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Indian Army Bunkers & Tunnels are Toast on LOC

Completely echo your sentiments.

Hindutva (not Hinduism) is the enemy of us all, regardless of our creed.

We believe in that but they regard Islam as their ultimate enemy that they have to settle the score with with ..... In the future they will become a major threat to the Islamic world, If We don't wake up from our slumber and confont and contain or destroy them before they do that to us.
How Indian post after post destroyed and burning from inside out, but no casualties and no one dies???

Cow Gobar protection has become officially compulsory for Indian soldiers?
That's cute but we never had a fence seen form space with Afghanistan. Get that through your fascist skull.
Last time you guys stated fencing too.dont worry in due time it too will be big enough to see from space if you make progress and start sending your own satellites into space
Yes, they are, they are my fellow citizens and proud Pakistanis.
Let us pray that may God lift you with your Hindu friends on the judgement day and may you be with your Hindu friends in the life to come. Aameen
Let us pray that may God lift you with your Hindu friends on the judgement day and may you be with your Hindu friends in the life to come. Aameen

Why don't you migrate to Saudi without a Visa, my Hindu Pakistani brothers live in Pakistan, I'll just take a flight to Sindh.
Why don't you migrate to Saudi without a Visa, my Hindu Pakistani brothers live in Pakistan, I'll just take a flight to Sindh.

Because, it's my land and land of some of my forefathers who defeated your Hindu friends. I dont find any reason for migration. Nonetheless, all of the land belongs to the Almighty.

You missed the point altogether. This is about Indian armed forces who were targeting civilians and therefore weretaken out. This is not about some religious war. Dont give it a colour that it is not.

Sir, I have a great respect for you. But, the guy has cleared his stance in unambiguous terms. So, we should believe him that he considers Hindus as his friends. Whether these Hindus live in Pakistan or India does not bother me. They are same and belong to the same religion. They can be Pakistanis and can be loyal Pakistanis, but they can not be my friends. I would also like to clarify that I strongly believe that their rights should be protected, they should be given freedom to exercise their religious practices and they should be given equal opportunities to prosper in the society. However, they can not be my friends and this thing is more clear to me than the mid day sun.

For me, it was always a religious war and will remain a religious war.

Is that a problem? Are you suggesting hindus are all bad folks? If that is your argument then you are hopeless. I have a lot of hindu friends and a lot of them are nice folks.

Yes, its a problem for me. I am not suggesting that Hindus are all bad, I just believe that they can not be my friends.
even amrica doesn't.. they are stuck in syria and Afghanistan... Iran or Pakistan is a completely different ball game..

We have groups who will fight guerilla war if some populated area fell under enemy, but since introduction of Nukes in Subcontinent this is less likely to happen.
A bit old but this is what our boys do on the LOC.:pakistan:
Well humored chaps too.
Last time you guys stated fencing too.dont worry in due time it too will be big enough to see from space if you make progress and start sending your own satellites into space
Running around like a headless chicken isnt going to distract me from the bullsh$t you posted. What the actual f$ck are you even doing on Pakistan Defense forum, oh yes I forgot you disgusting fascist have no shame.

So, Hindus are your friends?
Those that live in Pakistan have green flowing through their veins it doesnt matter what they believe in or who they are. They are our brothers in arms and 10X better then those muslims that joined the kaffirs against the Islamic state of Pakistan.

Rafi, isn't the truth evident? Hindus of India are oppressing Muslims in India and in Pakistan for their religion. India is inviting Hindus of Pakistan to migrate to India but Muslims of the same country are targets of their guns and bullets.

I respect all religions - I don't mean to disrespect a faith.
Hindus of Pakistan slapped their ugly arse faces by raising voices for the oppressed in india.

Could it be damage control from Pakistani hindus? there was once a time that these same Pakistani hindus would bad mouth Pakistan and were begging india to accept them and give them place as indian citizens in "bharat mata kay charrnoanay" but now that india is falling falling apart with a crashing economy, ALL OF A SUDDEN, the Pakistani hindus are "suddenly" patriotic...not rocket science dude.
Those that ran, ran from all religions and races. Most of our Hindus stayed behind and faced the evil that was created by the enemy. They fought with us, shoulder to shoulder. In Swat, FATA and on the borders. They lost their lives protecting millions of muslims. Shame on you for even thinking this sh$t. You just washed away the sacrifices those people gave so that you can wake up in the morning and have fu&king tea.

Shame on all of you that think like him. You lot don't deserve Pakistan and Pakistan doesnt need ungrateful sh$ts like you.

Let us pray that may God lift you with your Hindu friends on the judgement day and may you be with your Hindu friends in the life to come. Aameen
What makes you think your going to heaven? You just tossed aside the sacrifices of those that saved ungrateful sh$ts like you. Surely you dont expect allah to award those that bash their saviors. Disgusting
but they can not be my friends.
@Pakhtoon yum @Rafi
I will try to find lecture about it. The 'friends' as mentioned by hadith means friends/well wisher/ a guide of sirat-e-mustaqeem etc etc.... So if you don't have alcohol beverages at your pizza shop (in UK), a true muslim will appreciate it despite your financial loss. But a non-muslim friend with concern tell you to have alcohol to increase the sale. So overall your muslim friend is your 'friend' here bcz he is thinking about qiyamah. Same rules go for Chinese, or US people etc... remember Holy Prohet (SW) did trade with jews and other non muslim and pacts of mutual defence. Yes, we cannot integrate with them but having a healthy relation of respect and understanding is not an issue. You can hang out, play and live with non-muslim people.
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