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Indian Air Force, Army Debate "Cold Start" Against Pakistan

I hope it does not happen but, if it happens people who are carving for war in this forum will realize what level of negative effect it can have on both sides. I am with GOI that war is not an option. However we cannot sit idle and do nothing because we think war is not happening, that in-fact will be recipe for war.
Wow i thought many Indian members argued tat India dosent have hostile ambitions towards Pakistan . I guess it was a wrong perception
To Fight a war against a nation with india,s resources (1.2 trillion gdp and $275 billion forex) and annual defense budget of over $35 billion a year

PAKISTAN needs more than a annual military budget of $6 billion or GDP of $160 billion.


Pakistan at this moment in time is falling behind india in every way military power. economic gap, political clout, international credibility.

The threat of 40 ODD nuke weapons won,t change this graph
i dont see they compette with our armed forces in each an every departnment
Let me put it like this,
India CAN win a war, but are they read to pay the price ;)

Emo' preparing for a war is continuous cat and mouse game.
If both parties have long time scores to settle then both must maintain minimum credible deterrence?
'Deterrence in not war fighting' wow what a great assertion by K.sundarji but is it true here in Sub continent?

Let me put it like this,
There is no need to think very womanly about cost if you know that you have enough resources at your disposal and an great advantage of all kinds to defeat your enemies. At the end of the day you will use that edge before it may deuced. The typical example is USA every now and then they are using their over whelming force to raise war to achieve their goals.

Furthermore if you are talking about cost due to nuclear war then i must tell you that if Pakistan can invade LOC at kargil in a view that PAK nukes will deter India to cross LOC and IB then the same India can covert cold start by its nuclear shield rather invading LOC but IB.
Interestingly War historians have recorded that kargil war is the first war caused by nuclear weapons.

Start thinking out of the box and do your homework before talking defence. It can be a help to study Pakistan than commenting on India by understanding why PAK is increasing its nuclear arsenal and spending heaps everyday to match India. The war will be inevitable if you will continue to rant and downplay chances of war that India can not bear the cost of war with Pakistan. Try to understand war this will bring peace.
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The best way to win the war without paying major price is to balkanize pakistan.
I agree but than that is not war in classic sense... in modern sense it is called terrorism or facilitating terrorism.

Remember if even Baluchistan is seperated then there remain very little of pakistan to deal with. Increased Indian activity in afghanistan could be an indicator of this new oppurtunity.
Inidian activity increased in afghanistan is limited to warlords of northern alliance and drug barrons.
It started to trouble Pakistan, only after US invasion.
The point here is that it is not only inida who is at war with Pakistan it is northern alliance, children of war (sucide bombers), US and Iran because of his fanatic rulers.
People here know that a conventional war with pakistan is a distant possibility considering the ground realities. Even Cold-start could serve only as a point scorer for a swift retaliation or low gain endevours.
Every day we hear war mongring from indian army cheif and foreign minister, why should we not believe the hon. personalities?
Why would you think that Pakistan would not retaliate?
What do you mean here by cold war? do you mean terrorism?
This geo-political strategy could be very much on the table and I think pakistanis need to realise this before its too late. Last heard was that Indian interest in baluchistan was reconsidered by GOI since 2001, after it was officially dropped off by in 1995.
Thanks to 9/11 conspiracy... and changing interests of US but where exactly you heard it?
Try to understand war this will bring peace.

you are right because half of the sub continent population will perish immeadietly and half will die later due to nuclear winter and radiation.so no ppl no war and there will be a long lasting peace
ill be happy if you arrange a referendum, as suggested by UN, and get ppl of *** vote in favour of india.
as u tend to believe ppl of IoK already support india, ull have the whole kashmir under your control in three days without firin a single bullet.

u should also have referendum on balochistan and paslunistan
and tell ur friend to have referendum on tibet then se what results come
u should also have referendum on balochistan and paslunistan
and tell ur friend to have referendum on tibet then se what results come

You dug up a 3 year old thread just to write 'paslunistan' ? Wait till a 'paslun' comes here and tells you how 'pasthoon or pakhtoon' is written !
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