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Indian Army chief admits to killing of 10 Pak soldiers

The next time someone asks me why we're worried about Indian aggression when they're such a peaceloving nation, I'll show them this guy. While the majority of your people may be people concerned more about their jobs and family rather than us, we know that people like this guy exist.

You are worried about Indian aggression because of one PDF member's words? Then you should also be worried about alien races invading you, and siding with India. This is the internet; you will hear every possible attitude.

Judge a country by its behaviour and track record. India did not start any wars to capture Pakistani Kashmir, did not send 'non state actors' to Kargil. Kashmir wars were all started by Pak.
You are worried about Indian aggression because of one PDF member's words? Then you should also be worried about alien races invading you, and siding with India. This is the internet; you will hear every possible attitude.

Judge a country by its behaviour and track record. India did not start any wars to capture Pakistani Kashmir, did not send 'non state actors' to Kargil. Kashmir wars were all started by Pak.

My point being, we're constantly told that our army's defenses across the east are not needed as India will never start an aggression against us, and that we should focus our army toward the west. But people like him exist in India who wish to do us harm, and they vote.
Geo & Jang group as famous for running false stories.

Except they're not. There is this great amount of anti-Geo sentiment, because they don't report what people like you want to hear. Reporting news isn't supposed to be about circle jerking, it's about telling the masses about which reports you've received.

I have my problems with Geo, because (like most sensationalist media) they report before verifying their stories. Having said that, every news channel in Pakistan is guilty of it, EVERY SINGLE ONE (INCLUDING DUNYA), Geo is just being targeted because it's the biggest and most popular one in Pakistan.

There is this paranoia in Pakistani mentality that everyone who doesn't think Pakistan is the greatest nation on earth, or says that Pakistan has made terrible mistakes is automatically a traitor working for RAW, Mossad or the CIA.
I think he is referring the action after the beheading. There were one officer among dead.
Except they're not. There is this great amount of anti-Geo sentiment, because they don't report what people like you want to hear. Reporting news isn't supposed to be about circle jerking, it's about telling the masses about which reports you've received.

I have my problems with Geo, because (like most sensationalist media) they report before verifying their stories. Having said that, every news channel in Pakistan is guilty of it, EVERY SINGLE ONE (INCLUDING DUNYA), Geo is just being targeted because it's the biggest and most popular one in Pakistan.

There is this paranoia in Pakistani mentality that everyone who doesn't think Pakistan is the greatest nation on earth, or says that Pakistan has made terrible mistakes is automatically a traitor working for RAW, Mossad or the CIA.

Where there is Pakistani mentality that everyone who doesn't think Pakistan is greatest nation on earth is traitor, there is also a mentality that anyone who criticize undue criticism/bashing state institute & exaggerating things is backward or close minded or jealous. Both of these mentalities are idiotic & foolish.
Should an army chief be really talking in this manner for starters ? I mean is he a tribal warlord / local militia commander to boast of causalities caused on other side ? The count - true , untrue could have been released by the spokesperson or anybody else from the army . This is surprising , very surprising to see the head talking in such tone and responding like members on a forum .
Should an army chief be really talking in this manner for starters ? I mean is he a tribal warlord / local militia commander to boast of causalities caused on other side ? The count - true , untrue could have been released by the spokesperson or anybody else from the army . This is surprising , very surprising to see the head talking in such tone and responding like members on a forum .

That was precisely my comment on this thread as soon as it was started. However, I soon realized that the headline is the newspaper's, and not a verbatim quote from him. It's not like he went into the press conference with arms raised triumphantly and said ''We killed 10 Pakistani soldiers.'' That's the newspaper highlighting what stood out for them.
However, I soon realized that the headline is the newspaper's, and not a verbatim quote from him.

Mate , he did say that , in whatever way . I mean do you see any need for that ? The same would have been reported by the media wing of IA if he so desired to reveal it , a man at such high position shouldn't really be talking like that .
It is important to communicate. When there are reports of a head being paraded in some village, the soldiers will ask what we did to retaliate. It is not only important for the soldiers but also to the community as a whole to realize that we don't ignore a soldiers death.
Where there is Pakistani mentality that everyone who doesn't think Pakistan is greatest nation on earth is traitor, there is also a mentality that anyone who criticize undue criticism/bashing state institute & exaggerating things is backward or close minded or jealous. Both of these mentalities are idiotic & foolish.

I agree, they are idiotic and foolish. I disagree though when you suggest that there is undue criticism towards state institutions coming from Geo. If anything, there should be extreme scrutiny from media organizations on a wide scale on these institutions, because these institutions have proven they cannot be trusted to tell the truth. Politicians should be harassed about their work, military officials should be put under the microscope if they're even remotely rumored to be ignoring civilian government oversight. Most of all, the judiciary should have an independent watchdog to oversee it's handling of cases, and to make sure it doesn't overstep it's authority.
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