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Indian Air Force, Army Debate "Cold Start" Against Pakistan

Why Would india hand over Kashmir to pakistan.

India is easily the most powerful nation in the region. Econmically/military by a long long way

They don,t need to do anything. As i see it.

I think India needs to do something... And that is to get Pakistan Occupaied Kashmir vacated...:cheers:
i never see Pakistani Kashmiris rioting and waving indian flags......
I think India needs to do something... And that is to get Pakistan Occupaied Kashmir vacated...:cheers:

ill be happy if you arrange a referendum, as suggested by UN, and get ppl of *** vote in favour of india.
as u tend to believe ppl of IoK already support india, ull have the whole kashmir under your control in three days without firin a single bullet.
i never see Pakistani Kashmiris rioting and waving indian flags......

Every green flag is not Pakistani, also you are forgetting that Pakistan pays to Hurriyat in Kashmir, so even if they do not raise the flag how will they justify the payment. They are on payroll to do exactly that, raising flags.
india is acting really immature if not then retarded right now
releasing this kind of information is only dangerous to india's health
india is acting really immature if not then retarded right now
releasing this kind of information is only dangerous to india's health

So you think all the information is in public domain.
Every green flag is not Pakistani, also you are forgetting that Pakistan pays to Hurriyat in Kashmir, so even if they do not raise the flag how will they justify the payment. They are on payroll to do exactly that, raising flags.

could be....most of the ones i have seen in pictures and on media were Pakistani flags.

In fact, who can forget heart-warming incidents like these

BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Pakistani flag protest in Kashmir

Pakistani Flag Hoisted in Kashmir University

in indian gujrat also?


Pakistani flag found hoisted in Gujarat
Cold start and the concept is now a serious threat to pakistan.

India is spending $billions on strike capability examples include

The long range SU30MKI
100KM smerch MBRL
200Km Brahmos cruise missles

Transport plane like C17
mmrca like F18S/H or Rafael.
2 meduim sized carriers 40k tonnes each.

NONE OF THIS EQUIPMENT is defensive arsenal like radars or sams systems.

ITS ALL STRIKE HARDARE. IE offensive military orders only ..

Gives us the state of mind and military planning that india is thinking

You think you can win a war with 200km russian cruise missile and 100km MBRL?
FYI, Pakistan also have those without spending billions!
You may forget about MMRCA which needs couple of years before getting inducted in IAF.
It needs a stupid man to send transport planes to already nuked place! so either you will use your cruise missile tipped with american nukes or no planes what so ever.
You need extreme stupid captain to sail towards Pak waters with intent of offence because our missiles will shower upon much early than your medium sized carriers reach forbidden zone.:sniper:
we're reasonably well defended...

but never good to under-estimate enemy.....indian arms purchases show that they mean business; but for every action, there is reaction
could be....most of the ones i have seen in pictures and on media were Pakistani flags.

In fact, who can forget heart-warming incidents like these

BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Pakistani flag protest in Kashmir

Pakistani Flag Hoisted in Kashmir University

in indian gujrat also?

The area where more are their then people and Terrorist camps along side with PAK Army base, people in the area are fool to say anything and get killed, not even in entire pakistan you critize army and supposed to stay alive , see what happen with bhutto, who was killers? what happen to Sri lanka team attack who was attackers?

you BBC in Indian Kashmir , but you dont find BBC in PAK Kashmir, You find rail network in Kashmir but you find guns more in Pak kashmir side.

In india everyone has right to say , india dont punish someone to express his view unlike pakistan and china until he cross the line.
You think you can win a war with 200km russian cruise missile and 100km MBRL?
FYI, Pakistan also have those without spending billions!
You may forget about MMRCA which needs couple of years before getting inducted in IAF.
It needs a stupid man to send transport planes to already nuked place! so either you will use your cruise missile tipped with american nukes or no planes what so ever.
You need extreme stupid captain to sail towards Pak waters with intent of offence because our missiles will shower upon much early than your medium sized carriers reach forbidden zone.:sniper:

Isnt the same thing PAK has said 1 Muslim = 100 Hindus and you lost the war...... we have seen you potential every war you lost more.
You think you can win a war with 200km russian cruise missile and 100km MBRL?
FYI, Pakistan also have those without spending billions!
You may forget about MMRCA which needs couple of years before getting inducted in IAF.
It needs a stupid man to send transport planes to already nuked place! so either you will use your cruise missile tipped with american nukes or no planes what so ever.
You need extreme stupid captain to sail towards Pak waters with intent of offence because our missiles will shower upon much early than your medium sized carriers reach forbidden zone.:sniper:
So now you start comparing an elephant and aunt? really funny
In reply BATMAN

PLZ explain wat weapons Pakistan has that can stop SU30MKI 40k carriers and cruise missles..

Pak is a very pooely equipped military very small budget and 90% antiquated weapons
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