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Indian Army Bunkers & Tunnels are Toast on LOC

Look all I'm sayin is that we(our prophet alaihi salam and the muslims with him) won with very little resources in Badr. We were stronger at Uhud but muslims became over confident and some disobeyed direct command of rasool s.a.w so we lost. Resources matter but it is all in Allah's hands. Many small armies have conquered big ones and many big ones have conquered small.

So all I'm saying is we shouldn't be as narrow sighted as to ignore every possibilty.

Manhoos Tricolour flying over Islamabad is not a possibility I like myself. But given the fact how mad the enemy is and how they have systematically weakend the very core of our peolple for 10-15 years through every means necessary. We should consider every possibility and have a plan to counter it.
For 72 years... and still standing!

Some 'Pak' posters have a tendency to paint GanguTerroristArmy as some kinda supera natural entity... oh, and then ... the BraMouse... always trying to sap away OurNationalMorale at least here on PDF....

Tricolour flying over Islamabad... and all the way ... Paks throwing flowers on GanguTerroristArmy... and then GanguFacistModi making a speech about AkhandBaharat there... some 'Pak' posters would love that, I guess!

Yes, these 'Pak' posters are true gems... @PakSword

@SIPRA sirjee... GanguTerroristArmy will attack us... it is a given... for simple reason... because window of opportunity is closing fast for them... when our economy begins its upward trajectory... we will be in different waters... attacking requires opportune timings...

PakKashmiris have vanished from the world...and we don't know what is happening in IoJK... as all the attention is on this new Gangu fitna ...

Gangunomics are starting to go belly up...as well... so chances of a desparate attempt cann't be removed from equation.... a samblange of victory would do wonders in RSSLand...

CeaseFireLine is not the only one point of action... GanguTerroristArmy has to push on IB as well to attempt to create pressure points.... nasty business really... as War is Darkest of Human aspects...

The chances of PakFlag flying in GanguDaesh are higher than tricolour flying over Islamabad... I guess some 'Pak' posters go a bit too much in their hate about PakArmedForces... and it shows from such posts!

Without PakArmedForces we would be what exactly?

@Windjammer @Signalian @The Eagle

Just give me a genuine answer based on true facts.

What is the serviceability rate of IAF, i am talking about the latest info !!!

You will be surprised to hear it.

IAF is at its worst in history and the only reason India keeps itself from coming forward. Furthermore, those that are functional and in service, lack the required technologies as compared to our advanced counterparts.
They lack “Jazba-Junoon” pilots.

They can try all they want but we will inshaAllah come out on the top like the last time.
That’s a different case.
There is a difference between PROXY(US AFG) and a FULL-SCALE WAR (Pak ind)

I also said Iraq. US Iraq was a full fledged war. The US even won the war. But then they lost it. They did not have sufficient boots on the ground.
Their intention was not to win the "war" their intention was to take out Saddam and neutralize Iraq as a credible threat to Israel and themselves. And prevent it from ever rising again.
I also said Iraq. US Iraq was a full fledged war. The US even won the war. But then they lost it. They did not have sufficient boots on the ground.

Essentially what they used to do themselves in Iraq war. They now have fallen back on CIA's age old methods of procies in Middle East. Libya and Syria are examples.
I also said Iraq. US Iraq was a full fledged war. The US even won the war. But then they lost it. They did not have sufficient boots on the ground.
Look, their is this thing any common “non-strategic” background can think of,
1 - Make room for advance
2 - Clear the hurdles
3 - Advance and hold
4 - Stay and fight

While the cycle continues with No.1 again.

1 and 2 require The most from Air and surveillance, strategic assets and air defences.

Once the enemy is shaky, land forces advance and finish the rest of the job.

We have alhamdullilah handsome number of men, but where we need to focus even more to become a PERFECT force should be to improve the strategies and resources for 1 and 2.
For too many decades, too much focus was put solely on WW2 brute force doctrine. Until recently when finally some non property dealer generals became leaders and realized how modern warfare works.

Pak AirForce and Navy need some serious attention
Look, their is this thing any common “non-strategic” background can think of,
1 - Make room for advance
2 - Clear the hurdles
3 - Advance and hold
4 - Stay and fight

While the cycle continues with No.1 again.

1 and 2 require The most from Air and surveillance, strategic assets and air defences.

Once the enemy is shaky, land forces advance and finish the rest of the job.

We have alhamdullilah handsome number of men, but where we need to focus even more to become a PERFECT force should be to improve the strategies and resources for 1 and 2.
Look all I'm sayin is that we(our prophet alaihi salam and the muslims with him) won with very little resources in Badr. We were stronger at Uhud but muslims became over confident and some disobeyed direct command of rasool s.a.w so we lost. Resources matter but it is all in Allah's hands. Many small armies have conquered big ones and many big ones have conquered small.

So all I'm saying is we shouldn't be as narrow sighted as to ignore every possibilty.

Manhoos Tricolour flying over Islamabad is not a possibility I like myself. But given the fact how mad the enemy is and how they have systematically weakend the very core of our peolple for 10-15 years through every means necessary. We should consider every possibility and have a plan to counter it.
What you were suggesting was not something i would label bad or traitorous.

NOPE, that’s actually a GOOD quality and a quality that planners are required to HAVE.

