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Indian Air Force, Army Debate "Cold Start" Against Pakistan


Oct 31, 2009
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United States
Here's a report from India Today on India army-air force debate over cold start:

The army and air force are battling it out over how to beat Pakistan in a flash war if and when that happens.

The Indian Air Force is not convinced about its role in the army's "cold start doctrine" for a future Indo-Pak war.

The strategy envisages the air force providing "close air support", which calls for aerial bombing of ground targets to augment the fire power of the advancing troops.

The growing tension between the two services is evident in a statement of air vice-marshal (retd) Kapil Kak, deputy director of the air force's own Centre for Air Power Studies.

"There is no question of the air force fitting itself into a doctrine propounded by the army. That is a concept dead at inception," Kak said.

A senior army officer disputes the notion of a conceptual difference between the two services. "The air force is supposed to launch an offensive under the doctrine by hitting targets deep inside enemy territory," he said. But he admitted the air force was hesitant about 'close air support'. 'Cold Start' is a post-nuclearised doctrine that envisages a "limited war" in which the army intends to inflict substantial damage on Pakistan's armed forces without letting it cross the threshold where it could think of pressing the nuclear button.

The doctrine intends to accomplish the task before the international community led by the US and China could intercede to end hostilities. Kak said, "The air force has the primary task of achieving 'air dominance' by which Pakistan's air force is put out of action allowing the army to act at will."

But he sees little necessity for the air force to divert frontline fighter aircraft for augmenting the army's fire power, a task that, in his opinion, can be achieved by the army's own attack helicopters and multiple rocket launchers that now have a 100-km range.

But he agrees the two services should work according to a joint plan. It means the air force would launch 'battlefield air strikes' to neutralise threats on the ground based on an existing plan. But that would be different from an army commander calling for air support on the basis of a developing war scenario.

That is not the only problem facing the doctrine. In the past few weeks, many have expressed doubts about the army's ability to launch operations on the basis of the new doctrine.

There are also apprehensions about the army's incomplete deployment of forces, lack of mobility and unattended infrastructure development.

But senior officers say the army has identified the units, which would constitute the eight division-strong independent battle groups out of its three strike corps. These battle groups would comprise mechanised infantry, artillery and armour.

"The forces have exercised as constituted battle groups at least six times since 2004. Each of the identified unit knows where they will be deployed," a senior General said.

According to him, the time for deployment has been cut down to "days". "No longer will the movement of troops require three months like it did when Operation Parakram was launched after the attack on Parliament in 2001," he said.

The army also debunks the idea that the troops lack mobility. Some armed forces observers have said only 35 per cent of the army is mobile inside the country.

They have, thus, concluded that even less numbers would be mobile inside the enemy territory.

The army officials, however, pooh pooh the criticism claiming 100 per cent of the Indian troops are mobile.

Haq's Musings: Demolishing Indian War Myths about Pakistan

Army and IAF face off over new war plan: India Today - Latest Breaking News from India, World, Business, Cricket, Sports, Bollywood.
what kind of joke is this? The second the indians fly into our air space, they'll be obliterated. I'm not worried about their migs at all. Kargil war showed that old anzas can handle them very well. Rbs70 and sending interceptors toward su30 would be inevitable. india has larger force but PAF would play a very effective defensive and offensive defence role. After PAF and armoured corps obliteration of indian columns at Sialkot/Chawinda, indians should think very carefully before even attempting such a venture. We take our defences very seriously, and the thought of indians especially would ensure the threat is dealt with, with alacrity and decisiveness
youll get it hard:sniper::sniper::sniper::sniper::argh:we are waitin:smokin:
would be a good chance to battle test our MBDA Spada 2000 air defence system :)

India has spent billions on acquiring state of the art weaponry, I think it will give the IA a chance to test out a few gadgets of its own don't you think?

Also, the airforce wasn't allowed to conduct any attacks in Pakistani territory in '99 so I don't think shooting a couple of stray Mig's proves anything. The real test will come when the Mig's bring all their friends to the party.

Also, AFAIK, India sent in a couple of Sukhoi's to test Pakistan's radar network shortly after 26/11.

