a little off-putting too ...

Cheers, Doc
I would.

But they tend to look at you guys as some sort of communicable dermatological disease.

And the bald head is a little off-putting too ...

Cheers, Doc

They look at their male in same manner too. And the result is impending extinction.

As said before. Good riddance.
You ashamed of your name, Dalit Kumar?

No buddy, if that were the case we would have attacked Pakistan long time back, multiple times. But what India is sure about is that if we mobilise our forces to the border, Pakistan will be forced to do that same there by straining your already overstretched army as well as strained economy. Not sure, but this is what I could understand (if the news is true). :-)
They look at their male in same manner too. And the result is impending extinction.

As said before. Good riddance.

The fuk like minks bro.

They just don't fuk landyas.

Especially little nuni Gujju blowhard internet tough guys with shaven pubes.

Cheers, Doc
They fuk themselves. Hence the extinction.

See you in the museum behind a glass wall :)

They actually fuk Persian bloodlines only.

You wudnt know because all you got to fuk were little Gujju girls in backless cholis.

Oh weve fucked them too. Because we come with naans and not little bald nunnis with banjar khet.

Cheers, Doc
They actually fuk Persian bloodlines only.

You wudnt know because all you got to fuk were little Gujju girls in backless cholis.

Oh weve fucked them too. Because we come with naans and not little blad nunnis with banjar khet.

Cheers, Doc

And they failed with Persian bloodlines. Just like their ancestors failed Persia itself

Anyways. Perfect case of good riddance I guess. :)
And they failed with Persian bloodlines. Just like their ancestors failed Persia itself

Anyways. Perfect case of good riddance I guess. :)

As long as they don't touch little bald headed Gujju nunnis, I'd say they succeeded.

Happy wanking your thepla girls. Some of them can be quite ... aggressive.

Cheers, Doc
As long as they don't touch little bald headed Gujju nunnis, I'd say they succeeded.

Happy wanking your thepla girls. Some of them can be quite ... aggressive.

Cheers, Doc

We wish more such success for them. Just to fasten the extinction process which we would love lot more than any Parsi girl. :)
We wish more such success for them. Just to fasten the extinction process which we would love lot more than any Parsi girl. :)

Little Gujju landya, you wouldnt get a Parsi girl if you drew her with chalk and crayons.

Cheers, Doc
i think u.s will support india this time so this is not going to be easy war for us particularly if u.s and israel start to intercept our missiles and carpet bomb our nuclear or military and airbases by using b2 bombers or nuclears submarines
A lot of behind the screen indian hero's here , just hope that it doesn't come upon you war is nothing good and its not Bollywood.
And you can't escape extinction even if you rape all the women traveling in Delhi public transport. :)

We come full circle peanut nunni.

Never needed to rape a girl to get sex.

You? Is that why they do the khatna? So that she can say thanks for the tip?

Cheers, Doc
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