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Indian and Chinese Airforces Confront Each Other In Ladakh

If they go down they will not go down alone. :pakistan::china: We are with them . And if they win yet we are with them.

So many reasons to support our brothers. But espeically because india is an enemy mutual.

India cannot even match pakistan. China is 12x steonger than pakistan in military might.
We won't go down. We won't allow our brothers to go down either. :pakistan::china::cheers:
Oh that's so sweet. Time to put your money where your mouth is. You too come with China then let's settle it on the battlefield.
I am 25 km from line of control near muzaffarbaad azad kashmir come here to azad kashmir we have something special for you from Allah.

If u cant come urself send your sons, or brothers or fathers we await them u will find me in the front row. On battleifled. Row upon row we stand.:butcher: with my Pakistani and chinese brothers. Come we await . I swear we have something amazing for u.

I feel this time u might come for sure u will come this time.
The contested area is strategically located, nestled between Tibet's Chumbi Valley on the west and Sikkim, India, in the south. Through the pass into India one enters the Siliguri Corridor, otherwise known as Chicken's Neck, a narrow stretch of land which provides the only land access between India's Bengal state and its eight northeastern states where 45 million Indians live. Chicken's Neck gives India reason to worry.

China, of course, is a planning pro. Road building – and major engineering projects – are a key part of its strategic goal to reach far-flung border areas.
· U.S. Congressman Scott Perry introduced a bill in the US Congress last week which directly challenges Chinese claims . Finally US come out in front to save india but question still UK, Middle east, south asia EU is facing growing competition with glob powers like China,
And US. Russia and china definently veto this bill and EU already reconized power of center is china.
IN is already in SCS, so call on your iron biradar to do something about that.
they already captured ur territory and started air space violation.
and as expected indian military chickened out again . :) . grow some balls and fire a bullet you coward hanuman senik .
even Georgia gave a fight to russia but filth lives next to us is so coward that instead of engaging the enemy they are trying their best to deny the fact that China captured their land :lol::lol:.
bharat mata k sapoton k pass bharat mata ki izzat bachaney ka ek hi rasta ha or wo ye k harr baat sey mukher jao . :rofl::rofl::sarcastic::sarcastic:.
I am 25 km from line of control near muzaffarbaad azad kashmir come here to azad kashmir we have something special for you from Allah.

If u cant come urself send your sons, or brothers or fathers we await them u will find me in the front row. On battleifled. Row upon row we stand.:butcher: with my Pakistani and chinese brothers. Come we await . I swear we have something amazing for u.

I feel this time u might come for sure u will come this time.

You will soon have your wish fulfilled pakistani. Like always it has been.
You will soon have your wish fulfilled pakistani. Like always it has been.

We await patiently since long. Come please do hurry. No one wants this conflict ended more than me. I live on kashmiri land and i see my brothers and sisters killed on LOC by indians.

It's time we end this. Either u guys win or we do. Lets end it.

We wait patiently. Perhaps u will come this time. Or send ur loved ones who can fight in the best way possible.
We await patiently since long. Come please do hurry. No one wants this conflict ended more than me. I live on kashmiri land and i see my brothers and sisters killed on LOC by indians.

It's time we end this. Either u guys win or we do. Lets end it.

We wait patiently. Perhaps u will come this time. Or send ur loved ones who can fight in the best way possible.

An Indian captain on a Pakistani forum with the quality of his posts one can deduce - he aint no pilot. Keyboard warrior at best. Judging by his "big talk" on his posts you would think he had his finger on an Indian nuke. In reality he is probably sitting on a railway platform selling burnt pakoras with chilli sauce.
The tensions between India and China reached new levels for the first time as the their airforces nearly engaged each other in the disputed region of Ladakh. According to Indian sources a formation of Chinese J11s from nearby Ngari Gunsa AB was seen Vectored towards the Pangong Tso lake and were flying on the Indian side of the LAC. They remained there for a while UNCHALLENGED until a unit of Indian Mirage 2000s was scrambled , the Chinese ship had returned by then. This is a serious escalation between the two sides.
One thing should be noted the Indians did not send their mighty Sukhois ,as they have lost the confidence in them since Operation Swift retort!(Mirage 2000s below)
Do you have any Official source of this news
What if they send their Daughters, Sisters or Mothers?

No one in the right mind would do that. Women deserve respect . I don't think they will disrespect them that way :P they are supposed to be their protectors.

Ot would be a strange thing to do :p:. We can't kill women in war. They have protection from Allah.
We never insisted on anything rather it was your own media that was making out stories. All our assets were deployed while IAF was busy shooting down its own. Lol
Ahem here -

"Indian media was saying that they shot down a Pakistani F-16. Firstly, Pakistan did not use F-16s in the entire action and there is no news that a Pakistan plane was downed," the DG ISPR confirmed during a press conference few hours after Pakistan Air Force (PAF) shot down two Indian fighter jets.

That was also a narrative among the various narratives.

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