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Indian and Chinese Airforces Confront Each Other In Ladakh

Let the games begin.
Honestly i tell you you should not waste your time in waiting for any games to begin. Poor chinese could not attack taiwan, forget about india.
I hope China really gives it to these beggars.
But why will china fight pakistan ?
And I really hope Pakistan finally develops a spine and goes on Offensive and finally does something for the Kashmiris rather then issuing useless statements.
That i agree now that temperature are high, least pakistan could do is open front in kashmir and try to teach india a lesson for digesting kashmir by making it a union territory. Even the PM of Azad kashmir is always encouraging Imran khan to start a fight with india. But all Imran khan does is tweets.
Off course not. Its not just limited to destroyers. A training ships flying an Indian, US,French, UK flag will be enough to force globaltimes to write another angry editorials lol.
While the Chinese sit in ladakh and force modi and NDTV to cry and wet their pants because the indian army and airforce lacks the balls to do anything
Do you think they will show the Chinese J11s transgressing in their territory Unchallenged. The whole India will feel Demoralised , and seek MODIs resignation!

But they are issuing the information, which too could be demoralising. If this is indeed not propaganda then they should back it up with evidence. Their own Mirages flying around does little. If you look at the opensource data you will realise that most of the major PLAAF deployments are in the Eastern parts of China, covering the South China Sea and Pacific. Deployments near Indian border are menial. Only the Indian sources are huffing and puffing that there are major deployments in Tibetan Plateau. Indians have a good satellite system. At least back up your claims with that. I am not saying that they are lying, but show some evidence.
Well that's the whole point I'm trying to convey isn't it? China sit in ladakh. India sit in taiwan strait. Nothing serious gonna happen believe me.
China has india by the balls don't worry modi is smart enough to not anger the dragon which is already sitting in Indian territory while indian army begging them to please leave
But they are issuing the information, which too could be demoralising.
Its only shared by the few who follow the account, so no mass demoralisation syndrome yet. A few weeks ago the Chinese Helicopters were hovering over their territory and it did make it to the main media after sometime. Lets wait a few days maybe it will come on the mainstream.! Ajay Shukla first broke the news of Chinese transgression, it took a week for the Indians to digest the news in their systems.
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Wow that's quite a way to illustrate things. Considered china has india in their back and US in their front. A dp is very possible scenario ya know.
You think America will come to your aid :rofl: just like they were sending a carrier group to help Pakistan in 71?? All you can expect from America is weapons which come with strings attached . Currently America is in no shape to fight a War with China even if India helps their economy is crumbling the virus is not stopping and there is riots in America how will they help you when their own house is on fire
India has already approached the USA requesting assisting in bringing this hostility to a face saving end. Shows the desperation because the USA are no more the powerhouse with a leveraging arm to assist with any international mediation. Its like attempting to drink soup with a fork - aint gonna happen.

An excellent time for Pakistan to take advantage with Indian heads turned. One would hope an adequate response to give Modhi and his crew a palpitation in the rear.
Modi is playing 7D Chess with the Chinese....
Spot on bro, Modis silence is killing the Indians.
Modi is playing 7D Chess with the Chinese....

He is giving the lands to the PLA...drawing it deeper and deeper into Ladakh ....waiting for harsh winter to set it...

Modi is repeating the Russian strategy... against the French and Germans....Cunning Strategy this!

And now IAF has come into action.... 24/7 ready for strike...chasing away the PLAAF fighters....

India is bent on proving that it is a SuperPower...

India will escalate to capture Tibet and XinJiang!

TwoPhruntWar with Integerated Battle Groups.... India has become too powerful!!!
Brilliant. They are deliberately drawing the PLA into India so that the mythical yeti protectors of the harsh North Indian tundra may butcher them. It's a cunning plan indeed.
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