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Indian Army Bunkers & Tunnels are Toast on LOC

The reason why your still breathing is fact to that those "kaffirs" in the PA gave their lives to save your ungrateful arse. @waz what in the hell is this sh$t?
Islam emphasizes on humanity above anything else. Its disgusting to read the bs by @Mutakalim

Why you are so much frustrated? You are speaking the language of your Kafir saviours. I am not forcing my views on anyone.
I am not as learned as you but still can be right as were ashab-e-kahf or the person in Surah Yasin who came running to people to say ' listen to (3) Prophets' as those were not scholars but just know one main right thing.
I am just an ordinary Muslim with very little knowledge. I can be wrong on many occasions and will readily accept my mistakes. :-)
What's the latest guys?? Has India done anything yet??

India will not show any aggression towards Pakistan. Not until they have their Air defense S400-Rafales and training.

India is also mobilizing their forces which will take atleast 2-3 years.

Right now Indian is already under fire by creating anti-muslim citizenship law. Civil war is about to happen.

I do not see any major or limited conflict until 2022-23

The skirmishes at LoC have been happening for a long time.

Pray for our soldiers facing the enemy in this extreme cold and do not spare the corrupt sitting in the national assembly
They killed our people we killed them vycle comtinues been 80 years.. happens every week.
Agree with all the rest. India might try something on a very limited scale for now. The true timeline BJP/RSS warmongers themselves give is 2023. But their might be few elements within them that believe taking Pakistan before that is doable.

do not spare the corrupt sitting in the national assembly

Bhai PM Imran who was supposed to be the Messiah for Pakistani bani Israel has taken another uturn and reversed NAB laws.
Indeed, we take our guidance from our Hadi Syedi o Maulai Rasool Allah P.B.U.H. We love Him A.S more than any one else and we are committed to stand for his Deen. In the same spirit, we can not love or make friendships with His enemies or the people who rejected his Deen. Friends of Rasool Allah A.S are our friends and His enemies are our enemies. How can any follower of Rasool Allah A.S love or respect enemies of his Syedi o Hadi A.S? When Quran is clearly saying that:

Indeed, those who oppose Allah and His Messenger are abased as those before them were abased. And We have certainly sent down verses of clear evidence. And for the disbelievers is a humiliating punishment. Surah e Mujadla 5

Indeed, the ones who oppose Allah and His Messenger - those will be among the most humbled. Mujadla 20

Quran has given a clear verdict on this matter. Quran being the first source of shariah will be given preference. Quran is saying that those who appose Allah and His Messenger A.S are abased and you people are suggesting that they are respectable and we should love them. Can you quote any verse of Quran in which Quran consider non believers as respectable? As far as my knowledge of Quran goes, it is suggesting otherwise:

O Prophet, fight against the disbelievers and the hypocrites and be harsh upon them. And their refuge is Hell, and wretched is the destination. Surah e Toba 73

Quran does not distinguish between Pakistani Hindus and Indian Hindus, they belong to the same religion, the same Millat, the same nation. This notion is the basis of 'two nation theory'. The only difference between these two groups of non believers is the fact that Pakistani Hindus have accepted the supremacy of Islamic state and they vowed to remain loyal to this Islamic state. They are enjoying rights of freedom of religion and practice due to this agreement between them and Islamic state.

And fight against the disbelievers collectively as they fight against you collectively. And know that Allah is with the righteous [who fear Him]. Surah e Toba 36

Sir, you have stated rightly that Prophet P.B.U.H have made pacts with non believers and I am not denying this historical fact. However, you have drawn wrong conclusions from this fact like other prominent Muslim leaders who supported congress before partition. Can you please Quote a verse of Quran or Sahih Ahaades where Muslims were being commanded to respect, love or show affection towards non Muslims? You have given the example of pacts and then you just linked it to respect for non Muslims. Sir, I am unable to find any connection between these two things.

I am not advocating or supporting the persecution of Non Muslim Pakistanis. They should be given their due rights with utmost sincerity, they should be protected from persecution and they should be allowed to practice their religion freely. I dont know why you are discussing persecution issue. We dont have any difference of opinion regarding this.

We have to understand the difference between "Muamlaat" and "Mawalaat" with non believers. Islam does not stop Muslims to conduct wordily affairs of day to day life with non Muslims. All of the examples you quoted above are related to these matters. We are allowed to conduct trade with non Muslims, to establish relation with non Islamic states, to sign agreements and to interact in a peaceful way. All of this is permissible until such acts does not damage the interest of Muslims or not going against the basic principles of Shariah. If one or all such acts are opposing the principles of shariah then these "Muamlaat" are also not permissible.

"Mawalaat" with non Muslims is not permissible in any case. They can not be our fiends, they can not be our allies, we cant make love affairs with enemies of Rasool Allah A.S. We can not express or posses feelings of love and affection with non believers. It is prohibited in unambiguous terms in Quran itself:

O you who have believed, do not take your fathers or your brothers as allies if they have preferred disbelief over belief. And whoever does so among you - then it is those who are the wrongdoers.

