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Indian aircraft to keep an eye on Straits of Malacca

For you, that is my only answer. I don't respond to trolls.
Yes, US left Philippines. and the biggest US bases are located in wealthier countries.

Faithfulguy. In my opinion, US left Phils because of huge capital loss due to the Mt.Pinatubo volcanic eruptions. If it had not been for that, they would have still stayed back in the Phils. Even now, they are looking at options to reopen bases in Phils and a potential possibility in Cam Ranh Bay (Vietnam)

Shall elaborate on this further :)
Negative. Some more incorrect assumptions in that post above:
1.Kalaikunda is the MOB for IAF's operations in the N. Bay of Bengal; Thanjavaur will be the MOB for IAF's operational requirements for A & N archipelago. As I have said very clearly; the IAF will rotate operational detachments to Car Nicobar. There will not be a squadron based there.

Again, that decision was taken only by 2011, the inital plan was to place a full squadron of MKIs at A&N!

2.The question of basing Il-38s in A & N never arose, because of two reasons; too few Il-38s and the lack of a need to deploy them when they became operational since PLAN was not crosiing the Malacca Straits at that point of time.

Which doesn't make sense, first of all because any aircraft based at A&N would mean less aircrafts needed at Arakkonam, so IN could have simply diverted some of the TU 142s to the western side, which they did on occasions anyway.
Secondly, in the last few years PLAN operated heavily in the area, which is the reason why the ASW capabilities will be boosted now, so if such MPAs would have been needed to be operated there, they would have diverted them and they would operational today.

4.Your assumption of about IFR for the Poseidons is also flawed. The IN has no refuellers of its own, also have you checked on the suitability of the P-8Is for 'Hose and Drogue' refuelling. I have explained the reasons why detachments/flights of the P-8I will operate from PBLR as a FOB earlier.

Is it? Why are they asking MoD for own tankers then, reportedly for the same A330 MRTT that IAF has selected, that could be configured with a boom, which then can refuel P8Is? :whistle: Besides that IAFs A330 MRTTs will be based in Panagarh, which will cover the bay of Bengal area too and do you really expend MoD to order them without the boom and the capability to refuel P8Is or C17s?

5.The Poseidons in IN operation are optimised for Low-Level Maritime Ops which is an integral part of IN's operational philosophy, which ia also explained by the fact that IN asked for modifications in the sensor fit for its P-8Is, from the standard package of the USN's P-8As.

Only the MAD, the radar is added for increased surface detection capability, which logically is better at high altitude too. The point however is, that unlike prop aircrafts, this aircraft is not designed for long low altitude operations, which is the reasons why the US are developing stand off kits for their torpedos and new sonar buoys that can be launched at high altitudes and longer ranges. So the P8I can be operated at low altitudes, but it's not efficient and designed for that, that's where the MRMR will be more useful, with better low altitude, low speed and loiter capability, similar to a HALE / MALE drone mix.

Don't be so prideful, it would be a win-win situation for both India and America if America can setup a drone base in Fort Blair

Where is the win for India?
The first stark reality is that you are the Indian version of Hongwu

Don't be so prideful, it would be a win-win situation for both India and America if America can setup a drone base in Fort Blair

Thank you but no thank you. We have enough assets which are serving us well and will serve us in future with greater ability. If US wants drone base they can search In Taiwan, Indonesia, Australia, Vietnam, etc etc.
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