I pray it never comes down to it, India has great prospects for the future, it would be a pity to ruin even a percent of that over Pakistan, however if we are left with no choice, then I hope we do what is necessary for the nation.
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lolz people, Is Pakistan already placed a plan to counter India??Is it because Pakistan is going to attack any time soon??Every military has their own plans to counter enemies..they are doing their job...It doesn't mean that after making the plans we are going to attack your country..its just a blue print for the armys to perform in the event of a war..military professionals will have an insight on this but here I see is :disagree:
Ok. Lets decide on our cold start doctrine and let the Pakistanis and the world know about it. Obviously our planners are Sardars.
i was demonstrating the effectiveness of the anza stingers. The ones used managed to secure 3, possibly 4 kills. After mumbai drama, indian aircrafts were painted (target locked) PAF was ready to shoot them down but decided that since the indians dropped everything and ran hastily back to indian air space, A2A engagement was not necessary. And by the way, they were migs not flankers. Get your facts right.
India has spent billions on acquiring state of the art weaponry, I think it will give the IA a chance to test out a few gadgets of its own don't you think?

Also, the airforce wasn't allowed to conduct any attacks in Pakistani territory in '99 so I don't think shooting a couple of stray Mig's proves anything. The real test will come when the Mig's bring all their friends to the party.

Also, AFAIK, India sent in a couple of Sukhoi's to test Pakistan's radar network shortly after 26/11.

I pray it never comes down to it, India has great prospects for the future, it would be a pity to ruin even a percent of that over Pakistan, however if we are left with no choice, then I hope we do what is necessary for the nation.

Well in case the migs were stray add rabbied also as they were attacking mujahedeen and NLI.And about migs frnds dude we il handle em strays like we did in 65 71 or even with anza stingers in 99 WE ILL TAKE A CHANCE AND SEND IN SOME STRAY HUNTING EXTERMINATORS :sniper:
FREE KASHMIR:pakistan:
NOTE= stray means homeless dogs and this word for indian migs was used by an indian fellow of OUR PDF
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lolz people, Is Pakistan already placed a plan to counter India??Is it because Pakistan is going to attack any time soon??Every military has their own plans to counter enemies..they are doing their job...It doesn't mean that after making the plans we are going to attack your country..its just a blue print for the armys to perform in the event of a war..military professionals will have an insight on this but here I see is :disagree:

Yes, you are right, Every military has their own plans to counter enemies.
But why they are discussing in open???????
I think both countries should discuss, so that everyone is in full picture, in case a real fighting comes up.
Very good.:cheers:
Indians can think and plan and then re-plan - bottom line, with so little distance, our nuke missiles will reach before they could secure PM and his uncles.

Why do Indians think that ISI don't have any spy working in India??

Pakistan will not sit and watch Indians initiating a cold start and I am sure Pakistan also have an anti-cold strategy :)

Flight time to Delhi is very short for a missile if launched from Lahore and vicinity.

Best solution, solve the Kashmir issue and save money!!
Yes, you are right, Every military has their own plans to counter enemies.
But why they are discussing in open???????
I think both countries should discuss, so that everyone is in full picture, in case a real fighting comes up.
Very good.:cheers:

Buddy they are not discussing it open .All those news are based up on the statement by one retired air force officer...its our media ..they are like dogs .sniffing around for any news or they will create a news..you have no idea how many news channels here..everybody need some thing for breaking news ..so they are making not so breaking news in to breaking news. .I will give you an example..there was a flash news on one channel that Sharukh Khan and Amitab Bachan has ended their rivalry :disagree:..like average citizens care about their rivalry...
Indians can think and plan and then re-plan - bottom line, with so little distance, our nuke missiles will reach before they could secure PM and his uncles.

Why do Indians think that ISI don't have any spy working in India??

Pakistan will not sit and watch Indians initiating a cold start and I am sure Pakistan also have an anti-cold strategy :)

Flight time to Delhi is very short for a missile if launched from Lahore and vicinity.

Best solution, solve the Kashmir issue and save money!!

Who told you that we think there is no ISI spy in India..yes I am sure that Pakistan has a strategy to counter it..its what every army is doing..but what made you think PM will be in Delhi when cold start strategy is activated?? :azn:
Even if the jets (Migs, Sukhois, turboprops, who cares?) were 'painted' the PAF would have thought a million times before shooting them down. You cannot afford to give India a reason to go to war, especially when the nation was crying for it after 26/11.

To put things in perspective, the IAF didn't think twice before shooting that Pakistani spy plane out of the sky, even as it turned towards Pakistan.

Bottom line is that bravado aside, one has to realistically assess ones capabilities. To be honest Pakistan talks a big game, but then when push comes to shove it says things like 'they aren't PA they're mujhahideen, we can't accept their bodies'.

Conventionally Pakistan is no match for India, and before someone says 'nukes', let me add :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Now we can't even discuss the cold start without everyone getting all defensive. pity.

PS: Drop the attitude, Pakistani.

Dude I understand that your name is spit-fighter but you don't have to spray the whole screen its getting nasty. :wave:
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