When planning extensively, you have to keep the WORST and the BEST cases possible on table, keep all the permutations and combinations of scenarios and how they would affect further.

Watch money heist to understand what i am saying.

For too many decades, too much focus was put solely on WW2 brute force doctrine. Until recently when finally some non property dealer generals became leaders and realized how modern warfare works.

Pak AirForce and Navy need some serious attention
They are advancing at super speed Alhamdullilah and 27 Feb was a proof and many other occasions where our navy got lucky over IN subs.

India isnt heading that way, they are actually in a stupid pit with no way out, not moving forward with theirselves neither back.

But we are small, well organized and commanded force with good resources !!!
I understand what you're saying. It is something I practice in my daily life as well.
What you were suggesting was not something i would label bad or traitorous.

NOPE, that’s actually a GOOD quality and a quality that planners are required to HAVE.

When planning extensively, you have to keep the WORST and the BEST cases possible on table, keep all the permutations and combinations of scenarios and how they would affect further.

Watch money heist to understand what i am saying.

They are advancing at super speed Alhamdullilah and 27 Feb was a proof and many other occasions where our navy got lucky over IN subs.

India isnt heading that way, they are actually in a stupid pit with no way out, not moving forward with theirselves neither back.

But we are small, well organized and commanded force with good resources !!!
I understand what you're saying. It is something I practice in my daily life as well.
Especially if you are a businessman that is because many investments or partnerships require prior extensive study with intel and accredition certificates and legal proofs of existence !!
Absolutely we are lean and well oiled. Their tri services are bulky and lack good professional soldiers/commanders with leadership capabilities. Caste divisions. Above all no jazba imani. Give a man something to die for and he will go to all ends. It's a psychological thing.

But we need a decisive technological edge. Bcz so far our planners have maintained an LOC like situation where we are strong in some areas and they are stronger in others.
What you were suggesting was not something i would label bad or traitorous.

NOPE, that’s actually a GOOD quality and a quality that planners are required to HAVE.

When planning extensively, you have to keep the WORST and the BEST cases possible on table, keep all the permutations and combinations of scenarios and how they would affect further.

Watch money heist to understand what i am saying.

They are advancing at super speed Alhamdullilah and 27 Feb was a proof and many other occasions where our navy got lucky over IN subs.

India isnt heading that way, they are actually in a stupid pit with no way out, not moving forward with theirselves neither back.

But we are small, well organized and commanded force with good resources !!!
you might be right, but no harm in doing the right thing....at least you will give PDF Moderators a chance, if you do not report, they can not take any action.

I am a troll. I don't do the right thing. In case you want to do the right thing, you are free to go ahead.
Absolutely we are lean and well oiled. Their tri services are bulky and lack good professional soldiers/commanders with leadership capabilities. Caste divisions. Above all no jazba imani. Give a man something to die for and he will go to all ends. It's a psychological thing.

But we need a decisive technological edge. Bcz so far our planners have maintained an LOC like situation where we are strong in some areas and they are stronger in others.
Buddy, we cannot blame our Military for that, we have seen worst economic conditions, we lack basic infrastructure, High tier weaponry is not cheap for a country like us. But we will inshaAllah, but the best thing is that, most of these high tech weapons we are getting and will be getting are with ToT and knowledge for us to start our own industry !!!

I understand what you're saying. It is something I practice in my daily life as well.
And as for your concern of tri colors over islu, this could have been a bit probable case had we not gained the Nuke Triad but we are a triad now. India will think 1000 times before even trying to cross IB in massive offense and if they do then they simply lack brains !!!
Turkey. And other not well known countries. If we can be the first pioneers to adopt and be the first export customer of the land cruiser. Then I'm sure we can go out and look for hidden gems in weapon industries around the world.
Buddy, we cannot blame our Military for that, we have seen worst economic conditions, we lack basic infrastructure, High tier weaponry is not cheap for a country like us. But we will inshaAllah, but the best thing is that, most of these high tech weapons we are getting and will be getting are with ToT and knowledge for us to start our own industry !!!

And as for your concern of tri colors over islu, this could have been a bit probable case had we not gained the Nuke Triad but we are a triad now. India will think 1000 times before even trying to cross IB in massive offense and if they do then they simply lack brains !!!
Turkey. And other not well known countries. If we can be the first pioneers to adopt and be the first export customer of the land cruiser. Then I'm sure we can go out and look for hidden gems in weapon industries around the world.
When Technologically advancing countries like China and Turkey are on Pakistan’s side, take it as a sign that Your Lord Almighty is giving you the best chance to become one for yourself as well !!!
Buddy, we cannot blame our Military for that, we have seen worst economic conditions, we lack basic infrastructure, High tier weaponry is not cheap for a country like us. But we will inshaAllah, but the best thing is that, most of these high tech weapons we are getting and will be getting are with ToT and knowledge for us to start our own industry !!!

And as for your concern of tri colors over islu, this could have been a bit probable case had we not gained the Nuke Triad but we are a triad now. India will think 1000 times before even trying to cross IB in massive offense and if they do then they simply lack brains !!!

Alot of people used to say about Modi and Trump that this is all just shenanigans to get elected. But these are ideologically driven extreme right wing muslim hating people. And they are popping up all around the globe. So anything is possible when such extremists are in power.
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