Say, [O Muhammad], "If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your relatives, wealth which you have obtained, commerce wherein you fear decline, and dwellings with which you are pleased are more beloved to you than Allah and His Messenger and jihad in His cause, then wait until Allah executes His command. And Allah does not guide the defiantly disobedient people." Surah e Toba 23, 24

Please also keep in mind that Surah e Toba is among the surahs which were revealed at the last years of Prophetic missions.

Fiqh e Islami also makes a clear distinction between Muamlaat and Mawalaat. Muamlaat are permissible in those cases which are not directly or indirectly hurting the interest of Muslims or not going against the injunctions of shariah. Mawalaat are absolutely non permissible, in any case or form. These principles are also discussed and accepted by Islamic jurist in books like Radul Mukhtar, Jamae Ramooz, hidaya, bahr ur Raiq, Fath ul Qadeer, kaafi, tabayun, jamae Sagheer, Ghaya tul Bayan, ghuniya and maeraj ud daraya.

Jurist have further divided Mawalaat into various categories like Mawalat e Haqeeqi and Mawalaat e sauriya. These categories and their Ahkaam can be seen in above mentioned books. I am intentionally skipping the detail because then the discussion would become more complex.

Moreover, this debate is not a new one. Ulma e Rabaniyeen have already settled this issue when they rejected the arguments of some pro Congress Muslim leaders during the khilafat movement.

You have quoted the words of our Habeeb e Kareem A.S and the example of Adi ibn e Muttim without quoting references. Nevertheless, your example is just suggesting that Prophet A.S was returning the favour to a person who provided Him a shelter. Can this example and verses of Quran with clear and unambiguous verdicts be compared? For example in Surah e Fatah - which was also revealed in last years of Prophetic mission - Quran is highlighting the attributes of Ashab un Nabi:

Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah ; and those with him are forceful against the disbelievers, merciful among themselves. Surah e Fatah 29

Now Sir, Quran is saying that Ashab e Rasool were forceful against the disbelievers and you are suggesting that we should be gentle with them. I am finding clear contradictions between your statements and the word of God.

I never raised any objections to the humane behaviour of Muslims towards their Zimmis. I am infect a great admirer of this behaviour.

Muslims who joined Kafirs are still Muslims. Their treachery to the right cause make them traitors, defectors but not Kafirs. We will fight these traitors and will punish them for leaving the right cause. Nonetheless, a kafir and a non practicing or a bad Muslim can not become equal. Kafir is a kafir and can not be compared with a Muslim.

I never made such claims. However, I pray that may God lift me with Muslims and may God grant me a place alongside believers.

The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked [Your] anger or of those who are astray. Fatiha 7

Brother, who taught you this language? Only God is my saviour and no one else.

Surely, Kufaars are not my saviours.

Sir, I have clarified and defended my stance in above paragraphs while replying to Sir Araz. I hope it will clarify many misconceptions.
As Salamo Alaikum Wa Rehmatulahe wa barakatuhu.
My brother you have quoted the Quran which we all believe in but I fear ypou have done an injustice to it by misquoting.
I had to go back and listen to the tafseer of Surah Al mujadilah myself before I responded to you as I did not want to give you the wrong impression. This is what happens when you quote Ayat of Quran without knowing the context in which these Ayats were revealed.
Please understand the Motives of the Ayat of Mujadilah. It points in short to two scenarios.
A. The woman who complained to the Prophet SAW about the Arab Tradition of Hisaar(calling your wife like your mother or a part of your mother usually the back to discontinue relations with her.Laws were given in response to this and a way of getting out of this condition(ie freeing a slave, or 60 consecutive fasts or feeding 60 poor people what you would normally eat).
B. The practices of the Munafiqeen who:
1. Opposed the Prophet of Allah even though not openly. Sometimes using swearing as a sheild against getting caught
2. Sat in congregations of small number to whisper plans against Allah and his messengerSAW .
3. Asserted their position amongst the Muslimeen by asking the prophet SAW time to speak to him privately and other means.
It is in relation to those people that the Ayats which you have quoted were sent down.
My only reason to explain this to you is that you avoid the error of quoting the Ayat of Allah out of context. At no place in the Quran can I recall with my very limited knowledge of Allah's Kalaam have noncombatant Kufaar beeen persecuted or maligned other than Surah Tauba and that too with a very specific purpose. Even there certain leniencies were given to the non muslims.
Our own citizens are non combatant citizens and should not be disturbed but treated with compassion and at least with civility as per the Guidance of Our Hadi SAW and his Habeeb Izza Wa Jal until you can prove otherwise.
Once again please refrain fromQuoting the Quran without understanding the context in which Ayats of Allah izza WaJal are revealed. This can lead to grave errors.
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