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Indian and Chinese Airforces Confront Each Other In Ladakh

Or maybe be commie gooks get slaughtered like pigs
These Flankers from NGARI GUNSA AB violated India .
Good chinese are testing waters before something big comes. We stand with china as pakistaniz. :pakistan::china: no matter if chinese win or loose we are with china and we will be their strength in time of need. Not that china needs us for this easy goal.

加油兄弟们 ! 我们跟你们一起。 如果你们需要我们会帮助你们。 加油中国! 人民
IN is already in SCS, so call on your iron biradar to do something about that

You mean fled with their tails Between their legs.
lmao... 123 post and counting but 14 -ve rating. That shows your character. :laugh:
Good chinese are testing waters before something big comes. We stand with china as pakistaniz. :pakistan::china: no matter if chinese chinese win or loose we are with china and we will be their strength in time of need. Not that china needs us for this easy goal.

There's more chance of Pakistan beating america in a war than there is of india beating China. That is the reality.
Good chinese are testing waters before something big comes. We stand with china as pakistaniz. :pakistan::china: no matter if chinese chinese win or loose we are with china and we will be their strength in time of need. Not that china needs us for this easy goal.

Chinese are going down with or without you, that's for sure.

There's more chance of Pakistan beating america in a war than there is of india beating China. That is the reality.

Only China's glorious PLA don't believe that:D
Chinese are going down with or without you, that's for sure.

If they go down they will not go down alone. :pakistan::china: We are with them . And if they win yet we are with them.

So many reasons to support our brothers. But espeically because india is an enemy mutual.

India cannot even match pakistan. China is 12x stronger than pakistan in military might.
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If they go down they will not go down alone. We are with them . And if they win yet we are with them.

So many reasons to support our brothers. But espeically because india is an enemy mutual.
Oh that's so sweet. Time to put your money where your mouth is. You too come with China then let's settle it on the battlefield.

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