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Indian Army Bunkers & Tunnels are Toast on LOC

I hope most indians from this forum come on the border and end up with the same fate.
Why only Indians from forum come on the border, pakistani member too can come on the border and join the live action there.
There is news of at least 3 PA casualties in LOC firing whose pics going around on pakistan social media, when will Ispr accept them ?? @Windjammer @Areesh @hussain0216

Right after Indian army would go beyond accepting just one death at a time

I wonder why Indian army loses just one soldier at one time and what exactly that one poor guy was doing all alone at loc :lol:
Right after Indian army would go beyond accepting just one death at a time

I wonder why Indian army loses just one soldier at one time and what exactly that one poor guy was doing all alone at loc :lol:
Okay, let me tell you the difference.

I often see it, pakistani social media reporting burials of PA soldiers that were never reported in the news media or ISPR, While India with lot more people in social media, I never saw any instance when casualties making rounding social media, but not finding mention in indian media or official military sources.
Okay, let me tell you the difference.

I often see it, pakistani social media reporting burials of PA soldiers that were never reported in the news media or ISPR, While India with lot more people in social media, I never saw any instance when casualties making rounding social media, but not finding mention in indian media or official military sources.

Just because there is a burial video on social media does not mean it happened due to indian fire or some action or even if it is latest as those videos show. Social media is fake and so is Pakistani social media where people post pictures of soldiers to get likes

Now dozens of indian soldiers have died in avalanches, accidents right along with loc and in kashmir but very few have been declared to be because of Pakistani fire even though as per india it self ceasefire violations are at an all time record high by Pakistan

And even those few casualties are reported just one at a time. Like only one lone soldier was standing alone at loc and got killed

There is a clear pattern here and we all can see that ;)
Okay, let me tell you the difference.

I often see it, pakistani social media reporting burials of PA soldiers that were never reported in the news media or ISPR, While India with lot more people in social media, I never saw any instance when casualties making rounding social media, but not finding mention in indian media or official military sources.
there is a huge fire at LOC, there are videos, ever wonder why no body in indian side is even reporting it real or fake .. daal mein kuch kala hai? Kabhi socha hai kya kuch chupati hai apki senak?surely its not a Pakistani post otherwise your media will be all over it already...
Your side is silent because there is no rebuttal at all.. Our social media is free not heavily censored... we don't go to Twitter or Facebook to block this account or block that post.. kunye k mendak..
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Well then there are also these pictures all over the social media, when will Indian MOD come up with some story of an accident or mishaps.



What a fucked up country and army it is.
These poor souls (i really feel pity for them as well but they deserve it as they themselves joined the army) fight for the modi narrative and the chiefs and all they get in the end is “NO RECOGNITION” and their country “FEELS EMBARRASSED” of them.

At least we proudly confirm the Shahadats of our soldiers
Right after Indian army would go beyond accepting just one death at a time

I wonder why Indian army loses just one soldier at one time and what exactly that one poor guy was doing all alone at loc :lol:
hanuman monkey army y
Right after Indian army would go beyond accepting just one death at a time

I wonder why Indian army loses just one soldier at one time and what exactly that one poor guy was doing all alone at loc :lol:
well he might be from lower caste so he was used as a bait maybe to know the position of fire lol
And how did u come to that definite conclusion indian army doesn't supplying good food to soldiers in front lines?
There has never been any such complain by soldiers, not one i've seen in the media. I know this particular thing has taken hold here in PDF after a BSF personnel complained food quality , but BSF has separate support system from the Army.
read - mountain warfare. and yes BSF complain is there too.
Facepalm....must be one of your country fellow desperate to soothe his bruised backside, the picture belongs to one of three soldiers who were Martyred in North Waziristan in 2018.#

Yep he clutches at straws and has been proved wrong over and over again.

Meanwhile India loses an officer, says a civilian has died (no name or who this person was, a mystery), and two soliders "burned to death in a car" all in the same time frame, coincidence or cover up?
They also lost two the other day.
5 in total, with one unconfirmed.
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