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Indian and Chinese Airforces Confront Each Other In Ladakh

Who needs America's help when fighting against some communist slaves? Btw way could Americans save you from you humiliating defeat in all wars? And America will kick China's *** anytime as Americans are free people living in a democratic country not like Chinese who are but slaves of the ccp.
And how many of those so called free Democratic Americans will risk their lives for saving RSS goons ??? India can't deal with 5000 Chinese sitting in INDIAN TERRITORY this is not reddit where fellow indians will clap for your empty threats
Who needs America's help when fighting against some communist slaves? Btw way could Americans save you from you humiliating defeat in all wars? And America will kick China's *** anytime as Americans are free people living in a democratic country not like Chinese who are but slaves of the ccp.
Omg.... you guys are really delusional. :disagree::disagree::disagree:
1999? I don't think we wanted to capture whole Kashmir at that time
We had capture important strategic points that were choking Indian supply lines which were being airlifted. How long do you think India would had been able to continue if not for their asset Nawaz running to clinton on a commercial flight and coming back to order to withdraw. Everytime i think of that time my blood boils and only wished if Musharraf wouldnt be such a wuss to let him go and instead got him hanged.
You guys should really check your Aukat in front of the Chinese. You're not much when compared to the Chinese Power and the vast advancements they've made in many fields. But Alas, continue to underestimate and undermine them like the way you are, it'll only make things easier for them. India is nowhere near as strong as the China, and definitely nowhere near smart enough, either.

The Americans feel threatened by the chinese for a reason.

bro ... lots of Indians immigrating to Canada .... iam assuming after mass killing of Indians ... India's new name after china's occupation should be Chindia :lol:
Americans want to prevent China from rising
Russians need money
India can buy the F-35 first and then order SU-57 and get TOT. As such, India will become the first country in the world to be equipped with two fifth-generation fighter aircraft.
F 35 is out of reach due to s400 and india is in no shape to buy new expensive fighters they cancelled MMRCA for a reason because it was simply too expensive su 57 is the only option left
This time your f16 will fall outside the area you control and ispr won't be able to do much.

Oh wow still having wet dreams while sleeping under Rafael blanket...

you should tow banners behind Su30 begging isn’t to let your incompetent pilots and airforce lock on F16 for selfie purposes ...
please india will do Chaka dance in exchange ..

by the way where is General Akshay Kumar now a days ??? May be general sunny deol needs to take charge of this situation...

Someones burning today. May i suggest some Annusol- HC 2.5% RECTAL CREAM. Apply lightly to the area burnt. Perhaps the one made in China would be a better option. :azn:

Indians should take bath with it...
psst India, wanna make china mad?? hit em where it hurt most.
send this to the south china sea.
whats stoping them ? lack of capabilities?

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