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Indian Army chief admits to killing of 10 Pak soldiers

Until of course an even more 'fitting' rejoinder comes across LOC!

We need to calm down rather than go around telling how many of the other side we killed. That is why I wondered what got into Jarnail sb.
It seems why this Pak casualty count was mentioned by the chief now was because the media and many commentators were of the view that the Indian Army was hesitant to take any action against the infiltrating terrorists and Pak Army soldiers supporting them. However, an adequate response was given, especially during the Keran ops which came under a lot of fire from the media as no casualties on the Pakistan side were reported and things didn't seem to be moving ahead. This needed to be clarified and the record set straight to show that the IA wasn't in doze mode and had taken appropriate action to throw the infiltrators and the PA out of own territory.

In fact some analysts even went to the extent of asking why heavy artillery was not used to pulverize the abandoned village on the Indian side of the LoC where the terrorists, supported by BAT teams and SSG were taking cover, waiting for an opportune time to infiltrate. They probably did that seeing that the chief mentioned that ceasefire violations would be responded to with 'fire assaults' - a term usually used for artillery barrages.
It seems why this Pak casualty count was mentioned by the chief now was because the media and many commentators were of the view that the Indian Army was hesitant to take any action against the infiltrating terrorists and Pak Army soldiers supporting them. However, an adequate response was given, especially during the Keran ops which came under a lot of fire from the media as no casualties on the Pakistan side were reported and things didn't seem to be moving ahead. This needed to be clarified and the record set straight to show that the IA wasn't in doze mode and had taken appropriate action to throw the infiltrators and the PA out of own territory.

In fact some analysts even went to the extent of asking why heavy artillery was not used to pulverize the abandoned village on the Indian side of the LoC where the terrorists, supported by BAT teams and SSG were taking cover, waiting for an opportune time to infiltrate. They probably did that seeing that the chief mentioned that ceasefire violations would be responded to with 'fire assaults' - a term usually used for artillery barrages.
The media did show the bodies of 5 militants killed who were seen lying just across the wire fence, well inside Indian territory in the Keran sector.

But whether they were militants or Pak army troops dressed as militants (BATS?) is not known. I wonder if the IA retrieved those dead bodies?
I am a rather reluctant peace monger myself. But I do not go about telling others that it is us Pakistanis who are more peace loving and more wronged than Indians.

Its a game. Both sides are at it. Neither can claim a morally superior stance. That was my point. I remember very shrill posts about violations and such. Hence my observation.

Among India and Pakistan, India is certainly a more peace wanting nation.. And not because it has a higher moral ground or that we are peace loving by nature. Its simply because status quo suites us and we dont desire anything that Pakistan possesses. The same is not true for Pakistan as it wants the part of Kashmir that is part of Indian territory. Hence peace does not suite its agenda.. The same is baked into the narrative as well from both India and Pakistani side.. Pakistan is portrayed as an aggressor simply because it is since that is the only approach it has to try and take Kashmir
Among India and Pakistan, India is certainly a more peace wanting nation.. And not because it has a higher moral ground or that we are peace loving by nature. Its simply because status quo suites us and we dont desire anything that Pakistan possesses. The same is not true for Pakistan as it wants the part of Kashmir that is part of Indian territory. Hence peace does not suite its agenda.. The same is baked into the narrative as well from both India and Pakistani side.. Pakistan is portrayed as an aggressor simply because it is since that is the only approach it has to try and take Kashmir

Doesn't Indians lay their claim to POOK ?? How could you conclude that India is happy with status quo ?? What about delinking China from Pakistan ?? I hate pacifists like you. What India need is to keep powder dry while waiting for opportune moment and keep wageing new generation war to internally distablise Pakistan. Stable and economically resolute Pakistan would only harm India.

Yes we need more than just diplomatic investment in Iran and Afghanistanistan.
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Doesn't Indians lay their claim on POOK ?? How could you conclude that India is happy with status quo ?? What about delinking China from Pakistan ?? I hate pacifists like you. What India need is to keep powder dry while waiting for opportune moment and keep wageing new generation war to internally distablise Pakistan. Stable and economically resolute Pakistan would only harm India.

Yes we need more than just diplomatic investment in Iran and Afghanistanistan.
Even the person in your profile pic wont agree with your views, but that is your opinion. However do show some respect to senior members, he was responding not to you anyway.( He is certainly not a pacifist).
On topic this is not new but if the Army chief is admitting then its surprising.
Doesn't Indians lay their claim on POOK ?? How could you conclude that India is happy with status quo ?? What about delinking China from Pakistan ?? I hate pacifists like you. What India need is to keep powder dry while waiting for opportune moment and keep wageing new generation war to internally distablise Pakistan. Stable and economically resolute Pakistan would only harm India.

Yes we need more than just diplomatic investment in Iran and Afghanistanistan.

Please inform the Mod team of my being a pacifist.. They keep banning me for anti Pakistan stances :lol:
Two cents:

1.) What the big deal its pakistan that blames India but if we accepts even then they have stomach pain. :undecided:

2.) We don't provoke or start the war but we end it. :angel:
Even the person in your profile pic wont agree with your views, but that is your opinion. However do show some respect to senior members, he was responding not to you anyway.( He is certainly not a pacifist).
On topic this is not new but if the Army chief is admitting then its surprising.


je baat :cheers: :yay:

But did ISPR report it ?? No, it seems they hide their casualties.
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Doesn't Indians lay their claim on POOK ?? How could you conclude that India is happy with status quo ?? What about delinking China from Pakistan ?? I hate pacifists like you. What India need is to keep powder dry while waiting for opportune moment and keep wageing new generation war to internally distablise Pakistan. Stable and economically resolute Pakistan would only harm India.

Yes we need more than just diplomatic investment in Iran and Afghanistanistan.

The next time someone asks me why we're worried about Indian aggression when they're such a peaceloving nation, I'll show them this guy. While the majority of your people may be people concerned more about their jobs and family rather than us, we know that people like this guy exist.
The next time someone asks me why we're worried about Indian aggression when they're such a peaceloving nation, I'll show them this guy. While the majority of your people may be people concerned more about their jobs and family rather than us, we know that people like this guy exist.
Never mind. It takes all types to make this world! :D
The next time someone asks me why we're worried about Indian aggression when they're such a peaceloving nation, I'll show them this guy. While the majority of your people may be people concerned more about their jobs and family rather than us, we know that people like this guy exist.

Was this supposed to be revelation for you that India has own plans to counter constantly irritating Pakistan ??
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