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Indian Agni V veered off-course?

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ICBM will never fly in that way.. It needs to fly real high up to pass the atmosphere before doing the re entry.

Yup, this one look like 5$ rocket used in festivals.. i agree.
Review the videos closely. At about 30 seconds, the cameraman points the camera at a point in the sky, but the missile doesn't go to that point, instead the missile unexpectedly takes a turn toward the ground, and you can see the cameraman get confused "why is the missile going down instead of up."

And you can see the missile is no longer flying away from the camera from 45 seconds onwards. Instead it is moving perpendicular toward the ground.

This is 100% video proof of failure. :rofl: The "shiny incredible superpower" makes a clown out of itself again!

@sino i didnt know before u were a kid, whiling ur time away....
Do u know, the navigation of a missile?
Have u seen satellite launches, how perpendicular it moves up?
If ur stomach is burning, apply burnol :D
And ur mind diarroeha is at best superb, take rest kid :)

MOreover we dont control media and news like u guys do
ICBM will never fly in that way.. It needs to fly real high up to pass the atmosphere before doing the re entry.

Yes yes :D genious. What are you doing here. Go work for your missile tech
Once something reaches near horizon, it is impossible to say a flying object is going up or down, from naked eye or simple cmeras. So for people who belive it is coming down, be assured it has reached the horizon for your vision
But you can tell the missile is going perpendicular to the camera because you can see the missile body from a 90 degree sideway view at 1:08. There is no way that could possibly happen unless the missile was actually losing altitude at 1:08 into the flight!


@ Aramsogo

US is BOSS in ICBM technology. India is a beginner in comparison.

Still credit should be given where due. This is first test of Agni V (correct me if I am wrong) and definitely their would be room for improvements in the future.
indians are full of BS. In fact, layers of BS upon layers of BS. First off, they claimed it was a solid fuel motor, but in fact it's obviously a liquid fuel. It goes straight up just like a space rocket, it doesn't do spiral maneuveres like a modern solid fuel rocket.
ICBM will never fly in that way.. It needs to fly real high up to pass the atmosphere before doing the re entry.
If you launch a missile straight up, will not fall straight down on the launch site..
BTW.. have you watched any satellite launch? Almost all SLV's start to turn almost immediately after launch.
I didnt know we had missile scientists here...hoorraayyy!!:yahoo::china::china::china:

Loosers dont know we have a transparent system when we fail we dont hide it as has been seen in the past.Dont know why some people cant stop comparing a democracy like India to their Communist/Dictatorship systems!
Was it possible for China to track this rocket all the way through? If so, I am sure they (and others) were watching its every move.
Was it possible for China to track this rocket all the way through? If so, I am sure they (and others) were watching its every move.

can be the reason they postponed the test till today morning . too many satellites hovering overhead yesterday ;)
Just imagine if the missile test for Agine-V had actually failed. There would have been a troll fest for Chinese and Pakistanis in all the web forums..
Was it possible for China to track this rocket all the way through? If so, I am sure they (and others) were watching its every move.
Yes offcourse. But china I don't know. USA definately. You will see their report in media in few days
It will be hard for China govt to lie or tell truth :D
Sinochallenger forgot the fact that earth is spherical and its nothing but illusion . You see the position relative to camera and believe it so .

who is that idiot said A5 veered off its course.... Yesterday night i drove to balasore to watch the test.... I planned to capture video my bad, i failed..... But i watched it with my own eyes.... Proved your selves again fools.... Might troll's...
:angry:You must have taken the video :cry:
But you can tell the missile is going perpendicular to the camera because you can see the missile body from a 90 degree sideway view at 1:08. There is no way that could possibly happen unless the missile was actually losing altitude at 1:08 into the flight!
Do you know that the earth is round and curving downwards as we go farther from any position.And the icbm trajectory is adjusted to the downward curve of earth compared to our real life perception of ballistic trajectory of something thrown from a flat plane.And at such greater distance our normally 3d vision lacks the "depth".The effect is that we see them go downward much much before the re-entry stage.If you are unable to grasp such things,do understand that this launch was monitored by every major powers and if there were any anomalies,it would have been public by now.Moreover,this video is all over the world now-Can you see any experts raising any doubt?(Other than a world class idiot without an aota of knowledge in basic physics or atleast common sense)

in fact it's obviously a liquid fuel. It goes straight up just like a space rocket, it doesn't do spiral maneuveres like a modern solid fuel rocket.
EPIC...JUST EPIC :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Dude do you even realise the level of utter stupitidy of what you just said?
Ah, this reminds you of the GLSV fiasco too. With this "successful" ;) launch, Agni-5 is now in active service and DRDO is ready to move on to Agni-6 and Agni-7! :rofl:


sir believe me we will pay u better than ccp plz come and troll on behalf of india sir , u dont look gr8 trolling for ccp , plz come and troll for us u are indeed a rare specimen of human specie who exists in this forum sir.
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