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Indian Army Bunkers & Tunnels are Toast on LOC

I don't nukes will be used.

MIGHT bcz what ahadith describe sounds alot like a nuclear wasteland when the dajjal(Meschiach ben David) comes and rules the world. I mean it does makes sense bcz the world will not grow any food and there'll be no rain i.e water. So it is quite possible.

Other than the possibility of ahadith I dont think nukes will be used other than tac nukes
Don’t you think, before that happens, subcontinent will already be a radiation ground ?
A very far fetched scenario, in my view. Neither India is Germany; nor we are Czechoslovakia.

Yes but try to look past the bravado and there could potentially be a scenario where something like this happens. What will we do?? What's the plan then??
Yes but try to look past the bravado and there could potentially be a scenario where something like this happens. What will we do?? What's the plan then??
Don't worry Pakistan is here to stay... when existence is in danger all bets are off... Nuclear Bluff will become the Reality.. Have faith in our Armed Forces..
Yes but try to look past the bravado and there could potentially be a scenario where something like this happens. What will we do?? What's the plan then??

It is not a matter of bravado, at least, as far as I am concerned. Before that happens; whole of the subcontinent would be in fire, and India knows it. India doesn't possess the capability to achieve, what you are suggesting.
It is not a matter of bravado, at least, as far as I am concerned. Before that happens; whole of the subcontinent would be in fire, and India knows it. India doesn't possess the capability to achieve, what you are suggesting.
even amrica doesn't.. they are stuck in syria and Afghanistan... Iran or Pakistan is a completely different ball game..
Yes but try to look past the bravado and there could potentially be a scenario where something like this happens. What will we do?? What's the plan then??
Just give me a genuine answer based on true facts.

What is the serviceability rate of IAF, i am talking about the latest info !!!

You will be surprised to hear it.

IAF is at its worst in history and the only reason India keeps itself from coming forward. Furthermore, those that are functional and in service, lack the required technologies as compared to our advanced counterparts.
They lack “Jazba-Junoon” pilots.

They can try all they want but we will inshaAllah come out on the top like the last time.
For 72 years... and still standing!

Some 'Pak' posters have a tendency to paint GanguTerroristArmy as some kinda supera natural entity... oh, and then ... the BraMouse... always trying to sap away OurNationalMorale at least here on PDF....

Tricolour flying over Islamabad... and all the way ... Paks throwing flowers on GanguTerroristArmy... and then GanguFacistModi making a speech about AkhandBaharat there... some 'Pak' posters would love that, I guess!

Yes, these 'Pak' posters are true gems... @PakSword

@SIPRA sirjee... GanguTerroristArmy will attack us... it is a given... for simple reason... because window of opportunity is closing fast for them... when our economy begins its upward trajectory... we will be in different waters... attacking requires opportune timings...

PakKashmiris have vanished from the world...and we don't know what is happening in IoJK... as all the attention is on this new Gangu fitna ...

Gangunomics are starting to go belly up...as well... so chances of a desparate attempt cann't be removed from equation.... a samblange of victory would do wonders in RSSLand...

CeaseFireLine is not the only one point of action... GanguTerroristArmy has to push on IB as well to attempt to create pressure points.... nasty business really... as War is Darkest of Human aspects...

The chances of PakFlag flying in GanguDaesh are higher than tricolour flying over Islamabad... I guess some 'Pak' posters go a bit too much in their hate about PakArmedForces... and it shows from such posts!

Without PakArmedForces we would be what exactly?

@Windjammer @Signalian @The Eagle

If a thoroughly third grade and third rate country like India can capture, even a part of Pakistan; then we didn't deserve this freedom and sovereignty, to begin with. Inshaallah, we will teach these Gangus a lesson, which they would remember, for quite sometime.
the way things are going soon indians gona change their flag, the green will be gone..

@Stealth my man, can you make a new indian flag with the green gone.. title is the future Hinduvta India..
No need for white as well.


This time we need to make Glass out of GanguBones... No prisoners... Phen di sister... ganguz coming an inch into OurLand...

I just wanted you, dear, dear frined, to be aware of 'Pak' posters...

We have a million flaws as soceity
...and am sure our forces might have a million and one...but they OurArmedForces and we stand with them all the way...

How many more Shaheedz do they need to produce that these KhooniLiberal Biatchz just shut da fork up... I wish to throw these KhooniLiberals over the border so they can enjoy the Glow of Freedom in GanguDaesh...

Ungrateful, lot... parasites!!!

Fight will not stop ever if Gangus cross international border or even LoC till the last Pakistani is alive...

There's no way I can see a Gangu around me in Pakistan.. I will through whatever is in my hand at him... and kill the bastard..
No need for white as well.

Fight will not stop ever if Gangus cross international border or even LoC till the last Pakistani is alive...

There's no way I can see a Gangu around me in Pakistan.. I will through whatever is in my hand at him... and kill the bastard..
They cannot come in and here you are saying “Last Pakistani alive” ?

Buddy, we are no Bangladesh or nepal ke launday or even myanmar. We are Pakistan, a country that is looked up to by many nations such as KSA and respected capability wise. We are a hurdle that Even the likes of Russia and USA couldn’t solve.

It is better to die a natural death than to die at hands of an war-mongering ugly pest from cross border.

If i was a jawan, i would instead wish to be a ghazi than be a shaheed at the hands of these pitiful....
And how did u come to that definite conclusion indian army doesn't supplying good food to soldiers in front lines?
There has never been any such complain by soldiers, not one i've seen in the media. I know this particular thing has taken hold here in PDF after a BSF personnel complained food quality , but BSF has separate support system from the Army.
How many soldiers have committed suicides, just give me figures for 2019 plz?
Buddy, modern warfare is less about land and more about air and all things concerned with remote ops.

They are the game changers. Work of land forces is to just repel the attacks, advance and do their ground ops parts.

Its mostly about air, air defence, strategic forces, artillery !!!!

We are no short in men but i would definitely love to see scouts going there to assist our men in things that can help them to focus simple on the border

If that was the case US would have won in Afghanistan and Iraq. They have complete air superiority.

Boots on ground are required to show who is in charge.
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